Do you get jealous of another girl with a goodloooking boyfriend/husband?


New Member
Do you get jealous of another girl with a good loooking boyfriend/husband, especially if the girl is beat (unnattractive)?
No. I learned a long time ago that dating is not all about looks. As long as the person they are with makes them happy I'm happy for them.
I don't get jealous, but I wonder about the backstory behind them (how and where'd they meet, how long they been together, etc.). I'm more "jealous" when a woman is undeserving of a good man (i.e. She cheats, she sits on her ass and tries to control him when he goes above & beyond to please her and she's STILL not satisfied, etc.). I've gotten past looks... Sometimes that good looking dude ain't even become good looking til that unattractive girl upgraded him-- cinderella style. :ohwell:
No because beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. The so-called goodlooking man must be attracted to this woman on one or more levels to be with her so I really don't question it.
I don't get jealous, but I wonder about the backstory behind them (how and where'd they meet, how long they been together, etc.). I'm more "jealous" when a woman is undeserving of a good man (i.e. She cheats, she sits on her ass and tries to control him when he goes above & beyond to please her and she's STILL not satisfied, etc.). I've gotten past looks... Sometimes that good looking dude ain't even become good looking til that unattractive girl upgraded him-- cinderella style. :ohwell:

My SO is a very good looking man. In fact he is exactly what i have dreamed of as my ideal but never thought i'd meet someone like him as he has the personality and good heart to match.
We do look good together and everyone says so - even complete strangers.
I only met him 3 months ago and already we are talking marriage....i'm in dream land right now and enjoying every minute. Even now i still :lick: when i look at him - lol.

In answer to your question there is no 'backstory'. Two single people met, clicked and are having a great relationship.

A couple of my more vocal friends have asked, 'how the hell did you bag him?' (in a jokey way) One of them actually moaned that her husband isn't great looking and that it wasn't fair....the man treats her like a princess by the way.

I know where she is coming from because at my age - 32 - its kind of unlikely to meet Mr Good Looking with no baggage - most girls would have met him at school age - like my Mum and Dad!
Nope I just figure there is somebody for everybody. I know a girl in a similar situation (I think she is cute though). I saw her this weekend and she introduced me to her friend. I looked at him and said, "oh you are cute, go head girl." They both laughed. He was fine too!!! But I have my good looking man and even if I didn't, I don't want what someone else has. I know attraction is based on more than just looks. Everybody is not so superficial that they are with someone others may deem attractive. Folks like what they like. Q
I don't see why I would be jealous of someone I had no emotional ties would be different if the good looking guy was my ex :yep:
My roommate is like this. I'm single. But if we're out at a club and i'm dancing with a guy she'll do everything to get in between and make conversation with HIM. :whyme:

She makes me so :wallbash: I'm at the point where I cant go clubbing with her. She gets jealous and so competitive!!
My SO is a very good looking man. In fact he is exactly what i have dreamed of as my ideal but never thought i'd meet someone like him as he has the personality and good heart to match.
We do look good together and everyone says so - even complete strangers.
I only met him 3 months ago and already we are talking marriage....i'm in dream land right now and enjoying every minute. Even now i still :lick: when i look at him - lol.

In answer to your question there is no 'backstory'. Two single people met, clicked and are having a great relationship.

A couple of my more vocal friends have asked, 'how the hell did you bag him?' (in a jokey way) One of them actually moaned that her husband isn't great looking and that it wasn't fair....the man treats her like a princess by the way.

I know where she is coming from because at my age - 32 - its kind of unlikely to meet Mr Good Looking with no baggage - most girls would have met him at school age - like my Mum and Dad!

By answering me, it would seem you feel you're unattractive. I hope that's not the case. And a backstory exists because I don't know either of you, nor was I there to see you "meet, click and have a great relationship" When I say I wonder the backstory, it's not in a 'how the hell did you bag him?' kinda way. I wanna know if I should be clubbing where she clubbing, shopping where she shopping, or if there are any other good looking brothers, cousins, friends, etc. wandering around where he came from, shoot! :lachen:I'm not as fortunate as the most of the women in this thread (you included), I'm single again!
I would. But that might have something to do with the fact that I'm a bitter, super single woman who hasn't been out on a date in ages. :look:
I would. But that might have something to do with the fact that I'm a bitter, super single woman who hasn't been out on a date in ages. :look:

Where do you live?? I am constantly seeing you make posts about you being super single and sex deprived. I just honestly don't see why.
Where do you live?? I am constantly seeing you make posts about you being super single and sex deprived. I just honestly don't see why.

Hahaha, they're just jokes. Well, partially. :look:

I live in Ann Arbor, MI. I could write an essay about this, but men do not approach me or ask me out here AT ALL.

OK, I'm gonna stop joking about it now since I've drawn attention to myself. :look: Naw, but seriously, it's not a good look, jealousy is horrible, but I have honestly 100% felt that way, especially recently. I'm about to stop posting about it cuz that's not a good look either.
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By answering me, it would seem you feel you're unattractive. I hope that's not the case. And a backstory exists because I don't know either of you, nor was I there to see you "meet, click and have a great relationship" When I say I wonder the backstory, it's not in a 'how the hell did you bag him?' kinda way. I wanna know if I should be clubbing where she clubbing, shopping where she shopping, or if there are any other good looking brothers, cousins, friends, etc. wandering around where he came from, shoot! :lachen:I'm not as fortunate as the most of the women in this thread (you included), I'm single again!

Huh? But i thought anyone could chime in with a story.
Not at all, i'm considered to be very attractive actually:look: - i'm quite modest so i'm saying this for the purpose of this thread!
My SO and I make a very good looking couple but my friends still felt the need to comment and say 'how the hell did you get him?' - a comment that is not reflective of me and my looks - its just that good looking guys like him are usually taken or Players.

OK - i see what you mean by 'backstory'.
We met in a night club (i've always said i'd never meet anyone decent in a place like that!!).
He wanted to ask me to dance from the minute he saw me but was really nervous (i'm 6'1" in heels and very noticeable in lots of ways - if i turn a guy down he knows every other guy has seen this and can be very embarrassing for them :blush:) - his friend encouraged him too and the rest is history.

Yep he has some fantastic eligible friends too :spinning:........just like us women, man find it hard to meet Miss Right.

Don't worry, you will meet your Mr Right - it will happen when you least expect it.
I wouldnt get jealous but I would wonder how she got him and what tips she can give me :lachen:

The best tip i ever got was to smile - all the time - even when you don't feel like it. Doesn't have to me a big cheesy grin - just have a pleasant look on your face and you will have men flocking you. You will look approachable.

I've always had attention but a friend told me to smile as i can look a bit fierce. I went out and smiled my face off and that night i met my SO!!!
Nope. For what? :perplexed

ITA. I have the best man I could possibly want.

Looks can only last so long. At the end of the day, you need to find someone you can live with day in and day out and still be happy :)

Why would I want someone who wants someone else?

I have a friend with a very attractive husband - people always ask "why?" or "how?" But I know them well and I know they are a perfect fit :yep:
Nope. And it's not because I'm not the jealous type (I can be an green-eyed beeyatch sometimes). But, 1) I have a different "type" than most and 2) looks don't really matter much to me.
ITA. I have the best man I could possibly want.

Looks can only last so long. At the end of the day, you need to find someone you can live with day in and day out and still be happy :)

Why would I want someone who wants someone else?

I have a friend with a very attractive husband - people always ask "why?" or "how?" But I know them well and I know they are a perfect fit :yep:

I don't think the OP meant that you actually wanted someone's man.....

You can be a little jealous of your friend for having a very good looking guy AND he's also the type of person you can live with day in and day out and be happy.

Alot of women never find that whole package - they often have a really great guy but in the looks department they have compromised but eventually those looks don't matter. Obviously looks are subjective but sometimes you come across men that EVERY woman finds attractive.
Okay, here is a scenario......say your out at the mall with your good friend who isn't hideous but not the most attractive woman, here comes David Beckham (he isn't a star just some regular guy) and he hits on your best friend and not you, even though your wouldn't feel once of jealousy?.....

