DO you have grey??

What age did you grey??

  • under 18

    Votes: 58 15.0%
  • 18-24

    Votes: 55 14.2%
  • 25-34

    Votes: 113 29.2%
  • 35 and up

    Votes: 89 23.0%
  • havent had a grey hair yet

    Votes: 72 18.6%

  • Total voters
I myself don't have any grey hair (as far as I can tell) but since it seems to be herditary I will have to ask my mother & grandmother when did they get grey hair..I'm a bit curious. My DS is only 18 months and I've noticed a strand or two of grey reason in the world for him to be stressed and can't imagine what its from. :confused:

Anyway I was searching the web and came across this:

For Gray Hair

¨ Potatoes: Boil potato peels in water, strain, and cool. Use the strained water as an after-shampoo rinse to darken gray hair.
MsKendra said:
I myself don't have any grey hair (as far as I can tell) but since it seems to be herditary I will have to ask my mother & grandmother when did they get grey hair..I'm a bit curious. My DS is only 18 months and I've noticed a strand or two of grey reason in the world for him to be stressed and can't imagine what its from. :confused:

Anyway I was searching the web and came across this:

For Gray Hair

¨ Potatoes: Boil potato peels in water, strain, and cool. Use the strained water as an after-shampoo rinse to darken gray hair.

You know some people are born with gray hair well salt and peppered colored. I went to school like elementary/middle school with classmates that had that much gray.
I started to grey when I was 12. My aunt has a beautiful salt and pepper head of hair. My mom has a "skunk" patch. I have a patch at the very top of my hairline. I usually can comb my hair a certain way to cover it. All of the women in my family grey early...but we also have hair on our chiny chin chins...ah well.
I started getting grey hair when I was 24, matter a fact, right after I had my 2 child.:ohwell: I remember having a conversation with my father telling him that I have grey hairs, now I don't know if this is true or not, but he told me when you get grey hairs when your young, he said it means wisdom. So I'm taking it like that. By the way, I don't have grey hairs, their "Platinum". :eek: :grin:
Take it as a compliment, sista. It means you are a hard worker!!!! :D

And yep so far i have found one located at the left temple of my hair. :grin: and i'm 28 yrs old.
i had grey hair since i was a child. i dont know if i was born with it. i do know my dad's hair turned grey (everything) when he turned 40. so i should be expecting that since i have his hair. right now, i can find only one grey
luvlonghair said:
I started getting grey hair when I was 24, matter a fact, right after I had my 2 child.:ohwell: I remember having a conversation with my father telling him that I have grey hairs, now I don't know if this is true or not, but he told me when you get grey hairs when your young, he said it means wisdom. So I'm taking it like that. By the way, I don't have grey hairs, their "Platinum". :eek: :grin:

My father told me the same thing!
No grey hairs here.

But I have a sister who is 18 and she has had grey hairs since she was in her pre-teens.
I think I found my first grey at 17. I found about 5 around that time, I think I pulled them all out. And then I don't remember seeing any more, for 6 years. Until yesterday! When I spotted one, about 3" long. So it could have been that it only grew out grey since I've been working. It's the stress, I'm telling you!
Although... my parents started getting grey hair young, and my brother (19) has a few easily visible greys.

I still think it's the job though. Work sucks.
I'm 24, and I've had grey hair for a few years now. i can't rememer exactly when I started seeing strands, but I have them on the sides of my head. They don't bother me, it's only a strand here and there. I think grey hair is beautiful, so I won't be trying to cover them up anytime soon.
I would have to say that I am BLESSED!! I am 35 and I do not have one grey hair! I am the only person I know that does not have any.
I got my first grey hair in the crown of my head when I was 9 years old. I have two or three at my temples, but I couldn't tell you how many others I have 'cause I henna and that's all she wrote. :)
I think I was born with grey hair. I've had grey hairs for as long as I can remember, I even have one red hair.
No grey hair here, not one strand and I'll be 40 in January....I must be following in my mother's foot steps because she didn't get her first grey hair til she was 49!! My grandmother is 83 and she has salt and pepper hair (albeit more salt than pepper but still)

Now one of my younger brothers (by 2 1/2 years) has a head full of grey hair! :eek: I guess the men in the family grey faster/earlier than the women!
I'm 31 and I have three or four gray hairs lurking around somewhere....I have to search hard for them because my hair is so thick! I first noticed them appearing when I turned 29. I think it's hereditary.....but I often wonder if the lye/chemicals I put on my scalp speeds up the process.......just a thought.
I started seeing a few at around age 26. They did not even come in grey, they are white!!! Now they are starting to spread across the hairline. My brother and sister are alot oldeer than I am and I have more than both of them (put together). :ohwell: I'll go with the wisdom theory. :)

One weekend three strangers (at 3 different locations) suggested that I color my hair. :eek: :lachen:
I don't have any yet, I'm 28. My parents grey hair didn't really start to show until 40's. There both 59 now my mom is still not totally white and my dad is finally white all over :)
Neroli said:
I've been "going grey" since I was 19 and I have never used color nor do I intend to -- I'm 40 now and I LOVE my grey more than ever -- In fact, I use special "blue" poos to really make them shine and use colourshines clear every touchup to make them blinging glimmering! Last time I had a wash and set at the salon, another customer was watching and said "your streaks are really pretty" and what color did I use! I was so flattered and delighted to tell her they're GREY and just came in that way, untouch and glorious. I'm glad I decided early to "work with my grey" rather than fight it (it's enough of a battle just fighting the naps!). My maternal family all "go grey early" and my mom has had this awesome streak right at her widows peak in front since she was about 19 (my streaks are equally awesome on each temple!) and her siblings all have grey and in observing them over the years, decided that covering it up was too much work and drama, not to mention damage. Those family members who just let the grey alone had much heathier, stronger, and IMO more beautiful hair - whether natural, relaxed, tex, or thio - them greys just gleams . . .

Well, well, that was then and this is now. I currently use henna to cover my greys and I love it! I still don't mind greys, but it is nice to have a change and I'm really loving the conditioning benefits of henna as well as the gorgeous color. Henna is permanent red color that can be mixed with indigo ("black henna") for a wide range of colors from blue black to bright red.

I never used or even considered using chemical dyes for the reasons stated in my prior post - chemical dyes are just too damaging and you have to keep applying them as new growth comes in, thus repeating the damaging cycle. Whereas with henna, I can apply every week to keep up with the color and not worry about damage; indeed, it conditions and glosses my hair as well as maintains my deep reddish brownish mahogany color on my black hairs and a reddish gold on my grey hair. The only time I lay off is two weeks before touchup and two weeks after, then I'm back to my weekly henna treatments such that I hardly use shampoo anymore. Just henna and apply deep conditioner after. Simple and beautiful!

If you're interested, below are a couple of links to threads on this board for henna ladies as well as a link to the "henna for hair" websit that helped me understand that henna is an excellent colorant, conditioner and "secret weapon" for awesme relaxed hair. . . .
Diane71 said:
I have a few grey hairs on top of my head but its no biggie to me. I wear my hair up 90% of the time and when I do wear it loose you can hardly see them.

Ditto. :) I have about 5 grey strands in the front, that are usually lost in my hair........
I have one gray that my husband discovered a few months ago. :perplexed It's in the back of my head so I can cover it up. But I was traumatized when he found it. I'm 29.
I had one grey hair in the front of my head since I can remember. Then a couple of years ago I was laid off and the stress caused them to pepper my head. I have 3 strands of grey in the front. 2 are thin, but one strand is very thick and sticks out like a unicorn horn! I gave up trying to make it blend with any hairstyle because it refused to lay completely flat so I keep it cut half the length of the hair surrounding it.
I have one strand....I know it may sound stupid but I went into shock when I saw it. I am ONLY 21!!!!! I called my mother and grandmother and asked them when did they get their first gray and they both said in their 30's! The thing is it's not grey...that sucker is silver! My grandmother tried to make me feel less old by telling me the silver ones signify wisdom. :look: Not only is the longest and strongest strand of hair on my freakin head! My mom told me to look for more. (soo not funny) Now that the shock has worn off, my little friend is growing on me. He better watch his back though, one false move and he is getting cut!!:lachen:
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I found my first gray hair when I was 12. It was the only gray hair I had until I turned 23 or so. They I found one or two more. Now that I'm 26, I still only have the original three gray hairs on my head. My mom didn't start to get gray hairs, a larger number, until she was in her late 40s.
My mother strated getting white hair at 21.

I am 27 and I have five white hairs scattered throughout my hair. I started getting them last year. Usually I cut them off when I notice them, but I don't go hunting them down. When I start to get a lot more white hairs I'll probably color them.