@Sugar: Absolutely great job on the first issue! There was so much helpful and thorough information. I would definitely recommend readers to read it in pieces . One thing I was curious about was the structure of the magazine. Do you have a staff or is this really an initiative you're handling for yourself for the most part? Also, do you have a current copy editor? I saw a couple of typos towards the beginning. Not trying to be nit-picky though; I really just want to see this magazine become a full-fledged success. Best of luck to you!!
Thank you : )
I don't have a staff yet. I am responsible for almost everything from beginning to end. I coordinate the photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists, and models. I shop for wardrobe and do the styling myself with help from others on set. I also do the layouts. I wear many, MANY hats
I don't have a copy editor yet, but a couple of friends point out the typos to me when they spot them. Can you PM me the ones you saw?
Wow! Now I'm even more impressed!! You must have great organization skills. I will definitely PM soon.
Oh yeah one more thing...if you guys know of any bloggers or YT-ers I should interview (or if you think I should feature your blog or YT channel) please PM me.
This first edition is definitely worth having as a hard copy to pass along to others. I can think of 3 people I could have given this to in the last 4 weeks.
I'm thinking if they're established you should "ask" more than "interview" them so to speak. I've spent tons of time contacting bloggers in reference to films, and from a marketing aspect of products...and I've found they're willing to work with people if they believe in what they're doing.
Perhaps you will find a way to have some of your articles featured there, and also ask if they will do a "series" for you as well. That way, when your article is featured there, then you will be able to have a "link" to your online magazine thus introducing a bigger "new" audience to your magazine. While at the same time, you will also provide fresh new material for their blog.
I read the mag from cover to cover and subscribed! Congratulations! Good job.
I agree with^^! You should interview Little Golden Lamb (littlegoldenlamb). She has a hair/beauty inside & out blog and is an amazing writer! She's on LHCF so you could PM her.
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