Do you still judge if others girls w/Long hair is real or fake IRL?


Well-Known Member
While in the world of LHCF, we all know that just about anybody can achieve long healthy hair with proper care and time... (shoulder length, APL, Brastrap, Waist and beyond)... we see long hair in people's avatars, siggy's and fotki's all of the time, and we rarely question if thats a weave or not....

but in the real world, when you log off from here and see a woman with APL and beyond length, do you automatically search her head with your eyes (or hands if you're bold like that) for signs of tracks, glue, thread or that lace front net? Do you catch yourself mumbling, or thinking "that aint her REAL hair noway" when you see someone with hair longer than yours? Is your first reaction to think "i know that long hair aint real... but it sure is cute! I wonder where she bought it from"?


are you past that type of hair mentality since joing LHCF?

I thought i was past it... but i've been catching myself thinking those above thoughts recently, only to have egg on my face when i find out that the ladie's hair is really hers... I wonder if folks will think that way about me *when* i reach my goals:ohwell:
haha! I look for tracks.... I confess :lachen:

but, in my defense, only because I want to ask her for her regimin if it's real!
then if I see tracks, i resist the urge to tell her about the forum. Even with strangers on the bus!
Yea, I search for tracks n stuff too.... i can't help it! When I find out it's real hair [that's really long], I'll be like, "That's how my hair is going to be!":yep: It's more of an inspiration than jealousy thing for me.
I can't even tell anymore unless it's obvious. One day my cousins were gossiping about this pretty girl with really nice hair and there I was arguing that I thought it was real. To get them to shut up, I asked her regime (sneaky... I know), then she said it was a weave. Ever since LHCF, I don't think long hair on black women is far fetched.
haha! I look for tracks.... I confess :lachen:

but, in my defense, only because I want to ask her for her regimin if it's real!

This is how I feel. I'll look for tracks only because I want to know her secrets if it's real!! I've come across a few beautiful black women with waist length hair and I'm always stunned IRL. It's one thing seeing a picture on a hair board and entirely another thing seeing that woman stand in front of you in real life. I don't really care how nosy I may sound...she's getting hammered with questions! (after the visual weave check that is!) LOL :drunk:
I don't think I'm judgemental about it all. Lord knows I will slap on a 1/2 wig in a second- no shame in my game at all. Since joining LHCF and BHM I know that sisters can achieve long beautiful locks. Since I LOVE hair I will notice if someone has long hair, but rather than checking for tracks, I wanna ask,: "Are you Niko's cousin"?

I am ashamed to admit, I am far more judgemental, when I see someone with damaged hair, I just want to go up them and start firing questions away. Products, regimen, supplements etc.? Wth are you doing or not doing with you hair.
I never really was the type to "check for tracks" because if it was real or fake I did not really care. But I will say that I do check for jacked up ends and just unhealthy hair. :lachen::lachen: I want to just pass out LHCF site cards!
Yeah I look :lol:

SOmetimes I see some hair that looks so good LOL

and some that looks so bad ...

But I dont Judge per se .. just look and want to learn how to do it , lol
Hi ladies

I used to do all of that before LHCF but now I see how easy it is to grow your hair long...I mean it is alot of hard work but it is do-able.Therefore I feel like anyone can do it. I can spot a weave from a mile away seeing as how I used to be a weave queen.

OT: Don't yall just hate when a girl has a weave in her hair and ALL the tracks are showing?
I don't think I'm judgemental about it all. Lord knows I will slap on a 1/2 wig in a second- no shame in my game at all. Since joining LHCF and BHM I know that sisters can achieve long beautiful locks. Since I LOVE hair I will notice if someone has long hair, but rather than checking for tracks, I wanna ask,: "Are you Niko's cousin"?

I am ashamed to admit, I am far more judgemental, when I see someone with damaged hair, I just want to go up them and start firing questions away. Products, regimen, supplements etc.? Wth are you doing or not doing with you hair.

Ha ha I do this as well, but i've only done it once to a an aquaintance when she went huh? I asked about her salon:lachen:

I do suggest regular DCs, vits (which I sometimes disguise as what works on my skin with hair as a side effect:look:) and trims....
While in the world of LHCF, we all know that just about anybody can achieve long healthy hair with proper care and time... (shoulder length, APL, Brastrap, Waist and beyond)... we see long hair in people's avatars, siggy's and fotki's all of the time, and we rarely question if thats a weave or not....

but in the real world, when you log off from here and see a woman with APL and beyond length, do you automatically search her head with your eyes (or hands if you're bold like that) for signs of tracks, glue, thread or that lace front net? Do you catch yourself mumbling, or thinking "that aint her REAL hair noway" when you see someone with hair longer than yours? Is your first reaction to think "i know that long hair aint real... but it sure is cute! I wonder where she bought it from"?


are you past that type of hair mentality since joing LHCF?

I thought i was past it... but i've been catching myself thinking those above thoughts recently, only to have egg on my face when i find out that the ladie's hair is really hers... I wonder if folks will think that way about me *when* i reach my goals:ohwell:

Nope.... I don't analyze people's heads like that. But I know a weave when I see it at first glance. It could be the best weave in the world and I can still tell. But it's no biggie. I'm sure people think the same when they see me out and about. If I see a head full of healthy hair, I take notice. Same thing if I see a great weave. If it looks good, it looks good.
OMG! I am sooo guilty of this still. I walked in class last week and saw a black girl with beyond bra strap I sat behind her purposely to see if it was a weave. It wasn't!!!:nono:
No...I don't judge because I have a lot of family members with long hair so I know it is possible for black women to have real long healthy hair...:yep:

Who's to say that some of the women on this forum are telling the TRUTH that their hair is really that could very well be a weave...:ohwell:...we will never know.

Weave or long as a woman feels good about herself that is all that matters...:yep:
Most of the time I can "tell"....In the DC area...there are a lot of black women with long hair. When I was in MI over the weekend, I saw this woman come into church with pretty BSL hair and she sat in front of me. I her hair is some point during the service I glanced again and could see the smallest hint of a track peeking through...I was so disappointed :nono:
She had a good weave though...probably had some of that Gabrielle Union hair cause it was really blending.
I admit I still do look for weaves, tracks, etc. But I only do this like others here: to get the lowdown on her regimen. I also like to compliment other women on their hair if I know it's theirs. For example, where I work at, most of the women there only wear weaves. Not all of them, just most of them. Well, we had a visitor form another store come in one day to help us out and she had some of the most gorgeous WL hair I'd ever seen, in person that is. She had on a hat, so everyone there just thought she had a screwed up weave job and was trying to hide it under that hat. So, while we were all trying to figure out whether or not it was tracks, I finally got up the nerve to ask her if all of it was her hair. She looked at me and smiled and said yes, and I smiled back and said "lady, you have some of the most gorgeous, beautiful hair I have ever seen!!!" She politely said thank you and kept it moving and so did I.

Now, to answer the question about whether or not I judge others about their long hair (fake or real), my answer is no. I say this simply because I understand that some women just don't have long hair and in this day and age, long hair is easily and quickly simulated. Looks and styles can be changed, and I am all for that, just so long as you don't go overboard. For example, there was this girl in one of my classes who always wore weave and was trying to pass it off as her real hair. When asked, she always lied and said it was her real hair. Well, needless to say, she finally got busted when a friend of mine and I went to get our hair done one day and caught her up in the salon getting her hair done by my stylist and sure enough she was getting those tracks sewn up into her "just below ear length" hair. I felt so bad for her because she had told all of us lies about her hair being real when we knew it wasn't. I know she was embarrassed. But the stupid thing is was that continued to lie and she told us that she had just gotten her hair cut to grow it back out and that's why she was getting tracks. I knew she was still lying, so I went on about my business. I just don't understand why someone would lie about hair being real when they (and we for that matter) know it's fake. It just doesn't make sense. With that, I say to each his (her) own. If you got it, flaunt it. If you don't, fake it. And if you're going to fake it, just be real about it.
No...I don't judge because I have a lot of family members with long hair so I know it is possible for black women to have real long healthy hair...:yep:

Who's to say that some of the women on this forum are telling the TRUTH that their hair is really that could very well be a weave...:ohwell:...we will never know.

Weave or long as a woman feels good about herself that is all that matters...:yep:

ITA with this. Well said:yep:
No...I don't judge because I have a lot of family members with long hair so I know it is possible for black women to have real long healthy hair...:yep:

Who's to say that some of the women on this forum are telling the TRUTH that their hair is really that could very well be a weave...:ohwell:...we will never know.

Weave or long as a woman feels good about herself that is all that matters...:yep:

ITA, and it's the same way in my family. What's even more frustrating is the assumption that we must be "mixed" w/something. I have a friend who jokingly calls one of my cousins my Arab cousin because of her complexion and hair (WL) and it's really not funny to me. As long as it looks nice, real or fake, it's every woman's right to do what makes her feel good.
Most of the time I can "tell"....In the DC area...there are a lot of black women with long hair. When I was in MI over the weekend, I saw this woman come into church with pretty BSL hair and she sat in front of me. I her hair is some point during the service I glanced again and could see the smallest hint of a track peeking through...I was so disappointed :nono:
She had a good weave though...probably had some of that Gabrielle Union hair cause it was really blending.

That's one thing about the diversity of women here in MI, there are some w/incredibly long, gorgeous, healthy hair, and others who weave it when they can't achieve it :yep:
Although I know we can grow long and healthy hair, I find myself looking and I notice that a lot of women tracks and sew-ins.. I find that shoulder length is the average length...
I don't look for tracks. People with bad weaves are usually very obvious and some people can have a great weave but the texture of the weave just doesn't suit the person to where the weave just looks off on them KWIM? If someone has a very good weave I'm likely to not detect it and I really don't look 'all up in' peoples hair like that. I think that's tacky honestly and what business is it of mine anyway? If someone has good looking hair--weave or not I will note that and move on....if I am in a position where I can compliment the person---weave or not---I will do so:yep:.

I don't question anyone with good looking hair because I've been around people with real--good looking hair all of my life.

Also, I wore a weave for a year last year but I got it at only shoulder length (My first goal length that I hoped to have after the weave was out and now I'm there). No one could ever tell I had a weave. People--even my family when I visited them out of town would just say "Oh, _______, You let your hair grow. It's so pretty." They didn't flinch and it wasn't a surprise to them at all because people in my family grown hair fast and healthy looking. They could care My own grandfather too. lol. Of course, I told them it was a weave and they didn't believe it at I think the length and the texture of the hair I used were just that believable. Plus my stylist did a great job putting it in and it was maintained regularly--every 6 weeks.
You know, I actually don't anymore. I lean more towards the real side until or unless I see the two different textures or tracks.

Similarly, when I see falls, I don't think "that's an alternative to weave" but instead I say "Good protective style. I wonder what her regimen is." :lol: That's probably where the faulty judgment comes in. :lachen:
I also wanted to say that people I catch more people looking at MY OWN hair now trying to 'figure it out' I usually never wear my hair down and only do so on wash day usually. (It's healthy looking, full of body and has a wonderful natural sheen after I rollerwrap and come from under my Pibbs). Otherwise it's up in a protective style. When I wear it down and I go out to the grocery or wherever...I catch a lot of women looking at my head--inspecting it closely. My hair is ONLY a little past shoulder length--approaching APL. I mean, goodness, we can't even have shoulder length hair either..that's suspect too??? LOL I think it's funny:lachen:.
Most of the time I can "tell"....In the DC area...there are a lot of black women with long hair. When I was in MI over the weekend, I saw this woman come into church with pretty BSL hair and she sat in front of me. I her hair is some point during the service I glanced again and could see the smallest hint of a track peeking through...I was so disappointed :nono:
She had a good weave though...probably had some of that Gabrielle Union hair cause it was really blending.

Oh I hate those disappointments!
They are the worst!
Yall are bold. I can't just walk up to a random person and ask if their hair is a weave/what's their regimen. I'd be afraid of someone being like "Mind your own damn business!" Pretty hair or a good weave, I just admire from afar and keep it moving.
Yall are bold. I can't just walk up to a random person and ask if their hair is a weave/what's their regimen. I'd be afraid of someone being like "Mind your own damn business!" Pretty hair or a good weave, I just admire from afar and keep it moving.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: me too... i'm too chicken to ask someone... i have to know them a little bit first...
LHCF has made me naive. When I am with someone and we see a woman with long pretty hair and the person I am with thinks it's a weave, I tell them that you never know because I have seen the women here and now I think that more hair is real than before. Did that make sense? I have never been a good weave spotter anyway.

LHCF has made me WORSE about checking for weaves!!! I'm quick to scope a sista's head now, and mentally comment on how she needs some moisture, or shudder at the dandruff flakes (that's like my biggest no-no and horror - I don't care WHAT your hair looks like, but if it looks like you just walked in the house and it was snowing outside..... :nono: just nasty) but half the time, most of the weaves I see around here are sooooo bad, it ain't even no DOUBT as to whether it's really hers.

But then, when I see a sista rocking some GORGEOUS hair, I'm quick to give compliments about how lovely it is - I don't want her to think I'm eyeballing her head cuz I'm hating....I'm much more downlow when I disapprove. :grin:
Yeah I do, but I don't assume it's fake b/c it's long, but at the same time, I don't just give them a free pass just b/c the ladies on here have long hair either...