Do you still judge if others girls w/Long hair is real or fake IRL?

I never really was the type to "check for tracks" because if it was real or fake I did not really care. But I will say that I do check for jacked up ends and just unhealthy hair. :lachen::lachen: I want to just pass out LHCF site cards!

ITA!! I used to have the "bad ends are better than no ends" mentality, but now it's like even if I see a chick with hair longer than mine, but her ends are thin and jacked, I feel my hair is in better condition despite being shorter.
I also wanted to say that people I catch more people looking at MY OWN hair now trying to 'figure it out' I usually never wear my hair down and only do so on wash day usually. (It's healthy looking, full of body and has a wonderful natural sheen after I rollerwrap and come from under my Pibbs). Otherwise it's up in a protective style. When I wear it down and I go out to the grocery or wherever...I catch a lot of women looking at my head--inspecting it closely. My hair is ONLY a little past shoulder length--approaching APL. I mean, goodness, we can't even have shoulder length hair either..that's suspect too??? LOL I think it's funny:lachen:.
Yeah, and it had the audacity to be healthy too!! lol:lachen:
Im crap at identifying good weaves anyway:perplexed

However I wouldnt feel judgemental if it crossed my mind, theres a reason why you think it is weave and that reason is still valid.

I saw a reality programme recently with mostly White young women and a new girl came to the Island and she had long chesnut curly hair:


And 2 seconds after she set foot on their island the White girls behind her were like "Its extension, its extensions, its not real" lol! However if its not done in a *****y way theres nothin wrong with checking labels, breasts or long hair as long as your not hurting or saying nasty things.
I really don't care if you have extensions or not; if you hair is longer than mines or not. I love beautiful hair. I was in the store this past weekend and this lady had the most beautiful locks that was almost down to her but and I had to compliment how lovely her hair look. And now my natural soft hair daughter wants locks, I can't get it to stay in two had twist or last more thatn 2 days with corn rows.

The only time I have a problem is when they are checking mines to see if it is real and comparing how much longer their hair is. You don't know me stay out of my hair "don't touch please" and I don't really care if you are longer, I am happy with my hair.

I love all my beautiful sisters, long, short, natural, texlax, relax, extensions and all. As long as we don't look like a hot mess.
I never really was the type to "check for tracks" because if it was real or fake I did not really care. But I will say that I do check for jacked up ends and just unhealthy hair. :lachen::lachen: I want to just pass out LHCF site cards!

I agree with the bolded. I've become an "expert" on what healthy hair should look like.:grin:
I do look for closely at their hair. I love hair. I am obsessed with it.

I do realize that black women can have long and healthy hair. Folks think my hair is long and I don't consider it long. LHCF has made me re define long hair. I consider long hair bra strap or longer.
i'm past it. to me if it looks real then it probably is. now there are some weaves out there that are not even trying to fool you. why do women do this to themselves?! :wallbash:
While in the world of LHCF, we all know that just about anybody can achieve long healthy hair with proper care and time... (shoulder length, APL, Brastrap, Waist and beyond)... we see long hair in people's avatars, siggy's and fotki's all of the time, and we rarely question if thats a weave or not....

but in the real world, when you log off from here and see a woman with APL and beyond length, do you automatically search her head with your eyes (or hands if you're bold like that) for signs of tracks, glue, thread or that lace front net? Do you catch yourself mumbling, or thinking "that aint her REAL hair noway" when you see someone with hair longer than yours? Is your first reaction to think "i know that long hair aint real... but it sure is cute! I wonder where she bought it from"?


are you past that type of hair mentality since joing LHCF?

I thought i was past it... but i've been catching myself thinking those above thoughts recently, only to have egg on my face when i find out that the ladie's hair is really hers... I wonder if folks will think that way about me *when* i reach my goals:ohwell:

My SO often asks me about other women's hair, he can't tell a weave from a rug.

I personally don't care if it's real or not, but I do hate a busted a** weave :wallbash:

If you are gonna weave it up, then make sure it's tight, especially if you are walking around with your nose up in the air looking at me like I should feel bad that my hair is real.
I have to admit that I am not good at all when it comes to detecting whether someone's hair is their own or not. I am the one in the group that:(when I see someone's hair on point, long or short)

me: aww man, her hair is sooo pretty; that's a lot of shiny, so thick, oooh i want to ask her so bad how she maintains it!!!

my friend: dummy, she bought it!!!! that's how! that's a weave!!!

me::spinning: :wallbash:dang, i thought i was getting better at this!!

I guess my point is that whenever I see a woman with long hair, I don't automatically assume it's a weave (unless it's just tow up and busted) b/c I have seen some really natural looking ones and even before coming to LHCF, I have always known that black women can grow long hair.
I can pretty much tell if a woman has a weave or not. And I don't care. Really, it makes me want to go out and get one. :yep:. It could be her hair and look jacked up or it could be a weave and look jacked up. If anything I start thinking to myself about how she can fix her weave to make it look decent or how she can cut off her broken off dry ends and nurse her hair back. Its not in a judgmental sense its more of me seeing how they can rock their hair more beautifully. Because anyone can do it. And if I do see a woman with real hair that is longer than mines I find it as an inspiration. I can't wait to get there. I used to be the "That is a weave anyway" Person but since I've been on lhcf it has open my mind. Like how someone else mentioned, I think of a weave now as a cute protective style. :scratchch
I find myself doing it subconciously. Don't know why. I used to wear weaves all the time and I know a lot of women do. Very often I can tell it's a weave. I know women try to figure out if I'm wearing a weave too though...
I'm not judging but I love healthy hair and when I sees me some.... I get nosy as to... is it real or not..I must say I find it hard to tell the difference ..usually my girls have to fill me in:perplexed
While in the world of LHCF, we all know that just about anybody can achieve long healthy hair with proper care and time... (shoulder length, APL, Brastrap, Waist and beyond)... we see long hair in people's avatars, siggy's and fotki's all of the time, and we rarely question if thats a weave or not....

but in the real world, when you log off from here and see a woman with APL and beyond length, do you automatically search her head with your eyes (or hands if you're bold like that) for signs of tracks, glue, thread or that lace front net? Do you catch yourself mumbling, or thinking "that aint her REAL hair noway" when you see someone with hair longer than yours? Is your first reaction to think "i know that long hair aint real... but it sure is cute! I wonder where she bought it from"?


are you past that type of hair mentality since joing LHCF?

I thought i was past it... but i've been catching myself thinking those above thoughts recently, only to have egg on my face when i find out that the ladie's hair is really hers... I wonder if folks will think that way about me *when* i reach my goals:ohwell:

When I see a black woman with long hair, I usually can tell it is her hair.

Now, in reality I really don't care or stress it as much as some black women with all the slick comments and what not-I never have.

But if there happens to be the few times where I can't tell, I just say, "Well, it still looks nice" regardless of it being her hair or not. I mean, after all she did buy it!:lachen: