Does you hair have that "SWANG" ?

Do you have that "SWANG"?

  • oh yeah, my hair bounces and swings like the Pantene commercials!

    Votes: 144 41.9%
  • nope... my hair is asically like one big cowilck :/

    Votes: 41 11.9%
  • kinda... but I could use some more swing

    Votes: 127 36.9%
  • Say what?? we can have SWING?

    Votes: 32 9.3%

  • Total voters
Only if I put nothing in my hair when I flat iron.

I hair has swing action when there is virtually no product in it or heavy products.

...the lady's hair in the video is pretty :)

ETA: I can't stop watching her videos! She's so funny and fully of personality!
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I know that length helps with swingability, but I am convinced there is much more.

Which one between these two is more swingable: Relaxed hair or pressed natural hair ?
My hair has that swang right after I leave the Dominican the way I love Ateeya and I am a lifetime subscriber. She really needs to be on TV somewhere with her bubbly keep it real attitude.:yep:
The front of mine does more than the back. But that's more flop and bounce than swang.

I have yet to achieve swang.
I'm proud to say my hair definitely does. And it has to do with the fact that I've learned to apply juuuust enough products to my hair to benefit it, but not build up on it. As soon as my hair feels heavy, into a washing cycle it goes!
only after I wash it and use like once products... but even if i have mucho buildup , if i was shaking my head the way she was doing in that video . it would still move .. just wont look as sexy as hers
okay, for those of you who are not sure what I'm talking about, this is a good video to watch:

so... I'm still working on this. Does YOUR hair have that "swang"? If so, PLEASE divulge on how you get this! I want it sooo bad lol :grin: and I'm sure other ladies do too!

As soon as I clicked on this thread and saw this you tube link, I knew it was going to be her. I have been stalking her videos for about a week envying her hair.......wishing that was my hair. This is the hair I've always wanted. I know it's hard to believe but she said her hair wasn't always like this until she started using products that work for her(Aphogee, etc)
She does have a fun personality. Is she on any hair boards?
When I rollerset, I get MEGA swang! I get swang when I flatiron too, but most times I'm heavy handed with products when I use heat (don't know why :perplexed ) so my hair doesn't move as much as it could

When I rollerset, my hair be swangin every whicha way :grin:
I'm proud to say my hair definitely does. And it has to do with the fact that I've learned to apply juuuust enough products to my hair to benefit it, but not build up on it. As soon as my hair feels heavy, into a washing cycle it goes!

Your hair in your siggy, definitely looks like it has that swang!..well my hair doesnt have that swang yet....
....or maybe i don't know how to bring out its
swanging possibilities-ness..:lachen: okay i just made up a word
When my hair was relaxed it only swang when I got it freshly done by my beautician. The next day it was usually stiff.
...most times I'm heavy handed with products when I use heat (don't know why :perplexed ) so my hair doesn't move as much as it could
-sigh- this is my problem too. i can only get it when i go to the dominican salon, but i will experiment with rollersetting myself (well straightened hair period) when i get a little bit more length.
Yes, I do have swing but it depends on 3 things.

In order to get swing you must:

1. Have hair that is completely straight (no puffy roots)
2. Use little product in your hair
3. Have healthy hair (no ruff ends)
Yes, I do have swing but it depends on 3 things.

In order to get swing you must:

1. Have hair that is completely straight (no puffy roots)
2. Use little product in your hair
3. Have healthy hair (no ruff ends)

oohhh... okay :yep: I need to work on 1 and 2!! but I'm (hopefully) getting a relaxer today or tomorrow so that will take care of 1 lol
I voted "kinda". My hair hair has 'amazing, off the chain swing' when leaving the Dom salon after a fresh relaxer. Other than that? Nope. I can't replicate it.
Yes my hair does swing, now throughout my relaxer cycle. For me it starts with having the right moisturizing deep conditioners and ends with using light leave ins, moisturizers and oils throughout the week. If your hair gets properly conditioned then less of the other products are needed. I used to only have the swing until I tried to moisturize my hair and weighed it down. Too much of the wrong products.I also believe it has to do with length, thickness sometimes, but its moreso the conditioning and products.