DO you have grey??

What age did you grey??

  • under 18

    Votes: 58 15.0%
  • 18-24

    Votes: 55 14.2%
  • 25-34

    Votes: 113 29.2%
  • 35 and up

    Votes: 89 23.0%
  • havent had a grey hair yet

    Votes: 72 18.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I ask this because I have grey :eek: which is normal the older you get but.............Im only 22! My grandmother says its herediatary in my family to grey early but I was in the shop (beauty salon) on Friday and noticed a couple girls around my age with grey. Its not noticeable to nobody but me because it looks like shine when the light hits it but I notice and dont want to have a whole head when Im 30. So do you have grey?? and if so when did you start to grey. :confused:
Hey sky
I too started greying when I was about your age...great gift from my mother :) Anyway I feel your pain because I can't stand it either...Now I'm 27 and I found 3 strands in my hair line and I'm like :eek: I can deal with it in the other parts because it's easier to hide but in the's just so disgusting...they should find a product for that other than a rinse that keeps washing out showing the world that I got these suckers :(
I had one grey strand from the age of 9 til about 19, then I got married and my now X-husband worried the heck out of me the one turned to a patch. When I divorced him they went away. Now that I am 30ish I have a lot on my hair line. It's ridicuolous. I think they increased due to life's pressures. I use to keep them covered. But one time I had a set back using bigen, so I stopped using that product, tuned into Tracy on this board started to use tone and textures about once every 3-4 months. Inbetween time I cover them with mascara.

What helps me to keep my hair from turning grey is to eat alfafa, live stress free (which is next to impossible) .
I have a few grey hairs on top of my head but its no biggie to me. I wear my hair up 90% of the time and when I do wear it loose you can hardly see them.
my mother grayed young i have a few that's why i said i was going to stop getting my hair in cornrows because my gray hairs poke through but i used to rinse with posner blue/black
I've had grey hair since I was a child. I keep it covered (most of the time :lol: ) with Sebastians Colourshines Neutral Brown (to match my natural hair color)
I saw the first grey hair when I was dad started to grey at that same time so It's hereditary. My bro who is 9 years younger than me has had grey had since he was 9. I have them in my hairline which i cant stand. Ive used rinses to cover them but Its been a while since i got a rinse. But I can predict a rinse in my future as I cant go thru the summer with showing, they are really noticable as its no longer 1 0r 2 theres lil patch (yuck).....seems the older I get the more they come.

Wait till yall start seeing them downstairs...not cute!! :lol:
I have grey hairs, I've had them for a while but they're increasing and they're mostly in the front. :ohwell: I have no idea what I'm going to do about them. I was thinking about using a shade similar to my natural color.
I actually started greying at a young age. I was about 9 and they started growing a lot. Then as I started puting the relaxer in my hair they started to become less. Even my stylist at the time noticed it and said that probably with all the chemicals used in my hair that it slows down the growth or something. However now that I'm 24 I'm noticing that I'm getting a lot!! I have a few friends who are around my age who also have some grey hair! I have no idea what that's about. It's the weirdest thing! :confused:
I was born with a patch of gray hair. THANKS, DAD!!!! :lol: :lol: He was also born with a patch of gray hair, in the EXACT same spot......front and center. I hated it when I was younger because I had waist length, thick jet black hair.....and BAM....a long streak of gray. I looked like "Lily Munster". :lol: But, I've learned to embrace it now. :)
Allandra said:
I've had grey hair since I was a child. I keep it covered (most of the time :lol: ) with Sebastians Colourshines Neutral Brown (to match my natural hair color)

Does your Colourshine rinse out quickly. I tried it once and it rinsed off the grey hair quickly. I wash my hair at least twice a week, so the rinse is not working for me right now. I am really thinking about going semi-perm or perm color. Seems like that is the only things that will cover the grey for a good amount of time.
I started seeing gray hair when I was 25. At first I was annoyed by these two strand of hair in the middle of my head but now I got use to it. That's the only place I got some
Thanks Ladies Im glad to know Im not the only one with some grey :lol: My family actually think Im just seeing things because no one can see (including my hair stylist) but me. My hair is pretty thick so that could be factor but right now its just annoying to look at.
I noticed my first grey hair in high school:eek:, I think I was about 15 or 16. I kept that one for years, I looked at it as a good luck charm:). I will be 30 this year and I now have three so I figure they're coming in pretty slow and I don't expect a full head any time soon. My grandmother has beautiful grey hair and I hope mine looks like hers someday just not right now;)!
Yep, I have some gray at the crown. I use Clairol's Natural Instincts, a semi-permanent that lasts longer than a rinse. It covers those babies right up. :D Of course, now that I'm in braids, it's easy to see the gray from the new growth. No big deal, though.
I started noticing grey at 20, and saw an increase if I stressed, then the first time I took my hair out of braids-:eek: !! Dang! It was heartbreaking!! They were everywhere!! I don't think I would be so annoyed if it was a streak, I like those they look cool, I hate the salt and pepper thing that just looks old!!
My dad's mom said he was born with 5 grey hairs, so I guess it was bound to happen early!
Yep--- I cover my little suckers with Bigen permanent dye after my relaxers..
Wonderful cheap product!
Yep. I have gray here and there....even at my front hairline! I plan on applying a rinse to cover it. I'm 32 and I started seeing one or two single strands when I was in high school. I've got too many to clip now lol. My other plan might be to take this gray streak that's at my hairline and bleach it blonde.
miracle said:
I was born with a patch of gray hair.

My friend too. She hates it when people stare at it. Once someone asked if she dyed her hair like that.


mytialpn said:
I noticed my first grey hair in high school

I notice my first grey hair in high school too. I yanked it out like it was a weed. I now have a few greys (I'm 31). I usually cover them up with a dark brown rinse.
I found one when I was 23 in the bathroom at work...and I cried. I'm over it now though, its like 3 hairs. As long as they stay gray and not some funky color I'm ok with it.
You are not alone. I have been graying since high school. I too use Bigen after my relaxer (every 12-13 weeks). My gray is out of controll. I usually start pulling it back after the Bigen starts to wear off. People ask me all the time if I dye my hair salt and pepper. I can not imagine who would do such a thing.
SplashAtl said:
Does your Colourshine rinse out quickly. I tried it once and it rinsed off the grey hair quickly. I wash my hair at least twice a week, so the rinse is not working for me right now. I am really thinking about going semi-perm or perm color. Seems like that is the only things that will cover the grey for a good amount of time.
I shampoo/condition my hair once a week, so it lasts longer.
When I woke up on my 28th birthday I saw 3 grey strands in the front of my head. I have inherited the dread skunk trail my mother has. My SO doesn't have one single grey strand. This really bothers me.:ohwell:
Yep! But I only have three that I can see. I 'm one of those weird folks who like my grey. I think they're pretty.I just love that beutiful sparlkly silver shine! But maybe that's only because there are three. :lol: Oh yeah, I found them when I was 34. I'm 36 now and still just have the three.
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I have one at the top of my head that I have had for a couple of years , it doesnt bother me. I don't think I will be seeing anymore soon. :look:
I've been "going grey" since I was 19 and I have never used color nor do I intend to -- I'm 40 now and I LOVE my grey more than ever -- In fact, I use special "blue" poos to really make them shine and use colourshines clear every touchup to make them blinging glimmering! Last time I had a wash and set at the salon, another customer was watching and said "your streaks are really pretty" and what color did I use! I was so flattered and delighted to tell her they're GREY and just came in that way, untouch and glorious. I'm glad I decided early to "work with my grey" rather than fight it (it's enough of a battle just fighting the naps!). My maternal family all "go grey early" and my mom has had this awesome streak right at her widows peak in front since she was about 19 (my streaks are equally awesome on each temple!) and her siblings all have grey and in observing them over the years, decided that covering it up was too much work and drama, not to mention damage. Those family members who just let the grey alone had much heathier, stronger, and IMO more beautiful hair - whether natural, relaxed, tex, or thio - them greys just gleams . . .
Wow very early for some of you. I've been freaking out for over a month now because I have 1 grey hair and I'm 35. (Ok so I will be 36 in a few months :perplexed ). I even had my stylist looking so she could tell me if their were more (there isn't...YET)