*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Thanks honey.....nice to say hello.
I am just relaxing today. I finished my assignments early this week.

Nice to have ya checkin in, Puffy., glad to see you renewed your membership, just drop by and let us see your progress, every now and then, okay
Yeay! PuffMommy renewed!

I wanna pibbs so bad.
Me too!

"happy happy joy joy"
Let's rule the world together, LHCFers!

off topic>> okay, what flat iron should i get? is the sally's version really a good substitute?
Get the GVP...it's da bomb, has a one year warranty, and is well worth the money especially if you get it on sale or online with a promo code.
All of you ladies who are using soy in your shakes everyday should take notice that soy protien is a very estrogenic food and can cause imbalance in your female hormones. Also, soy is a goitergen and can inhibitory effects on your thyroid making it sluggish. I know that soy in touted as this miricle health food because of the great effects attributed to it from the asian diet. However, the truth of the matter is that traditionally Asians do consume soy but mostly in it's fermented form such as soy sauce, miso, natto and tempeh. Soy is also a potent enzyme inhibitor which blocks the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion.

Now not everyone experiences these types of problems but I had a friend who worked at a health food store and her boss gave her a box of firm tofu cause they had extra. My friend thinking so was just the healthiest thing in the world started incoporating the tofu into her diet daily and after a month she was having some unexplained pelvic pain and her breast were getting lumpy. She went to see her doc and was told to lay off the soy cause she was getting way to much estrogenic exposure due to her daily tofu consumption.

Oh there are stories I could tell you about soy, and none of them are good unless of course you have already gone through menopause. But if like me you are ages away, then I have only horror stories to tell about soy.

I love soy. Tofum miso soup and anything soy in Japan is just so delicious that I just endulged myself. Well soy is also the devil. It gave me heavy periods, enlarged fibroids, made my endometriosis a nightmare and shortened my cycle to like 21 days. Within 2 years, I went from itsy bitsy barely detectable fibroids, to whaoa you need to remove those babies, if you want to have real babies in the future.

If you have a hormone imbalance, problems with your flow or cycle etc then you may want to consider staying away from soy. It is a wonder-food, IF you are menopausal and need the extra estrogen. If not it may be healthier for you to reduce, or eliminate it from your diet for now.

I am sure there are ladies who may not have any negative reactions to soy, and I am so jealous of you, because I find soy to be quite delicious. However as I wrote before, if you are having hormonal trouble, issues with your cycle or volume of flow, then my sound advice is to stay away from soy.

Happy growing ladies
Oh there are stories I could tell you about soy, and none of them are good unless of course you have already gone through menopause. But if like me you are ages away, then I have only horror stories to tell about soy.

I love soy. Tofum miso soup and anything soy in Japan is just so delicious that I just endulged myself. Well soy is also the devil. It gave me heavy periods, enlarged fibroids, made my endometriosis a nightmare and shortened my cycle to like 21 days. Within 2 years, I went from itsy bitsy barely detectable fibroids, to whaoa you need to remove those babies, if you want to have real babies in the future.

If you have a hormone imbalance, problems with your flow or cycle etc then you may want to consider staying away from soy. It is a wonder-food, IF you are menopausal and need the extra estrogen. If not it may be healthier for you to reduce, or eliminate it from your diet for now.

I am sure there are ladies who may not have any negative reactions to soy, and I am so jealous of you, because I find soy to be quite delicious. However as I wrote before, if you are having hormonal trouble, issues with your cycle or volume of flow, then my sound advice is to stay away from soy.

Happy growing ladies

i wonder if it's the soya milk that is making my breasts fuller? weird huh. oh, i came in to post that i have been reading up on the effects of cinnamon and cinnamon not only regulates blood sugars but it also helps fight off any bad bacteria. i use it in my shake daily.
^So do I, I luv it. I think i'll get cinnamon supplements to keep on hand as well...walmart has 'em and they are really reasonable.

Thanks for reminding, D3~

No cocktail today, BreAkFaSt-yum!
Hey Ladies, I just wanted to check-in with my fellow eggletts and say hello. I've still been trucking I'm actually on my way to the health food store to re-up on my wheat germ oil. I have a confession, I've been letting my vitamins fall by the wayside since this shake as well as adding Chlorella. Do y'all think I'm wrong? I know I need to get back to it.
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Oh, I forgot to give a "SUPER BIG" shout out to BRONZE for creating such a wonderful thread it became a STICKY! You Grow Gurl, I really want to thank you for all your hard work and words of encouragement! We all have common goals, healthy and beautiful hair and let me say it feels good to have such a haven for my hair care needs. Sooooo..... thanks to all u eggletts and of course our gurl Bronze.
I said to heck with vitamins beacuse I notice more growth with the shake.

I know that some ladies actually blend their vitamins into the shake; I mix a liquid multivitamin into mine.

Hey Ladies, I just wanted to check-in with my fellow eggletts and say hello. I've still been trucking I'm actually on my way to the health food store to re-up on my wheat germ oil. I have a confession, I've been letting my vitamins fall by the wayside since this sahke as well as adding Chlorella. Do y'all think I'm wrong? I know I need to get back to it.
^ I do not take a multivitamin and I don't think my body is missing it, either...i do try to take l-cysteine and vitamin c, but i'm so irregular with it....all my other supplements have gone by the wayside....yayyy cocktail~

Thanks J-Moe for the shout-out~ I think it's a wonderful testament of all the great ladies who've chimed in and offered suggestions, support and a great sistahood for all of us on our journey to waistlength....Thanks for making this a great thread, Egglettes, it could not have gotten this far without all of you. {BIG HUG} <3, ~B*
Hey Hot40, i've never seen this product, and never considered it.

have you researched the difference between wheat bran and wheat germ?, because i don't know offhand...

www.iherb.com has the Bob's Mill Raw Wheat Germ, though, if you need to get it. i bought three at a time, i have one bag remaining and about to reorder. try it there before you start with the wheat bran, okay? the prices are comparable and i got it really quickly so i'll reorder from them again.

if all else fails, go to your local grocer's cereal aisle and get the toasted wheat germ in a bottle,(starts with a K..can't recall the name right now) i used that one for months and months before i ordered from iherb and i think it worked well for me.
So update, I haven't missed a shake since I started the day before new years. I no longer do 2 shakes a day. My current shake recipe is:
4 oz of green foods juice
1 egg
1 TSP raw wheat germ
1/2 tsp brewer's yeast
1 tsp chlorella

At the beginning of next month I think I will be adding 4 oz of Aloe Juice and a serving of Amino Fuel. As it is my recipe is really easy to drink and actually tasty. Don't be discouraged by the raw egg or the wheat germ oil, I have never tasted either.

As far as benefits, I have extremely clear skin, bright eyes, my eyelashes are out of control and yep my hair has grown quite a bit and its soft. Thanks a million Bronze, the egg shake was just crazy enough to suck me into the forum and give me the kick in the pants I needed to take care of my body and my hair.
Smooches KHeart, and girlie that hair of yours is looking delish...keep up the great growing...don't you love batting those lashes, mine are out of control, too...they look fake, even~

So update, I haven't missed a shake since I started the day before new years. I no longer do 2 shakes a day. My current shake recipe is:
4 oz of green foods juice
1 egg
1 TSP raw wheat germ
1/2 tsp brewer's yeast
1 tsp chlorella

At the beginning of next month I think I will be adding 4 oz of Aloe Juice and a serving of Amino Fuel. As it is my recipe is really easy to drink and actually tasty. Don't be discouraged by the raw egg or the wheat germ oil, I have never tasted either.

As far as benefits, I have extremely clear skin, bright eyes, my eyelashes are out of control and yep my hair has grown quite a bit and its soft. Thanks a million Bronze, the egg shake was just crazy enough :spinning:to suck me into the forum and give me the kick in the pants I needed to take care of my body and my hair.
Mornin' Egglettes, okay, i refused to miss my cocktail, i was able to drink it on the run - and i was 5 minutes late to work, but no matter, my hair grew a lil' bit more today, so all is good....lol~ have a great week!
Kheart & Bronze, when did y'all begin seeing growth in your eyelashes? I'm going on 7 weeks and I'm ready to bat my lashes at folks!!!! LOL, but seriously I need some of that! :grin:
Hey Bronze,

I'm taking a nutrition class this year and our professor says that she believes people, particularly women should take a multi because our food quality isn't as sufficient as it should be due to soil and just overall poor quality of our foods as it lacks the proper minerals and nutrients our bodies needs. Not trying to be controversial of course, just wanted to spread the info. I learned last week. It was very interesting, because she seemed very heartfelt about it and slipped it in the midst of something else we were discussing.

But who knows, perhaps our shake is giving us a full range of stuff as we've all noticed positive changes! Just in case you ever start to feel like you're missing something, maybe a multi would help. :)

^ I do not take a multivitamin and I don't think my body is missing it, either...i do try to take l-cysteine and vitamin c, but i'm so irregular with it....all my other supplements have gone by the wayside....yayyy cocktail~
Good Morning Egglettes!

I'm still going strong with the shake. Although, I did not take it on the weekend. On Friday morning I ran out of egss, so I didn't get to make the shake that morning. Then Friday evening through yesterday, DH and I went on a mini getaway to Asheville, NC. So, I wasn't thinking about a shake. :grin: This morning I was back on it though!

I see that from now on I need to go to VS to get the WG oil for $6. I paid about $10 at WF.

I think I've hit the one month mark, so I can't wait to see what my results will be going forward! I'm so excited!!!
I'm excited about your changes! Do you think the chlorella has given you an extra added punch of growth and skin beauty?

I haven't noticed my eyelash growth really. A girl asked me if I wore fake lashes the other day, but I attributed it to my Lash Stylist mascara--love that stuff! :grin: But maybe, they really have grown naturally themselves.

I'm just a bit nervous about adding the chlorella because I don't want detox symptoms to erupt on my face . . . I am acne-prone, but with this shake, my skin has been looking good and I'd love for it to go even a step further.

What brand of chlorella do you use?

So update, I haven't missed a shake since I started the day before new years. I no longer do 2 shakes a day. My current shake recipe is:
4 oz of green foods juice
1 egg
1 TSP raw wheat germ
1/2 tsp brewer's yeast
1 tsp chlorella

At the beginning of next month I think I will be adding 4 oz of Aloe Juice and a serving of Amino Fuel. As it is my recipe is really easy to drink and actually tasty. Don't be discouraged by the raw egg or the wheat germ oil, I have never tasted either.

As far as benefits, I have extremely clear skin, bright eyes, my eyelashes are out of control and yep my hair has grown quite a bit and its soft. Thanks a million Bronze, the egg shake was just crazy enough to suck me into the forum and give me the kick in the pants I needed to take care of my body and my hair.
Hey Bronze,

I'm taking a nutrition class this year and our professor says that she believes people, particularly women should take a multi because our food quality isn't as sufficient as it should be due to soil and just overall poor quality of our foods as it lacks the proper minerals and nutrients our bodies needs. Not trying to be controversial of course, just wanted to spread the info. I learned last week. It was very interesting, because she seemed very heartfelt about it and slipped it in the midst of something else we were discussing.

But who knows, perhaps our shake is giving us a full range of stuff as we've all noticed positive changes! Just in case you ever start to feel like you're missing something, maybe a multi would help. :)Thanks, i believe you're right, I was eyeing prenatals this weekend...I would like to take a liquid and throw it in my cocktail, but we'll see...thanks for looking out. I'm sure i'll add one pretty soon.

^ I do not take a multivitamin and I don't think my body is missing it, either...i do try to take l-cysteine and vitamin c, but i'm so irregular with it....all my other supplements have gone by the wayside....yayyy cocktail~

Good Morning Egglettes!

I'm still going strong with the shake. Although, I did not take it on the weekend. On Friday morning I ran out of egss, so I didn't get to make the shake that morning. Then Friday evening through yesterday, DH and I went on a mini getaway to Asheville, NC. So, I wasn't thinking about a shake. :grin: This morning I was back on it though!Ooooh, I think DivineFavor had a really really good getaway....:blush:.....I wanna be like you, girlfriend, me and my DH are long overdue :yep:.

I see that from now on I need to go to VS to get the WG oil for $6. I paid about $10 at WF.

I think I've hit the one month mark, so I can't wait to see what my results will be going forward! I'm so excited!!!
I am really excited, i've been getting comments on how thick and long my hair has gotten and that it looks healthy, i'm being told to keep doing what i'm doing, so that is a really good indicator for me.
Checking in ladies. I went on vacation for two weeks and have been off the shake. I have been back on the shake for a week now. I was receiving great results when I took it for about a month consistently.

I really hope that you ladies keep up with a multi vitamin. I have noticed I feel so much better taking a mulit, drinking my green tea and water, the shake and daily exercise. The vitamins I take are called the 30day beauty secret by futurebiotics. They are a little pricey, about 15 bucks for a 30 day supply ,but imo they are worth it. They help keep my nails and skin looking great and along with the shake you have a win win combo.
GSista, how goes it, chic?

Girl I'm here chillin' I've been off the shake, the soy powder had me slowing and so sluggish down it must have messed with my thyroid. I'm coming back on but I'm gonna go back to whey and hit the gym to keep the weight off. I'm soooo not gonna be using egg. I lately remembered egg beaters. Hmmmm... I'm getting up the money for the whey powder I want. It's on sale at 47% off and I wanna buy two; it's a 5lb container so if I get two it'll last a long time. So yeah I'm on break for now but when I get back on I'll be tracking my growth for real. I'm shoulder length and I'm trying to get to APL by December. It's a dream but I'll try real hard. Toodles. Happy growing ladies.
Hey Bronze,

I'm taking a nutrition class this year and our professor says that she believes people, particularly women should take a multi because our food quality isn't as sufficient as it should be due to soil and just overall poor quality of our foods as it lacks the proper minerals and nutrients our bodies needs. Not trying to be controversial of course, just wanted to spread the info. I learned last week. It was very interesting, because she seemed very heartfelt about it and slipped it in the midst of something else we were discussing.

But who knows, perhaps our shake is giving us a full range of stuff as we've all noticed positive changes! Just in case you ever start to feel like you're missing something, maybe a multi would help. :)Thanks, i believe you're right, I was eyeing prenatals this weekend...I would like to take a liquid and throw it in my cocktail, but we'll see...thanks for looking out. I'm sure i'll add one pretty soon.

I am really excited, i've been getting comments on how thick and long my hair has gotten and that it looks healthy, i'm being told to keep doing what i'm doing, so that is a really good indicator for me.

Yep sis, I had a really really good getaway!! You and your hubby should definitely take one. We've made it our mission to try and get away every 3-4 months, just us! It's great!

Getting comments are so wonderful, it let's you know that you're hard work is paying off. Keep on keeping on!
Hey, chics, glad to see y'all are doing well. Thanks for posting Sunflower and GSista, I will follow-up with a multi, but i'm gonna do a cheapie, gotta watch the budget, Sunflower, lol~ GSista, work it girl. You'll be apl for certain, can't wait to see your hair in december.
DivineFavor, we will have to follow your lead, keep the bonds tight, right? That would be so lovely, just the thought of a getaway....long overdue, too long overdue.

Have a great night, Egglettes
Checking in; still taking my yummy egg shakes in the a.m. Did a touch up on sunday so i should be able to track growth progress easily, so far i have noticed more energy and skin benefits, my skin is GLOWING. This is definitely a keeper, just wish i could get wheat germ oil, but until then the supplements will have to do.
Yep, got my drink on this morning, too. I pleased with my new growth as well. My hair is definitely coming in thicker. When i have a breakout, my face heals quickly and the dark spots are fading fast.

Have a great one!