*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
DOes the egglette shake help thicken your hair? My hair feels so thin!:(

The drink is for those suffering with hair loss or thinning hair...so yes, it will thicken your strands. My hair is soo much better now, it's improving quite a bit. I am healed of hair loss - alopecia- telogen effluvium.
Good Morning egglettes! So I decided to do a switch up! Im going to start drinking Green Smoothies in ADDITION TO my egglette shake.

I had my first green smoothis this morning, and Im going to be drinking my egglette shake in the evening after work, which works out better for me since I really need energy in the evenings!! I bought a blender, so now I can start adding some fruit.............. yyyuuuuuummmmmmmyyyy!! Today makes 3 weeks on my shake!! Woo Hoo!! HAPPY HAIR GROWING LADIES!!

....I have been considering adding some greens to my drink as well. I need to do some research and decide what I want to add. I want the benefits without a strong green taste. Any recommendations? I have a magic bullet so I am straight with the blending :grin:
I'm still at it...had my usual cocktail in the am, really need to add a second drink in the pm...i need to get my reggie together.

All other Egglettes doing well?
Egglette doing well here! I've been drinking this now with WG oil for about a week now. I have gotten used to the WG oil taste, it's really not that bad when I add the sprinkle of cinnamon and a little agave nectar/or a little bit of banana slices. So, I'm going to stick with the WG oil.
Came across the following today. I apologize if it was already posted. Hope you all find it helpful. A very similar recipe on the end as well for those who like to experiment and change things up. Its to long have to break up into two post sorry, please don't shoot me


Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in the function of the body, the use of certain vitamins can most certainly play a major part in helping to maintain a healthy head of hair.

Introduction The human body is an amazingly complex and wonderful machine, but it cannot function without a supply of food. The nutrients in food are needed for energy, movement, heat, growth, repair, hair growth and sometimes reproduction. The body needs to be able to digest the foods it takes in so that it can be used in various ways.

There are six basic types of nutrients and two basic non-nutrients found in food. The six nutrients are carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, trace elements; the two non-nutrients are fibre and water. Generally speaking most foods contain several nutrients, in varying amounts. Carrots, for instance, contain a little protein, a trace of fat, some carbohydrate, a good deal of water, a little sugar, fibre, and a selection of vitamins and minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins B6, C and E, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid, etc. We need a combination of all the above nutrients to maintain a normal and healthy body.

Para-Aminobenzoic Acid
(PABA) as this vitamin is commonly known is one of the lesser known members of the B complex family, has been shown to be an anti-grey hair vitamin. In tests in black animals that were feed with a diet deficient of PABA, they developed grey hair, when the animals were reintroduced to the vitamin, normal hair colour was restored
Research on humans with grey hair being given 200mg of PABA after each meal produced results that showed that a study of the hair afterwards resulted in a seventy per cent result of the hair returning to its original colour. Other research claims that PABA combined with folic acid also helps restore hair to its original colour.
Deficiency of PABA, Biotin, Folic Acid and Pantothenic Acid appears to affect hair colour. Hair colour can normally be restored with a diet rich in the B vitamins and in the few cases where colour is not restored the hair will improve in quality and strength of growth.
PABA and the B vitamins are found in foods such as liver, kidney, whole grain and yeast. The richest source being liver.

Inositol is also a member of the B vitamin group. It is a compound occurring in the brain, muscles, liver, kidney and eyes.
In laboratory animals, a diet lacking Inositol produced baldness, but when the vitamin was added to the food of these animals, the hair grew back again. It was also observed that male animals lost hair twice as fast as female animals. The result of this experiment would suggest that males require a higher Inositol intake than females. An Inositol deficient diet can also cause eczema, a form of skin irritation.
One doctor in a series of experiments prescribed Inositol together with other sources of B vitamins to all his balding patients. In almost all case's hair loss was arrested, in some case's hair growth was noticeable in as little as one month. In one case hair recovery was total and not one bald spot remained.
Inositol, also appears to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Biotin often called vitamin H, is yet another B complex component. Biotin is a proven hair growth vitamin and a preventative to excessive hair loss. It appears to metabolise fatty acids. Fatty acids are a valuable growth factor in numerous processes in the body including the hair. Biotin is also seen as an aid in preventing hair turning grey.
Biotin is found in egg yolks. Raw egg whites actually hinder effectiveness, but when the albumen (egg white) is cooked, the culprit - a substance called avidin is destroyed by heat. Biotin is also present in liver, milk, yeast and kidney.
Balding men might find that a Biotin supplement may keep their hair longer.

In laboratory tests animals fed with a zinc supplement showed signs of more hair growth, as opposed to loss of hair in animals that were deprived of zinc in their feed. It was discovered that there was a change in the hair protein structure when zinc was deficient in the diet.
Severe zinc deficiency in humans has been shown to produce baldness and scalp problems that were reversed when zinc was returned to the diet.
Zinc has also been shown to stop hair turning grey. One doctor taking zinc for a year reversed the grey hairs which returned to their original colour.
Zinc can be depleted by high stress levels. For a good source of zinc, wheat germ is the best, other sources are brewer's yeast, pumpkin seeds, oysters and mussels, shrimps and egg yolks.
One delightful effect of zinc is that it has long been regarded as an aphrodisiac, and as such it can be very beneficial for your sex life, which is not a bad side effect to have.

Protein is a basic ingredient in many hair shampoos and conditioners and is also the major ingredient of hair itself, which is at least ninety per cent protein. Whilst this should not necessarily be the main ingredient in your diet, its importance should not be ignored.
In controlled tests volunteers, supplementing their diets with protein in the form of 14g of gelatine daily, found it increased the thickness of individual hair strands by as much as 45 per cent in only two months.
Diet can influence both hair growth and quality and gelatine has exhibited one of the highest specific dynamic effects of any food or supplement.
Given that a strong hair is a healthy hair, the study noted that the gelatine induced increases in the diet constituted an improvement in the mechanical properties of the hair, including strength. When the volunteers stopped eating the gelatine, their hair returned to its original diameter within six months.

Vitamin E
A Canadian physician who started going grey was able to reverse the process by taking 800iu of vitamin E in capsule form daily. At the age of 68 after some 15 years of taking vitamin E he still has a healthy head of thick black hair, and is the envy of men half his age.
Vitamin E has also been shown to retard the ageing process. It has been suggested that grey hair is a symptom of body degeneration so a supplement of vitamin E can only be beneficial whether you have grey hair or not.
The best natural sources of vitamin E are wheat germ, Soya beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach and eggs.

Choline is a B vitamin like nutrient that's useful in counter acting the effects of stress. Recently scientists in America were able to induce toxic levels of stress in baby animals by limiting the amount of choline in their diets.
Choline supplements prescribed to balding patients produced significant results to prove choline's worth in hair loss. Lecithin is a very good source of choline, at it also supplies inositol, a B complex vitamin with a particular affinity with choline, these two vitamins work together well.
Foods rich in choline are egg yolks, yeast, liver and wheat germ.

Continued in next post
Recipe at the end

Vitamin A
A deficiency of Vitamin A will cause dry hair and rough skin. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and if large doses (50,000 - 100,000 iu daily) are taken for a prolonged period the liver cannot store the A vitamin, and it can build up in the body to give unpleasant side effects which include nausea, headaches, hair loss, drowsiness and weight loss.
The R.D.A. for vitamin A is 2,500 iu.

Pantothenic Acid
Pantothenic Acid also known as Calcium Pantothenate is considered to be important to the health of the skin and scalp. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the well being of every body cell and neither carbohydrate nor fat can be changed into energy without it.
This nutrient is also important for the functioning of the adrenal glands that produce much of the male sex hormones.
Volunteers who were feed on a diet deficient of pantothenic acid showed increased vulnerability to infection and adrenal levels dropped, blood pressure also dropped and constipation developed.
Animals lacking this nutrient in their diet became grey haired and the follicles started to waste away.
This supplement is most often found in B complex formulas.
This nutrient is obtained from liver, kidney, egg yolks, whole grains, milk and potatoes.

Cider Vinegar
Hair loss can sometimes be a result of poor metabolism. Many case histories show that as a result of a few teaspoonfuls of cider vinegar each day for several months, hair loss has stopped and the remaining hair has grown healthier and thicker. One reason for thinning hair is a deficiency of minerals salts, so it is easy to understand why mineral-rich cider vinegar can help.
Cider vinegar will not work the same way for everyone. A few people may be allergic to it and others may not be affected at all. But for many people, cider vinegar opens up a wonderful new chapter in life.
Cider vinegar may be taken in a glass of water first thing in the morning or just before meals. One of the side effects can be weight loss which is an added bonus.

Seven Wonders "Hair Food" Cocktail
The following drink contains Protein, Choline, Inositol, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin E and Zinc: The seven ingredients' nutritionists most often recommend for growing healthy hair.
8 Fl oz Plain Yoghurt
8 Fl oz Orange Juice
3 Tablespoons Wheat Germ
3 Tablespoons Brewers Yeast
1 Tablespoon Lecithin Crystals
1 Teaspoon Vitamin C Crystals
1 Raw Egg Yolk
1 Tablespoon Unflavored Gelatine Powder
Honey to Taste (optional)

Combine all the ingredients and blend until smooth. If a blender is not available put all the ingredients into a jar with a lid and shake vigorously.
This tonic makes a quick and nutritious breakfast and will work wonders for your hair.
This cocktail should help just about everyone, and you will certainly notice a difference to your hair once you try it.
Another recommended regime for hair loss which has proved to be very effective is a supplement of the Amino Acids, Zinc and Vitamin C. This supplement is particularly good for people who go on crash diets and find a problem with hair loss, or problems which are less obvious such as women who are losing hair as a result of birth control pills and subsequent vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Hair loss supplement
A daily vitamin and mineral supplement
B Complex
Pantothenic Acid
Folic Acid
Vitamin A

A daily supplement of the above will help produce healthy hair and helps restore grey hair to its original colour.
0ne multi- vitamin formula 1000mg and 500mg magnesium taken daily can have a great effect on hair growth - There is no guarantee but many people have reported a definite reduction of hair loss with this regime.
Another combination that has produced excellent results with some people is a daily supplement of choline and inositol, 1000mg of each daily.
The Amino Acid L Tyrosine is also recommended for helping hair regain its natural colour.
While there are a number of supplements which can be beneficial, it is important for the diet to improve and take precedence over supplements alone. That said there are enormous benefits to be derived from using vitamins, many food products today have been treated with chemicals during the growing process.
When anyone is embarking on a course of vitamins or minerals they should be aware that results will not happen overnight. Vitamins are not some magic potion that is suddenly going to cure hair loss overnight. They may not do anything for some people but for others they will achieve excellent results with noticeable differences in hair growth and in the slowing down of hair loss.
Results will usually take from about three to four months before the body actually reacts to the effects brought about by the vitamins.
Vitamins should always be taken as directed on the bottle and not more than the stated dosage. An extra helping of a vitamin does not make it work twice as much, besides which it can be dangerous overdosing on certain vitamins. When taking vitamins you may find that you have to take them after a meal otherwise they may cause a stomach upset.
....I have been considering adding some greens to my drink as well. I need to do some research and decide what I want to add. I want the benefits without a strong green taste. Any recommendations? I have a magic bullet so I am straight with the blending :grin:

Hey Girly! Heres the thread below about the green shakes and heres what I used this morning! The best part is you can pretty much do whatever you want with it as far as ingredients! HTH! :yep:


My shake this morning

Spring mix ( I had to use this stuff up)
1 apple
1 banana
2 TBS Ground Flaxseed
1 scoop Acai powder
I just made my first drink...

OOOhhh it was terrible :perplexed

1 cup milk
3 tbsp wheat germ (I couldnt find raw wheat germ so I go toasted what germ)
1 tbsp wheat germ oil
1 tsp Cholorphyll (<- this might have done it too, not sure)
1 Banana

I'm definitely not a quiter, so I am going to try and figure out what's grossing me out and lessen it (I have a feeling its the Wheat Germ Oil)

Anybody else have issue with the Wheat Germ Oil?
Thanks The Sweetest B~

I found this same information in a thread not long ago...many of our Egglettes have been making a very similar version of this drink. Great minds think alike!

Thanks for sharing...
I just made my first drink...

OOOhhh it was terrible :perplexed

1 cup milk
3 tbsp wheat germ (I couldnt find raw wheat germ so I go toasted what germ)
1 tbsp wheat germ oil
1 tsp Cholorphyll (<- this might have done it too, not sure)I think this was your culprit...
1 Banana
Did you add an egg, or did you go egg-free?
I'm definitely not a quiter, so I am going to try and figure out what's grossing me out and lessen it (I have a feeling its the Wheat Germ Oil)

Anybody else have issue with the Wheat Germ Oil?
The taste definitely would not have been terrible, so i'm sure it was chlorophyll, if i remember correctly, it has an awful taste.

try it next time without the chlorophyll, you'll be much happier...or perhaps use less?
Okay, Actually I did include the egg, just forgot to list it.

Good Eye!

I think I will drop the Chlorophyl...that stuff is so...GROSS...

Anyway I am happy to join the crew!!!

Thanks for all you do :yep:
Thanks Egglette Nicole1976...thank you for being there for me when i first started MY journey...you never know how you'll get it back, huh?....

Okay, Actually I did include the egg, just forgot to list it.

Good Eye!

I think I will drop the Chlorophyl...that stuff is so...GROSS...

Anyway I am happy to join the crew!!!

Thanks for all you do :yep:
I just made my first drink...

OOOhhh it was terrible :perplexed

1 cup milk
3 tbsp wheat germ (I couldnt find raw wheat germ so I go toasted what germ)
1 tbsp wheat germ oil
1 tsp Cholorphyll (<- this might have done it too, not sure)
1 Banana

I'm definitely not a quiter, so I am going to try and figure out what's grossing me out and lessen it (I have a feeling its the Wheat Germ Oil)

Anybody else have issue with the Wheat Germ Oil?

... 1) I don't think the toasted wheat germ is as good as the raw wheat germ. 2) I think the recipe called for 2 tbsp as opposed to 3tbsps.
3) Cholorphyll has a very strong taste and smell. You might either need to remove this from this shake or perhaps add something else to mask the taste. Hope this helps !
... 1) I don't think the toasted wheat germ is as good as the raw wheat germ. 2) I think the recipe called for 2 tbsp as opposed to 3tbsps.
3) Cholorphyll has a very strong taste and smell. You might either need to remove this from this shake or perhaps add something else to mask the taste. Hope this helps !

That was very helpful.

I just cant seem to find raw wheat germ locally
and I dont want to order it because it's a
refrigerated item (I'm a little anal about some things :ohwell:)

So I thought...okay...I guess I will just settle for
the toasted stuff...

It's actually really good all by itself, I could see
myself having it as a snack through out the day;
this would be in addition to my morning shake :yep:
That was very helpful.

I just cant seem to find raw wheat germ locally
and I dont want to order it because it's a
refrigerated item (I'm a little anal about some things :ohwell:)

So I thought...okay...I guess I will just settle for
the toasted stuff...

It's actually really good all by itself, I could see
myself having it as a snack through out the day;
this would be in addition to my morning shake :yep:

....Where did you get the toasted wheat germ from? a health food store?

Here are the two brands of raw wheat germ that I have successfully tried.


I found the Red Mill brand in the baking section of Whole Foods, not refridgerated. I hope this helps !
Hey Egglettes...been a while since i checked in but i'm still on board. I haven't been as consistent bc i kept running out of supplies but after a quick visit to costco i am now the proud owner of 60 eggs and 3 boxes of soya milk:lachen:. I'm actually doing a 30 day personal challenge where everything that is beneficial to me is my focus and #1 on my list is my shake!!!!

So today is officially Day 1.:yep:

Edited to ADD: for the first time in my life I actually do believe, *ahem*, know, that I can grow me some long hair. The longest my hair has been is a little past my shoulders but I know now that ANY length I want I can achieve. To think the answer has always been right before us. What you put into your body is what you put out of your body. By nourishing our bodies with the proper ingredients our hair is growing!!!!!!!!!! I am no longer relaxing my hair. I'm gonna have a BIG A$$ afro!!
Last edited:
....Where did you get the toasted wheat germ from? a health food store?

Here are the two brands of raw wheat germ that I have successfully tried.


I found the Red Mill brand in the baking section of Whole Foods, not refridgerated. I hope this helps !

It definitely does! I will try the baking isle next time. And I think I wil need to go to a Specialty Store.

Our main stores here in Florida are Publix and Winn-Dixie, both these stores did not carry Raw Wheat Germ :nono:

I actually found the toasted wheat germ on the cereal isle in both Publix and Winn-Dixie
It definitely does! I will try the baking isle next time. And I think I wil need to go to a Specialty Store.

Our main stores here in Florida are Publix and Winn-Dixie, both these stores did not carry Raw Wheat Germ :nono:

I actually found the toasted wheat germ on the cereal isle in both Publix and Winn-Dixie

You may want to double check your Publix. They sometimes have things separated even though in the same family. I know they have greenwise or organic section. For example in Publix here you will not find soy and greek yougurt with Dannon, Yoplait. They are in a different area of the store.
You may want to double check your Publix. They sometimes have things separated even though in the same family. I know they have greenwise or organic section. For example in Publix here you will not find soy and greek yougurt with Dannon, Yoplait. They are in a different area of the store.

I will do that :yep:, I also asked if our
Publix could consider ordering it in
the future...and they are looking into it :grin:
I am preparing to embark on this journey. I do not like milk and would like to also keep the carbs in this cocktail low. When I make my whey protein shakes I usually make them with about a 1/2-3/4cup of Crystal Light. This gives a sweet taste with out adding anymore sweetener as well as some flavor.
I am wondering if this would work for this cocktail.

Do you all add ice?

I think I may just add the ingredients to my whey shakes.
I'm still going through the thread, so sorry if this has already perhaps been suggested. I add romaine and spinach. Romaine has an extremely mild taste. You can't even taste it. Spinach isn't bad either. This week I'm adding in baby romaine which is very mild too.

....I have been considering adding some greens to my drink as well. I need to do some research and decide what I want to add. I want the benefits without a strong green taste. Any recommendations? I have a magic bullet so I am straight with the blending :grin:
It definitely does! I will try the baking isle next time. And I think I wil need to go to a Specialty Store.

Our main stores here in Florida are Publix and Winn-Dixie, both these stores did not carry Raw Wheat Germ :nono:

I actually found the toasted wheat germ on the cereal isle in both Publix and Winn-Dixie

....Oh I see. This item might be hard to find in your area. Hopefully you will track it down and reap the beneifts. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions.
Nicole1976, regarding the toasted wheat germ...it has less nutrional value than raw wheat germ, but if that's all you can find, i would use it. i used toasted wg for months before i switched over to raw and i don't think it hurt too badly.
so i had added some muscle milk light in the banana creme flavor. it was so delicious!!! it made my shake a little bit too thick but all i could taste was the muscle milk. i'm going to buy some of this after i finish the designer whey protein and amino fuel i already have. someone had left their muscle milk light at work and she doesn't even really like it. muscle milk is a bit expensive but i get a good amount of protein and it tastes great.
Hi Bronze and crew! Just checking in to say hi, and to see how everybody's doing. The last time I checked in there were about 132 posts! This thread seems to double every week!!! Anyway, I did have my cocktail today, it was good. Mixed up a little Spiru-tein powder with milk and egg. It wasn't as tasty as the vanilla version, but I tolerated it because I know it will get the job done! I gave myself a moisture treatment the other day, where I dc'ed with heat and a good conditioner. Since I'm getting more protein now through the hair cocktail, its helpful for me to give my hair additional moisture treatments, so I can avoid protein overload, which causes excess shedding and breaking. Overall, my hair is still doing good! :drunk:
I mixed my cocktail in my new blender yesterday with some vanilla rice milk. All I can say is .............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! It had a creamy like texture. Ive started taking fish oil pills again, since I cant get the wheat germ oil down. You know what Im actually starting to CRAVE my cocktail everyday! I think im gonna toast some coconut and put that in there with 2 eggs and a banana and some pineapple.......
:drool: watch your step......My drool is all over the floor! :lachen:
I mixed my cocktail in my new blender yesterday with some vanilla rice milk. All I can say is .............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! It had a creamy like texture. Ive started taking fish oil pills again, since I cant get the wheat germ oil down. You know what Im actually starting to CRAVE my cocktail everyday! I think im gonna toast some coconut and put that in there with 2 eggs and a banana and some pineapple.......
:drool: watch your step......My drool is all over the floor! :lachen:
Ya'll are working that drink, huh? Man tropical explosion, :lick::lick:...Luv it!

Had my cocktail today, a little thick, though...i don't like my drink where it takes too long to get down....but, my hairline is improving, which is something i was hoping for.
Hi Bronze and crew! Just checking in to say hi, and to see how everybody's doing. The last time I checked in there were about 132 posts! This thread seems to double every week!!! Anyway, I did have my cocktail today, it was good. Mixed up a little Spiru-tein powder with milk and egg. It wasn't as tasty as the vanilla version, but I tolerated it because I know it will get the job done! I gave myself a moisture treatment the other day, where I dc'ed with heat and a good conditioner. Since I'm getting more protein now through the hair cocktail, its helpful for me to give my hair additional moisture treatments, so I can avoid protein overload, which causes excess shedding and breaking. Overall, my hair is still doing good! :drunk:
Making a mental note of protein overload and excess shedding....good tip. I'm looking for the perfect medium between moisture and strength...i think i'm almost there.....