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I'm over 40 and a bunch of my friends of the same age have cut their hair for various reasons. Three friends were told that they should no longer get perms, so they went for a TWA. As a result, one has learned to swim and another has discovered exercise. The third friend is still in denial and hasn't adjusted to her new length or texture at all. I have other friends who are wearing locs for the first time and loving the experience. So although their hair is short now, they fully expect to grow long, lucious, dreads with time and attention. The thing that I've noticed about my over 40 women friends, is that they are no longer tied to conventional standards in many areas of their life. It's like they got a second wind. So if they are bing told that they can no longer use chemicals in their hair, they become fierce about their fitness routines and their bodies change as a result. Those sporting locs have reached a point in their lives and in their careers where they are trying something they've always wanted. Short hair? Maybe, but definitely not a mom 'do.