Ex-Wife wants a "tour" before child can visit?

ambergirl-I totally understand the stance you are taking.

My husband is his daughters parent as much as her mother is. No I am not and never have insinuated that his ex is a beast. That's not or should I say wasn't the purpose of my post. I just thought that her approach was wrong.

The way we established our union is really not the issue. There is nothing wrong with people being cordial initially and getting to know each other while respecting the boundaries. All I want is for his ex-wife to respect them.

I am not a oager nor am I unapproachable. I am not looking for her approval nor do I need it.

I have a daughter too and I love her dearly. This same love will be shown to my husbands daughter because she is an innocent child and also a human being.
It's that simple.

I know all about marrying and the blending of families. I was once a child too:)
I am glad that you are an advocate from the daughters perspective. I am too.

I would have never married him if I for an instant saw she wasn't a priority to him.
Honestly where would that leave me?

After this all I can say is I see why others leave LHCF.

Just know all that post may not be as hard rock as some of you. Many of us are sensitive and only wish to have sisterhood. I have been through alot in my life.
It just saddens me how at times some can be cruel in the guise of niceness.

Many women search their entire lives or marry more than once to finally find some joy.

I have and I won't allow you to steal mine:)

OP, I'm sorry you thought I was being cruel. If you look back at my posts that was not and was never my intention.

This isn't about stealing your joy. This is about looking at this issues from all perspectives, not just yours, to better understand why people are behaving the way they are.

I'm not questioning your marriage, your love, your intentions or anything because I don't know you. I'm saying look through the eyes of a 12-13 year old girl who rarely sees her dad because of the distance and now has to come visit him with a brand new stepmom living there that she's never met. Or look through the eyes of the ex, who loves her child, and doesn't understand what could have gone down for two people to commit so quickly.

Again, not judging....just saying through their eyes this situation may look very different. And knowledge is power. If you're at least sensitive to the fact that they may see the situation differently, it will give you the ability to figure out how to deal with it better rather then be offended or angry.

And I'm not downing your husband. I'm saying he probably could have handled this better (and you said that as well).

As for LHCF, I've never understood why people take stuff on here personally. I don't know you or your people :lol: If you think I've gotten your situation entirely wrong, then disregard everything I've said. I've always thought the point of posting stuff anonymously on boards like this is to hear different opinions with the understanding that no one here has an interest one way or the other so you're likely to hear things your friends won't tell you.

Yeah some folks on her can be a little extra and a lot mean, but I don't think that's what happened in this thread. Shoot most people thought you were 100% correct and told you to go to the mat so I'm obviously in the minority so you should just ignore my arse if I'm upsetting you.

Rather then signing off of LHCF forever. Just take these comments for what they are....stranger's opinions...and let it go.

@ambergirl-I never stated I was signing off forever:lol:

I will still be here.

Like you stated "I don't know you or you people'":lachen:

However although we all maybe anonymous I never want one to interact with me and walk away feeling offended.

I love people too much for that. Spreading happiness is key.:yep:

~Peace and Blessings~

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@ambergirl-I never stated I was signing off forever:lol:

I will still be here.

Like you stated "I don't know you or you people'":lachen:

However although we all maybe anonymous I never want one to interact with me and walk away feeling offended.

I love people too much for that. Spreading happiness is key.:yep:

~Peace and Blessings~


Glad to hear that, because offending people is not my gig!

Hope everything works out well for you
it sounds like there is no child support order either.
i have been a stepmom before and i had a serious problem with the mother not wanting to meet more, or see my home. she didn't mind leaving her child with a stranger in my eyes. that bothered me to the core. i am now a mother of two children and when i was dropping my children off at the dad's/grandmother's home, i thought i could trust what was going on over there. well that was a bad decision on my part. so, with that being said, i don't see the problem with the mother wanting to tour your home.

your husband needs to get an child support order in place if he doesn't have one.

OP may I ask if you were ever able to meet the stepmom?

Yes we have met and his daughter just spent her second weekend in a row with us. She is due to spend the summer and we are very excited.

She is a beautiful girl with a nice spirit. She seems to be very comfortable with me. One night she and I were the only ones still up chit chatting.
I like her alot and look forward to building a special bond with her.

My husbands court date is in a few weeks and his ex-wife has mentioned there is no need but at this point it's for the best.

Thanks for asking:)
Yes we have met and his daughter just spent her second weekend in a row with us. She is due to spend the summer and we are very excited.

She is a beautiful girl with a nice spirit. She seems to be very comfortable with me. One night she and I were the only ones still up chit chatting.
I like her alot and look forward to building a special bond with her.

My husbands court date is in a few weeks and his ex-wife has mentioned there is no need but at this point it's for the best.

Thanks for asking:)
I'm glad things worked out for you :yep:
shortdub78-My husband pays ample child support enough where his ex-wife doesn't even work.

Her daughter just spent the past two weekends with us and had a ball.

We are happy that all the introductions are over and eager to establish legal visitation.

She will not be taking a tour.
shortdub78-My husband pays ample child support enough where his ex-wife doesn't even work.

Her daughter just spent the past two weekends with us and had a ball.

We are happy that all the introductions are over and eager to establish legal visitation.

She will not be taking a tour.

child support might go down, but then it might go up since yall got married
child support might go down, but then it might go up since yall got married

while regulations vary slightly from state to state, child support is typically based on the custodial parent and non-custodial parent's income, so being married has no effect on the amount of support due.... so if he's paying her so much that she doesn't have to work, and they're going to have a legal order, my bet is that it's going to go down unless he makes a whole heap of money....

i can only speak for va, but how it would go down here (if they were to file), both mom and dad's income would be combined to see what the household income would have been... mom's income would be imputed based off of her skill set unless she had a valid reason to not work.... then, based on their combined income, the monthly support obligation would be determined (there's a handy chart).... then that amount is broken down by the ratio of each person's income.... so if dad contributed 75% of the household income, he'd pay 75% of the monthly obligation.... the new wife wouldn't factor into it at all....
Op, i don't feel like going through this thread to find where you quoted me, but i didn't make the assumption that you husband wasn't paying child support. i assumed there was no child support order in place. i hope your husband goes to court and get things straight. but you all need to do what is best for the child. i would ask her to meet with you before she steps foot in your home. now if she doesn't want to do that, then you will clearly see where she is coming from.
while regulations vary slightly from state to state, child support is typically based on the custodial parent and non-custodial parent's income, so being married has no effect on the amount of support due.... so if he's paying her so much that she doesn't have to work, and they're going to have a legal order, my bet is that it's going to go down unless he makes a whole heap of money....

i can only speak for va, but how it would go down here (if they were to file), both mom and dad's income would be combined to see what the household income would have been... mom's income would be imputed based off of her skill set unless she had a valid reason to not work.... then, based on their combined income, the monthly support obligation would be determined (there's a handy chart).... then that amount is broken down by the ratio of each person's income.... so if dad contributed 75% of the household income, he'd pay 75% of the monthly obligation.... the new wife wouldn't factor into it at all....

it is different in IL. the wife's income will come into question. this is why a lot of folks don't file taxes together. when my friend's husband lost his job, she had to pay and provide medical insurance for his children.
while regulations vary slightly from state to state, child support is typically based on the custodial parent and non-custodial parent's income, so being married has no effect on the amount of support due.... so if he's paying her so much that she doesn't have to work, and they're going to have a legal order, my bet is that it's going to go down unless he makes a whole heap of money....

i can only speak for va, but how it would go down here (if they were to file), both mom and dad's income would be combined to see what the household income would have been... mom's income would be imputed based off of her skill set unless she had a valid reason to not work.... then, based on their combined income, the monthly support obligation would be determined (there's a handy chart).... then that amount is broken down by the ratio of each person's income.... so if dad contributed 75% of the household income, he'd pay 75% of the monthly obligation.... the new wife wouldn't factor into it at all....
when one of my friends got married, his baby momma went to court to get an increase. it is not just the income of the dad, its the income of the household and what is going in your account.
It's fine either way.

We are just happy that he is legally getting his rights established.

i was just saying/thinking that sometimes women mess themselves over trying to get over and be vindictive. i know a chick who was getting money whenever the dad could bc he wasnt working (can't remember why, but he would get money from his mom and odd jobs) well the judge order $18 a month in CS, that is less than what he was paying already:lachen:
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Every state is different. In Texas it's the obligator's net income that determines the amount paid, not household. They use a really simple method. 1 kid = 20% of the parents net income. 2= 25% 3= 30% 4= 35% 5= 40%

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
it is different in IL. the wife's income will come into question. this is why a lot of folks don't file taxes together. when my friend's husband lost his job, she had to pay and provide medical insurance for his children.

that's ridiculous.... the taxes portion, i understand, because it's an attached account...

ETA: i'm going to stick with my original assessment that that situation was not typical.... perhaps their order was a judicial order based on other factors?.... from what i can tell, IL can process both judicially and administratively... calculating the obligation administratively, which is more typical, leaves you with a cut and dried formula - http://www.childsupportillinois.com/general/calculating.html
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when one of my friends got married, his baby momma went to court to get an increase. it is not just the income of the dad, its the income of the household and what is going in your account.

like i said, while regulations vary from state to state, that is not typical....

ETA: i'm not just talking off the top of my head - i spent time working in the child support system, training child support enforcement workers on the rules and regulations, so i have some (but not exhaustive) knowledge... :grin:
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Op, i don't feel like going through this thread to find where you quoted me, but i didn't make the assumption that you husband wasn't paying child support. i assumed there was no child support order in place. i hope your husband goes to court and get things straight. but you all need to do what is best for the child. i would ask her to meet with you before she steps foot in your home. now if she doesn't want to do that, then you will clearly see where she is coming from.

There was no order at the time of their divorce. He has been paying freely on his own. His attorney states that he has been more than generous. The attorney was surprised by the amount. However both issues will be addressed. I am all for the child getting what is rightfully hers. As I have stated before I am a mother too who has an ex-husband so I know the drill.