"Is that a weave or your real hair?"

I used to get weave-checked at SL...your hair doesn't have to be super long for people to think it's a weave!

I'm currently BSL. My friends haven't seen my real hair for almost a year. I'm curious to see what reactions I'll get from my friends and strangers :D

If someone asked if my hair was a weave I would see it as a compliment, not something rude. I've pretty much accepted that the world is kinda ignorant to black hair growth
I just think it rude to ask a complete stranger a personal questions like that. When has it become the norm to probe people and question them about their body parts? How will you benefit from that? I don't find it a compliment or anything else. If you think their hair is cute, then say that. Asking someone if wearing tracks is a way to take something away from someone,

internal dialogue of weave checker:
"oh yeah, that ain't her hair, it is too long and pretty to be real, let me find out real quick. This chick gotta be :pullhair: forreal. "

*asks you if you hair is real and you say yes*

"I know this chick is not lying to me to my face! Who she think she is! Let me ask her again cause I know she is lying! She ain't fooling me with that remy hair. Whoever did her tracks did a good job though cause from far away and up close it is undetectable! Wow! Probably a silk lace front or something... Hmmmm...let me find out real quick so I can find out who is doing her weave too. Maybe she can get me a discount"
Whenever I wear my hair like THIS I always get asked the following questions in this order...

Them: Is that a wig?
Me: No
Them: Is that all your hair?
Me: Yes
Them: How do you get it to do that?
Me: It's a long answer are you sure you want to know???:lachen:

I def take it as a compliment even if they imply that I'm lying. I'll let you weave check me till you tell me I got good hair. Then I reply "If by good hair you mean I have healthy well taken care of hair, yes I do and so can you!" Then I keep it moving unless they ask me how. I am no never that far removed from thinking that beautiful healthy hair was for other people and not for me. I never ever thought someone would think my hair was a weave or wig!
I have not been weave checked since I was relaxed, but I'd just ask (assuming it's a woman) "Are those your real breasts?" or "Is that a real Valentino [insert appropriate designer name here] bag?"

That usually shuts them up and they realize how RUDE it is to ask someone if their hair is real.

*Valentino*...sigh...lady after my own heart:drunk:

When I was relaxed I got asked all the time, If it was a wig...:perplexed Now its just mostly curious white folks..asking how its short today..but I had a afro yesterday...LOL Its shrinkage people shrinkage!!!!
My hair is not extremely long...

But I was just in Target the other day...my hair was in a loose twist out...the cashier asked if it was my hair. I told her it was..and she went said "It's so long."

I just gave her a blank stare. I wasn't being rude, I'm not sure how you respond to such comments.

I think it's rude to ask those questions.

You mean to tell me she didn't try to touch your hair and then tell you that you'd better be happy someone wanted to touch that nappy shyt??:blush: :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
*Valentino*...sigh...lady after my own heart:drunk:

When I was relaxed I got asked all the time, If it was a wig...:perplexed Now its just mostly curious white folks..asking how its short today..but I had a afro yesterday...LOL Its shrinkage people shrinkage!!!!

I saw a purple Valentino purse in a glass case when I was in London. I wanted to pick up that glass case and run. :yep:
I just think it rude to ask a complete stranger a personal questions like that. When has it become the norm to probe people and question them about their body parts? How will you benefit from that? I don't find it a compliment or anything else. If you think their hair is cute, then say that. Asking someone if wearing tracks is a way to take something away from someone,

internal dialogue of weave checker:
"oh yeah, that ain't her hair, it is too long and pretty to be real, let me find out real quick. This chick gotta be :pullhair: forreal. "

*asks you if you hair is real and you say yes*

"I know this chick is not lying to me to my face! Who she think she is! Let me ask her again cause I know she is lying! She ain't fooling me with that remy hair. Whoever did her tracks did a good job though cause from far away and up close it is undetectable! Wow! Probably a silk lace front or something... Hmmmm...let me find out real quick so I can find out who is doing her weave too. Maybe she can get me a discount"

:lol: I'm sure this happens a lot. But I have been guilt of asking women if their hair was theirs, but only after staring for a good few minutes at it:scratchch:lol:. and determining that it could very indeed be real. I usually give a compliment, and based on the way they respond I ask, they confirm, and I restate my compliment. I dont come off rude at all, plus she has the option to answer or just KIM.
I always get asked if this is "all" of my hair. I don't mind that, but I really hate being asked "How did you get it like that." Sometimes I want to be smart and say "I just let it grow out of my head like it's supposed to." Lol. I'm nice about it though and explain how it got "like that."

I'm weave checked even more when I have my mini twists in. The other day this lady said "Omg, your twists look so good. They made it look so real." Lol. I politely told her that it was real.

I guess I should be flattered, but it gets kind of annoying. Especially when they start going on about how they can't go natural because their hair will never look like mine. That statement ticks me off.
It's rude to ask a perfect stranger if their hair is real in the same vein as it's rude to walk up to a perfect stranger and ask them their salary. It's a personal question.

I do not know what makes so many people think that they are entitled to know everything about strangers. I guess it's the reality TV and facebook world that we live in - over sharing phenomenon.
People usually think I have an extra piece in there or something. I don't hate getting asked anymore, I just hate it when they stare too long...I feel like I have to look at the ceiling or something because their eyes are boring into me LOL
I can't wait till someone ask me if my natural hair is mine. I would probably be like "yeah girl..touch it" lol..(depending on the vibe they give me)..then I will go on this whole lecture about hair care..lol
I guess it depends on how someone ask you..like how some of yall said.
I've had people ask if my butt or/and boobs are real..depending on how cool we are I let them cop a feel..yes I'm a little friendly lol..
I can't wait till someone ask me if my natural hair is mine. I would probably be like "yeah girl..touch it" lol..(depending on the vibe they give me)..then I will go on this whole lecture about hair care..lol
I guess it depends on how someone ask you..like how some of yall said.
I've had people ask if my butt or/and boobs are real..depending on how cool we are I let them cop a feel..yes I'm a little friendly lol..

Your butt? Seriously? I'd never think a black girl would be asked that question....not that we all have big round booties because I forsure don't but they are quite common.
I always get asked if this is "all" of my hair. I don't mind that, but I really hate being asked "How did you get it like that." Sometimes I want to be smart and say "I just let it grow out of my head like it's supposed to." Lol. I'm nice about it though and explain how it got "like that."

I'm weave checked even more when I have my mini twists in. The other day this lady said "Omg, your twists look so good. They made it look so real." Lol. I politely told her that it was real.

I guess I should be flattered, but it gets kind of annoying. Especially when they start going on about how they can't go natural because their hair will never look like mine. That statement ticks me off.

:lol::lol: i get asked "how did you get your hair like that?!" all the time and i always say "uhh...i just let it grow from my scalp....?(duh?)"

i always get asked if im wearing a weave,imean it used to annoy me but not as much anymore since i get asked so much. the thing i hate though is when ppl are like "mmmph you got all that hair and you dont even know what to do with it,what a waste" and my response usually is "Well im pretty sure if you knew what to do with your hair then maybe it wouldnt look as bad as it does right now" ugh,that just irritates me
I think it's only rude to ask if it's a weave, well, if it IS one.

If a girl is wearing an obvious lace front wig and someone asks if it's her real hair, that kinda puts her between a rock and a hard place because she's forced to reveal something personal OR lie.

But how could anyone rocking their real hair feel a way about this question? I would be flattered if someone asked if my hair was fake. That implies it looks too good to be true, lets me know I'm doing something right!
Your butt? Seriously? I'd never think a black girl would be asked that question....not that we all have big round booties because I forsure don't but they are quite common.

Yes girl..my butt! lol..it's crazy.I know. But when I was smaller I had still had this huge butt..so ppl where like.."is it possible for someone that slim to have such a huge butt". So of course me being certified nuts....I put their thoughts to rest..lol
People have been asking me if my hair is real. I just tell them no. It's crochet braids. I guess I did a really good job.