Do you really believe in the short man syndrome?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what to believe about this one. I've met some wonderful short guys but I've also met the ones who feel like they have to overcompensate for their height. These are the ones that go on and on about their accomplishments and what they got and so forth. I'm like pluuuuueeeeeze! Give it a rest! I have to admit, I have met the ones who feel like they have to overcompensate vs the ones who have a cool quiet confidence.

But since we are on the topic of short men, how short would you go? I mean what is the shortest man you would date?
I originally typed something about there being no correlation between a man's height and his self-security - because a man who feels the need to tout his accomplishments is obviously insecure. But then, lets be real for a minute - the world expects black man to be tall and thin - shaped like basketball or football players. I can't imagine what it'd be like to be a short black man. Not making excuses, but lets call a spade a spade.

To answer your question about height, I'm 5'8", I've always dated guys who were 6'2"+ (my dad is 6'6" so I grew up with a tall man). My current SO is 5'10" and it used to bother me (I'm just being honest). I'm taller than him in heels and if my hair is one out of its out of control moods, I appear the same height as him. Ironically, he's also the most confident person I've ever dated.

How short would I go? :lol: This is it!! I find height sexy.
It think its called "Napoleon complex" lol

The shortest I would go? ...If I can put my chin on the top of his head without him bending down then he too short!
Well I've never dated any men that might have legitimately qualified as short (like 5'5 thereabouts). I don't think shortER men like 5'7-9 have Napoleon syndrome.
I've met men off all heights that were like that, but I think it's just obvious for short men because they're short :look:
Yeah I know it's got to be pretty difficult to be a short man in a sea of tall men and repeatedly hear women say they want someone tall. Me? I don't really discriminate, I'm all about personality and where your heart is. I suppose if he were 4'6 then that would be a problem. LOL!
I've found that the men I've known who are shortER(5'7-5'10)have amazing personalities:grin:
funny, charming, thoughtful...not as much non-serious dating history as the taller brothers.:rolleyes:
I don't know what to believe about this one. I've met some wonderful short guys but I've also met the ones who feel like they have to overcompensate for their height. These are the ones that go on and on about their accomplishments and what they got and so forth. I'm like pluuuuueeeeeze! Give it a rest! I have to admit, I have met the ones who feel like they have to overcompensate vs the ones who have a cool quiet confidence.

But since we are on the topic of short men, how short would you go? I mean what is the shortest man you would date?

I'm married to a shorty. :lol: He's about an inch shorter than me (without heels). One of the things I love about him is his security. Once I let him know that his height wasn't an issue for me he let it go. He doesn't care about me wearing my heels. He prefers me to wear them. There's just nothing like a confident man who works with what he's got. :yep:

I think any man can have a "napoleon complex" when he feels that he doesn't add up in a certain area, be that height, weight, job status, etc.
Less than 2 weeks after posting on here that I could never date a short man since I'm short myself I met my SO who is quite short. His close friend is even shorter and closer to my height but attracts girls easily and carries himself with confidence like SO does.

Now that I think about it I do find height attractive & never really associated short men with having to overcompensate because there are some tall insecure men who display the same traits.
I have always said that I would never be with a short guy and now here I am with a shortER guy. He is 5'10". I'm 5'3". It's not so bad. :lachen:

I agree with what a previous poster said. Many men of all heights are like that. It's just more obvious with short men because they're short.
I married a short man and he's the most secure guy I know :lol: My dad is also short and that man doesn't have an insercure bone is his body :rolleyes: (although he should be very insercure :lol:). I haven't witnessed any correlation between the two.
I believe the napoleon complex is real, it's alive and well.

However, of course, not EVERY SINGLE short dude alive is an overcompensating pugnacious lil ****.

But in general, short men i've known and worked with/for, went to school with....they've got issues.
I have noticed this.
I consider men short when they are under 5'9. I'm 5'8 ..
What i don't get is tripping over your man being short if he is still way taller than you? What's the problem?
I have noticed this.
I consider men short when they are under 5'9. I'm 5'8 ..
What i don't get is tripping over your man being short if he is still way taller than you? What's the problem?

Lol. This!

And also I agree with you and @appplecidder. 5'9 and over is not short to me. It's not tall but it's not short. I'd say it's about average height. If you're 5'9 and over yourself that would make you tall, not the guy short.

I'm about 5'7 myself and honestly I prefer men like 6foot and over, but my bf is 5'9. I don't mind as long he's taller than me.
I would love a short man if he had the qualities that I want. I've always had tall men. But tall is not all it's cracked up to be.
I do think some short men have Napoleon complex but at the same time there are men of all heights, sizes and colors that have some kind of complex about one thing or another. I've met some short guys who were very secure with great personalities :yep:
I have noticed this.
I consider men short when they are under 5'9. I'm 5'8 ..
What i don't get is tripping over your man being short if he is still way taller than you? What's the problem?

Well put! I've always been perplexed by this one. I'm like ok, do women who are 5 feet want men who are 6 feet???? I mean really!!
Yes. The shortest guy I dated was 5ft 10" I really don't find men under 6ft attractive I don't even see them - I know and its not like I'm tall either
Yeah I do. I'm 5'3 so short to me is 5'5 maybe but one of my guy friends is just under 6'0 was like "Nah short guys are like 5'8 or 5'9." Not all short guys are like this but I went to grad school with a guy who was 5'6 but worked out a lot. From his attitude it was obvious he overcompensating.:perplexed But IMO this guy has a sucky attitude so if anything would cause him trouble in the dating world, it would be that.