DO you have grey??

What age did you grey??

  • under 18

    Votes: 58 15.0%
  • 18-24

    Votes: 55 14.2%
  • 25-34

    Votes: 113 29.2%
  • 35 and up

    Votes: 89 23.0%
  • havent had a grey hair yet

    Votes: 72 18.6%

  • Total voters
I first started noticing grey hairs when I was around 17. I like the old wives tale that eary grey is a sign of wisdom. LOL! To be honest grey hair's don't really bother me. I do get a jet black rinse twice a year but it's more because I like the look of the hair color versus me trying to cover my grey.
My hair started to grey at 25. I covered it for years :cool: and decided I was no longer going to keep up the added chemicals and it was getting too $$$. When I started to let it grow in, EVERYBODY kept asking me when was I going to start coloring my hair??? Friends, family, older people the like. I kept getting "you are too young to have all of the grey in your head." But it did't bother me at all. They didn't know that I had been hiding it for years. Now I get compliments every time I where my hair down. Especially from older women and men. I have started hair revolt on my Job. Now many of the white females have let their natural grey shine through.

Grey had not aged me. You can tell in my face that I am not an old woman.

I have found the right products to work with my hair because if not it can be quite resistant.
33 yrs. old i still have very little. i can count the strands..there are maybe 7 on my entire head, i'm 36 now. My father didn't grey until he was older but my mom's family greys in their 20s. My brother(30) took after that side and he's got a ton.
I started greying in my late late twenties and continue to grey in my early thirties.. I am not really concerned about it as of yet because it's only a few strands.. I will eventually resort to dying my hair a darker black but I want to accomplish this with indigo plant. When I was going to the salon to get my hair done I would have the stylist color me.. but I no longer go to the salon since I have now learned to take care of my own hair. I think my grey hair is interesting.. it has a different wiry texture and a high shine to it :look:'s not my enemy as of yet... but when it starts coming out full force.. then I will definitely color it!! I still have a young looking face regardless of my grey strands:grin:
p31woman said:
I have one strand....I know it may sound stupid but I went into shock when I saw it. I am ONLY 21!!!!! I called my mother and grandmother and asked them when did they get their first gray and they both said in their 30's! The thing is it's not grey...that sucker is silver! My grandmother tried to make me feel less old by telling me the silver ones signify wisdom. :look: Not only is the longest and strongest strand of hair on my freakin head! My mom told me to look for more. (soo not funny) Now that the shock has worn off, my little friend is growing on me. He better watch his back though, one false move and he is getting cut!!:lachen:

now that was funny :lol: :lol:
I started to "turn grey" around 23. I have a small patch in the middle that's pretty close to the front. At first I thought I would be okay with them but over the years they've increased in number and I finally decided to dye them this past Summer. The color my stylist chose was a little too blonde for my taste, and I haven't done it again since. I may try another color now that the weather is getting ready to warm up.

That's something I get from my mother. She would only color her grey in the spring and summer b/c the sun would highlight the color.:confused:

My husband started to grey as a teenager. It's actually one of the things that attracted me to him when we first met...something about a 20 yr old with grey hair that just turned me on!!!:blondboob
I saw my first grey hair when I was 16. My mom told me when she reached 25 her hair was 50% white. I was so sad at the thought I would have to color my whole head for most of my life. Luckly, I am 24 right now and I still only have a few strands of hair grow white.
I have more than a few in the front and top and I EARNED every darn one of them. If you lived through my son's teen years, you'd have grey hair too. :lol: Note that I am laughing now - I assure you I was not at the time. Fortunately, time cured him and he is now an educated, responsible man and a great father - it's all good ... now. My middle one gave me more than a few before she turned from a teen nto a normal young woman.

I do not know what I will do when I get really grey - maybe color, maybe not. Right now, I enjoy them. I do have one more teenager to go.
I had some grey in my late teens. But now at 33 I have a lot of grey and I love it. Some is silver and some is grey.
This first grey I spotted was when I was 23 and growing out a blue black hair dye. I was soooo shocked to see it.

At this point, I love my grey and it will get more interesting with the henna treatments. They are metallic red. They look like little berries in the hair.:p

dlewis said:
I had some grey in my late teens. But now at 33 I have a lot of grey and I love it. Some is silver and some is grey.

I am the same as you....I am enjoying getting grey. My mom who is in her 60's has a lot of grey hair but she continues to dye it black. lol She doesn't look like she is in her 60's though. But her grey is mostly white with some darker grey shades.
I got my first grey @ the ago of 30. I nearly cried. Then I got 4 last year after going through hell buying my first house. It was such a process and stressed me the heck out :( .

Does anyone cover their grey and with what?
I always had grey hair since I was a child and it was a lot. I am 20 years old now and my gray has gotten out of control so I just put a black rinse to cover it up. But I'm kinda glad that I got the gray cause when my new growth comes in I can measure my growth by the grey roots and the colored ends.
I haven't had a grey hair yet. My little sister's had greys since she was a kid. I think the grey strands look cool against her black hair :)
I'm not sure if this counts but...I sprouted one gray hair the months following my Mom passing away. Eventually, it fell out (break up) and never returned. :confused:
Yes! I have a lot of gray and it is not pretty. I got my first gray at the age of 17. It is in hereditary though. I'm trying to find Henna or something to keep them covered.
I found my first "discolored" hair when I was 9YO. It runs on my father's side of the family. I just can't tell the difference between grey, white or colorless? Is there such a thing as colorless? At times I've seen a few that the top half is my hair color and if the hair shed the half closest to the root looked invisible. It did not reflect a white or grey color in the light. It seemed to disappear unless I stared the top half that actually had color. But what exactly does grey look like? Is it softer than white? I'm trying figure out which type(s) I have. I think mine lead more towards the white and colorless type if that even exists. LOL.
I found my first "discolored" hair when I was 9YO. It runs on my father's side of the family. I just can't tell the difference between grey, white or colorless? Is there such a thing as colorless? At times I've seen a few that the top half is my hair color and if the hair shed the half closest to the root looked invisible. It did not reflect a white or grey color in the light. It seemed to disappear unless I stared the top half that actually had color. But what exactly does grey look like? Is it softer than white? I'm trying figure out which type(s) I have. I think mine lead more towards the white and colorless type if that even exists. LOL.
I have found a grey hair or two (I'm 23), I'm not bothered by it. I'm actually jealous of my mom, she has a white streak starting at her crown and going straight back for about 4 inches. The rest of her hair is jet black. Her streak looks especially good when she does rollersets.
Yes I have lots and lots of grey.

I found my first white hair when I was 19 and now at 36 I have around 30-40% grey. I have to color my hair so often! My hair just laughs at a rinse :lol: I color the top of my head only, every month or so with a henna mix (Lush caca brown) and only the new growth.

But since henna doesn't give a complete coverage the white hairs are reddish and stand out from the rest of my hair which I think is okay. I don't know what I'll do when I'm a 100% grey. That's when I'll start using regular hair colors I guess...
I have grey hair since I was a teenager first people told me it was a sign that I'm going to be rich:perplexed ( African thing ) I noticed that a lot of young black people have grey hair here in Europe and a couple of days ago a friend told me that it was the hard water that causes grey hair and it is true that young black people in Africa don't have that. When I was in my country I didn't have grey hair and soon as I came here it all started.
I have one (1) grey strand and I'll be 41 years old this July. My family grey hairs comes in late I guess...
No...none, And I think salt n peppery grey hair is sooooo pretty.
My family doesn't go grey until late in life. :perplexed
I think when I was 26 or so I grew one grey hair and it is the only one I have still. It's been...quite a few years since it came in.
sky_blu said:
I ask this because I have grey :eek: which is normal the older you get but.............Im only 22! My grandmother says its herediatary in my family to grey early but I was in the shop (beauty salon) on Friday and noticed a couple girls around my age with grey. Its not noticeable to nobody but me because it looks like shine when the light hits it but I notice and dont want to have a whole head when Im 30. So do you have grey?? and if so when did you start to grey. :confused:

A friend of mine who is a couple of years older than me was salt and pepper when she graduated from high school. At the age of 18, she had a head full of gray hair and it was absolutely gorgeous. Your grandmother is right, it is herediatay but IMO, salt & pepper hair is gorgeous, and you said it shines when the light hits, - sounds pretty. Just my opinion, so don't worry about the gray hair, it may be an asset.
I'm 32 and I have 1 grey hair. I don't mind the idea of greying but I'll probably color it if I have 30% or more grey.