Do you drink?

Do you drink?

  • Yes, a few times a week

    Votes: 21 7.9%
  • Yes, a few times a month

    Votes: 52 19.6%
  • Yes, a few times a year

    Votes: 97 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 95 35.8%

  • Total voters
occassionally. Nothing wrong with it. lots of scriptures back it up. But unlike the OP i don't think you should drink to get drunk! "be sober minded."
I've never liked the taste of alcohol but I imagine if I did I would be a wine girl.:look:

Anyway, I don't have a problem with believers drinking unless they're getting drunk.:rolleyes:

So, do you drink?

I've never liked it either...I guess I would like wine. IDK. I like to drink out of my wine glasses...with apple juice. :lachen:
Generally no. However, I struggle with the occasional social drink. It's wrong and I need to be on my knees about it. My body is the temple of God. Nothing that is not beneficial to it should enter.
yes, but only 2 or 3 weekends a month when i go out with friends. it makes partying and going out nightclubbing ten thousand times more fun :drunk:

(im sure i'll grow out of that way of thinking eventually, but bear with me, i'm enjoying being 21 :grin:)

i just discovered how delicious cocktails were. especially white russians... yummy :lick:
I used to be a heavy drinker...I'm talkin bout vodka straight chaser,no mixer, just that clear liquid 5 drinks worth or more. I used to go out like 4 nights out of the week, and my friends and I sole purpose was to get as wasted as possible :nono:. I used to think it was so much fun just to get so twisted, but looking back, I knew that we were being sad and pathetic. That was during my dark years, and I thank God that he brought me past that.

Alcholism runs on both sides of my family, so nowadays I am very wary when it comes to alcohol. I know that personally, I should stay away from liquor(brings the devil outta me for real) but I do drink wine :lick: and sometimes beer on occasion, usually in social settings. I enjoy drinking wine, and it's really the only alcohol I consume, and I know that it's not cool on many levels to revert into a bumbling idiot, so a glass or 2 is my limit.

Sadly I do have a friend who used to be my party buddy, so whenever we hang out, it's like an unwritten rule that alcohol will be involved. Thats an issue that I am working on. I'm not a Bible scholar so I don't know any scripture regarding alcohol, but I do know that we are not meant to be drunkards.
I used to be a heavy drinker...I'm talkin bout vodka straight chaser,no mixer, just that clear liquid 5 drinks worth or more. I used to go out like 4 nights out of the week, and my friends and I sole purpose was to get as wasted as possible :nono:. I used to think it was so much fun just to get so twisted, but looking back, I knew that we were being sad and pathetic. That was during my dark years, and I thank God that he brought me past that.

Alcholism runs on both sides of my family, so nowadays I am very wary when it comes to alcohol. I know that personally, I should stay away from liquor(brings the devil outta me for real) but I do drink wine :lick: and sometimes beer on occasion, usually in social settings. I enjoy drinking wine, and it's really the only alcohol I consume, and I know that it's not cool on many levels to revert into a bumbling idiot, so a glass or 2 is my limit.

Sadly I do have a friend who used to be my party buddy, so whenever we hang out, it's like an unwritten rule that alcohol will be involved. Thats an issue that I am working on. I'm not a Bible scholar so I don't know any scripture regarding alcohol, but I do know that we are not meant to be drunkards.

It is good that you know your vulnerability. DH and I have recently had to cut off a friend because she refuses to stop drinking, even though she knows she does horrible things when she gets drunk.
I drink mostly at home w/ my hubby-sometimes a beer and cooler on a hot summer or 4oz of wine before I go to bed. I rarely drink out of my home because since I rarely drink I usually get dizzy quickly :blush:

It's all about moderation if u do drink then know ur limits cause people sure can act like a fool when they drink too much-that's why i think they call it spirits cause u drink too much and the demon will come right in and ur not ur nomal self

I was also reading the Word yesterday and I happen to read when Jesus was talking to the Pharisee "The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say 'Behold a glutton or wine drinker, a friend of tax collectors and notorious sinners!'" (Amp. bible)

I think drinking is a personal choice and no one can look down on it. If you feel its sinful to drink then don't drink and no one should force you if it makes you feel bad. If you feel its okay then have a sip or two but know your limits or that Spirit of drunkard will get u :look:

Sorry if I repeated anything I haven't read all the post on the thread :)
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I used to be a heavy drinker...I'm talkin bout vodka straight chaser,no mixer, just that clear liquid 5 drinks worth or more. I used to go out like 4 nights out of the week, and my friends and I sole purpose was to get as wasted as possible :nono:. I used to think it was so much fun just to get so twisted, but looking back, I knew that we were being sad and pathetic. That was during my dark years, and I thank God that he brought me past that.

Alcholism runs on both sides of my family, so nowadays I am very wary when it comes to alcohol. I know that personally, I should stay away from liquor(brings the devil outta me for real) but I do drink wine :lick: and sometimes beer on occasion, usually in social settings. I enjoy drinking wine, and it's really the only alcohol I consume, and I know that it's not cool on many levels to revert into a bumbling idiot, so a glass or 2 is my limit.

Sadly I do have a friend who used to be my party buddy, so whenever we hang out, it's like an unwritten rule that alcohol will be involved. Thats an issue that I am working on. I'm not a Bible scholar so I don't know any scripture regarding alcohol, but I do know that we are not meant to be drunkards.

WOW, this is my testimony too. I am really ashamed of my past behavior and am so glad that alcohol is no longer a temptation.
I just realized that I never answered the OP. No I don't drink anymore. I use to drink, and like you Duchesse, drinking was a pasttime. From the first weekend I was in college I went out as many nights a week and drank just as many nights or more. I kept a bottle of something most of the time. It was "fun" or at least that's what I thought. I didn't realize how far away from God, drunkeness can take you. Just think, when you are drunk, you are open to any suggestive behavior that the devil has ever planted the seed for in you. Many people drink and turn to sexual sin, violent sins, crimes, etc. I thank God that even in my drunken madness, that he protected me. It not only losens up your inhibitions, it takes away your concious about those inhibitions and can turn them into exhibitions.
For the record we all know the bible says not to get drunk. So I am writing regarding the matter of drinking wine in moderation, and yes I drink wine.

Mathew 11:18-19
For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, "He has a demon." The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they say, "here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners." But wisdom is proved right by her actions".

Luke 5:30-32
But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and "sinners"? Jesus answered them,"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Romans 14:17-18
For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.

Romans 14:23
It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.

From the above scriptures only those who were under the law (Pharisees, The Religious, and the teachers of the law) condemned and called Jesus a drunkard because he ate and drank with unbelievers while preaching the GOSPEL !!! Drinking wine with a unbeliever has never kept them from believing my testimony of Jesus and the same with those who ate and drank with Jesus. BUT, I do not drink wine in the presence of Christians who faith is weak and may stumble or fall by my freedom in Christ. Other Christians, are the ones I've found and not unbelievers, to have a problem with Christians enjoying wine.

Mathew 26:29
" I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom."

I guess we are going to be drinking wine with the Savior and the Father in His Kingdom!
I drink mostly at home w/ my hubby-sometimes a beer and cooler on a hot summer or 4oz of wine before I go to bed. I rarely drink out of my home because since I rarely drink I usually get dizzy quickly :blush:

It's all about moderation if u do drink then know ur limits cause people sure can act like a fool when they drink too much-that's why i think they call it spirits cause u drink too much and the demon will come right in and ur not ur nomal self

I was also reading the Word yesterday and I happen to read when Jesus was talking to the Pharisee "The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say 'Behold a glutton or wine drinker, a friend of tax collectors and notorious sinners!'" (Amp. bible)

I think drinking is a personal choice and no one can look down on it. If you feel its sinful to drink then don't drink and no one should force you if it makes you feel bad. If you feel its okay then have a sip or two but know your limits or that Spirit of drunkard will get u :look:

Sorry if I repeated anything I haven't read all the post on the thread :)

Exactly what she said
i drink...i'm one of those, few times a year. i don't like wine or champagne, yuck! but i love sitting at home especially, making homemade mixes with juices and ice. i'm light weight tho so 1 or 2 glasses while having a convo with hubby and/or some of our close friends, a movie or a game or two, i'm ready for bed.
I have an amaretto sour or a midori sour sometimes when I am out at dinner. I also like the Smirnoff Ice original and green apple. I don't get drunk though. And every blue moon a friend will ask me to taste a light fruity drink.

I have never been one ot think there was anything wrong with Christians having a drink in moderation. As has been pointed out there are references to drinking wine in the Bible and Jesus himself turned water to wine. This is just yet another instance where man has created self-imposed limitations and rules that are not stipulated in the Bible. The most I have seen about drinking in the Bible is a scripture that basically says you shouldn't get drunk. And that makes sense. But the rest. . . I don't get it.
I've never liked it either...I guess I would like wine. IDK. I like to drink out of my wine glasses...with apple juice. :lachen:
me too :lachen:
DH and I break out the sparkling apple cider!:lachen:
I love sparkling apple cider and sparkling juices.:lick:

I don't drink at all. I've never really had the desire too. :/ My parents didn't drink so it wasn't normal to me and alcholism runs in our family so I'll pass.

I don't care if you drink though, I don't think it's a sin, unless your doing it to get less inhibited or drunk.
It's so rare that I drink. My friends wonder why I bother! LOL!!!

But I do enjoy certain drinks, like margaritas, jello shots, pina coladas. Little girly drinks like that, otherwise, no.
I drink a few times a year. I've never been drunk.
Occasionally, I'll have a margarita or have wine/champagne at a wedding or dinner party.
I drink like once or twice a month. I only have one maybe 2 drinks.
I do not ever drink to get drunk. I think the worst is when people get drunk at my office parties they do and say things they don't remember the next day and then you have to come back to work with the same people.
Hilarious riot:lachen:
I've recently decided to stop drinking. When I became a believer I had decided to only drink on occasion which was hardly ever since alcohol was an idol in my life. When I was in professional school, drinking was all we ever did in the mean time between time. It was my bff who put the thought in my hair initially to stop/slow down drinking. Most recently I was on vacation and the Lord was faithful in seeing me home 20miles while intoxicated. Based on this incident I vowed to stop drinking and the Lord has given me the strength to not even have the desire to want to drink.
Well... I have never been drunk in my life. However I know a lot about wines. In a blind tasting I can tell the vintage, winemaker etc. So can a christian be a professional sommelier?? I went to culinary school as a second career and excelled in wine study so I took first level of master sommelier exam. I taste wine professionally and spit in a container (eww right but you have to). You sometimes taste so much at different events that your palate could be become dead and you end up not being able to appreciate the nuances. When drinking wine socially I usually do so with food. There is a couple in my church(devout christians) the wife is the wine maker, I mean she is the master blender for one of the top wineries here (we live in the fingerlakes, home to hundreds of wineries) and her husband manages and co-owns another winery.
Nope. Don't like it. Can't stand the smell of alcohol. Can't stand the taste. Don't like the idea of being inebriated.
I drink dark liquor on special occassions and sometimes I may have a glass of wine with my husband. I do have to watch it because I have a high tolerance, but I've never been drunk. I also don't drink in public or on Saturday nights. I teach 2 Sunday school classes every week. I have stay focused.

Growing up, my family was more concerned about keeping it away from children than anything else. I didn't know that the adults in my family drank at all until I was 25, married and had a kid- lol.
Not anymore, and people at my job are just so shocked when I say that and act funny. I never drank alcohol to get drunk or "nice" before going out to parties, or clubs--it just wasn't what took place in my upbringing. When I did consume alcohol during my early to mid 20's, I wanted to try the differnt cutesie concoctions.

However, one night while with a friend I hadn't eaten and had one -two of those fancy martinis, and I felt fine just sitting and just chit chattin. But when it was time to go that's when I felt the effects--then I drove myself and friend home, knowing I shouldn't have.

All the while driving I was concerned about making the decision to drive home after how I felt. It was then I realized that is how tragic accidents take place and just chose to no longer drink alcohol. Some people thought it drastic b/c I hadn't anything in my stomach and that's what caused the intensity of the effects, but for me it was just a conscious decision to no longer do so b/c you don't have to drink alcohol to have a good time--and I can keep those extra calories LOL:lachen:
No. I had champagne on my honeymoon night (nasty), a sip at a wedding like 13 years ago, and a taste of a wine cooler a few years ago during my anniversary. But I have no desire to drink, I don't even like to take medicine unless it gets unbearable. I hate feeling woozy or not totally there. I don't like the taste, it just isn't a temptation for me at all.

My mom and dad didn't drink or keep alcohol in the house and I would not be comfortable if my spouse drank. I don't want it in my house either. Yes I would look sideways at my pastors if I knew they drank. They are old school holiness ministers and I can't even fathom it. (I 100% doubt they do, lol).

I can't pinpoint a scripture that expressly forbids it, I'm more of the school that it creates a poor witness, and due to its addictive and mind-altering nature can lead to other sins. Again I never had to deal with the effects of it in my home, but even seeing someone drunk, slurring, etc. is repulsive to me.

Nevertheless, life has a way of humbling you, so I don't give much thought if any when I see Christians mentioning they're settling down with a glass of wine on their FB status. Lord knows I have enough in my own life to keep me busy than to waste time judging others. :yep:

ETA: I get teased by co-workers but this is one of those areas where peer pressure never even comes into play. I don't care at all what others have to say about me not drinking. :yep:
I had since I was 15 until recently..I guess it has gotten that bad when I start drinking..I know my stuff is light but the fact I'm making a pit stop to get a drink is bad..I always drink at home..nothing heavy..I hope I don't grow into heavier stuff so I can mask the pain of living life and not being able to have a job or even a man..
I drink dark liquor on special occassions and sometimes I may have a glass of wine with my husband. I do have to watch it because I have a high tolerance, but I've never been drunk. I also don't drink in public or on Saturday nights. I teach 2 Sunday school classes every week. I have stay focused.

Growing up, my family was more concerned about keeping it away from children than anything else. I didn't know that the adults in my family drank at all until I was 25, married and had a kid- lol.

Wow, your family was good. Most people I know just openly drink in front of their kids. Probably how they pick up the habit.