Look at her hair and regimen

aloof one

New Member
Found this girl on Youtube, I LOVE her hair :yep:


I usually don't do this, but I just thought it was funny how her video started off. Just skip in a minute or two in if you don't wanna see this girl clownin :lachen:... I didn't want to admit I thought she was funny at first but I just have to laugh when I watch her videos. I think she just has a funny personality and is very enthusiastic about her hair.

Anyway, her reggie and hair is a lot like what mine was when I was fully relaxed before I colored (and wound up on LHCF trying to fix it). I didn't use the same products, however but I did use similar (cheaper) ones. Her real hair is SL but she has a video of her putting in weave tracks... and her hair still looks great for someone who wears weaves on it. http://youtube.com/watch?v=gDwbAJdzl5o&feature=related

I think it just goes to show that if you stick to your reggie your hair can look good no matter what the length.
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That was a really good video! She's got the perfect personality for making youtube videos. Her hair looks amazing too! Makes me think about relaxing again.
Does she not have the best personality? And the hair is just the epitome of healthyness. I would not be gluing anything on my scalp though.
Her hair is FABULOUS! Very healthy. I had watched some of her wig videos and then heard she had nice hair so I checked out her hair tutorial. I'm getting a perm this weekend and can't wait to try her regimen. :yep:
her hair is fabulous! That bounce and shine is so pretty!! I don't find her funny/entertaining in the least though.
Yea Ateyaa has the swang swang, I am trying to get on her level even though I never wear my hair out. But I have just started on the Aphogee well will see how that works.
Yea Ateyaa has the swang swang, I am trying to get on her level even though I never wear my hair out. But I have just started on the Aphogee well will see how that works.

I'm thinking about trying that 2 min. reconstructor. :look: I have the Aphogee that gets your hair hard, but I don't use it very often.
I actually would like to try to 2 minute reconstructor and the green tea leave in spray conditioner, has anyone else had a good experience with it.
ateyaa again ehh.

Oneya, there have been a few threads about the the 2 min. reconstructor. Its a staple for a lot of us.

I use and love it.
i love the shampoo, 2 minute conditioner and pro vitamine leave in. but that green tea leave in was a piece of crap for my hair. made it hard and crazy brittle feeling.
I knew it was Ateyaa when you said she is clowning :lachen:

Yeah her hair is beautiful, in her regimen video she says this is what works for ME, so I dont think everyone would be successfull following her regimen, she uses tons of heat, and if u seen her perm day video she barely has any newgrowth, Again yes her hair is beautiful, but her regimen is not for me :)

I like her personality as well, very nice :)
I had a feeling this was a thread about Ateya......not sure how I missed this one though. I love Ateya and her hair.