Do You Turn Down Guys Based On...

Many men lie about this type of thing. Especially if they know it would put you off.

My bffs husband said he didn't, but down the line found out he did mix with a few Asian and white women back in his younger years. His preference for serious relationships and marriage was obviously black/mixed though.
I feel you will need to be very secure within yourself to do this.
I tried it and in the end he was pursuing the kind of girl he was pursuing when we met behind my back.
At the time I was very secure, cocky even.
My self esteem took a big hit.
Not sure if I have fully recovered yet.

I want someone who wants me and tells me I am his type.

Now if a guy tells me I am what he always wanted but all the girls he's dated look the total opposite I would still be leery.
Had this told to me once by another dude. He said I was his dream girl, but he proceed to marry the total opposite. Blue eyed blonde.
Later I found out he was dating her while he was flirting with me.
Many men lie about this type of thing. Especially if they know it would put you off.

My bffs husband said he didn't, but down the line found out he did mix with a few Asian and white women back in his younger years. His preference for serious relationships and marriage was obviously black/mixed though.

Is it possible your type can change?
If it's possible how can you make it happen?
the type they usually date? Even if they show a genuine high interest in you do you pass?

Has anyone dated or currently married to a man where you are totally different than what he usually goes for?
I have dated two men that both had a white baby momma and a white wife. I was the black unicorn and one went back white after me the other is still up in the air he is recent. I like him though.