Do you IGNORE your SO?

I ignore him when he starts talking on and on and it's usually about nothing. He almost drove me mad one day when he just talked non stop one day. I wanted to scream but I didn't say anything. This was unusual because normally he's not an overly talkative person at all I don't know what set him off but I was done.
I would ignore him (my-ex) when he'd say things intentionally to piss me off....I got tired of that mess so I eventually bounced
I ignore him when he starts talking on and on and it's usually about nothing. He almost drove me mad one day when he just talked non stop one day. I wanted to scream but I didn't say anything. This was unusual because normally he's not an overly talkative person at all I don't know what set him off but I was done.

Lol! My boyfriend does this to! I'm thinking to myself, will he stfu already!
YES! When he seems me online (paying bills, surfing, checking LHCF etc) and hugs and kisses on me UGGGHHHH
When he sees me cooking or cleaning (really wrapped up in what I'm doing) and tries to get affectionate!

I know that sounds bad but when I'm busy - Leave me alone!!!!!
Yes. For the same reasons as everyone above. He can sometimes really annoy me and it's just better to act like I'm deaf than to yell at him and get myself worked up.

He's used to it. I just ignored him 2 minutes ago.
Well, if he's doing something to irritate me, seldom do I "ignore". I let him know what's irritating me and if he continues, then I ignore but mostly, he'll try to fix it.

If he's being affectionate as much as I may WANT to be left alone, I will generally drop everything (except for mommy and son time) to give him the attention he's seeking. For instance, if I'm on the computer and he comes into the room kissing and hugging on me, I will probably be mildly annoyed inwardly but I'm still responsive and after a few kisses in the right places, my annoyance weans quickly. For us though, it can only go but so far since we are abstaining for a wee bit longer. :ohwell:

After our wedding day, it's likely ya'll will never hear from me again. :lachen:I intend to be naked and having sex at least 5 hours a day. :grin: I'm my most agreeable at that time so I'm sure he'll try to keep me there as much as possible.
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I ignore my husband all the time.... its the only way to keep a happy marriage

:grin: I laughed when I read this LOL
I ignore my SO when he's acting up. He needs to be checked sometimes :yep:
I have learned the hard way that men only respond to No Contact. That's when their minds will race...what does she mean? Why is she upset?
It's true, men love a bit**y woman that stands for what she wants and believes.

It's fun, because when we come back together it's all the sweeter :kiss:
Well, if he's doing something to irritate me, seldom do I "ignore". I let him know what's irritating me and if he continues, then I ignore but mostly, he'll try to fix it.

If he's being affectionate as much as I may WANT to be left alone, I will generally drop everything (except for mommy and son time) to give him the attention he's seeking. For instance, if I'm on the computer and he comes into the room kissing and hugging on me, I will probably be mildly annoyed inwardly but I'm still responsive and after a few kisses in the right places, my annoyance weans quickly. For us though, it can only go but so far since we are abstaining for a wee bit longer. :ohwell:

After our wedding day, it's likely ya'll will never hear from me again. :lachen:I intend to be naked and having sex at least 5 hours a day. :grin: I'm my most agreeable at that time so I'm sure he'll try to keep me there as much as possible.
<---Prays for Adequate's mattress (get the extended warranty) and gets some red bull as a wedding present.
when he says a whole bunch of dumb ish ......... this usually happens when he is tired or has been talking to his friends on the phone

When he gets super goofy and I am in a serious mood

After arguments This is the only way to push his buttons He hates being ignored