Do You Drink?

dlewis said:
Sorry, O.T. when are you gonna update your album?

February - Circuit City just gave me a refund for my computer that blew up (it was under warranty) - I just gotta go buy a new one. I don't wanna put any pics of me in my bra on my work computer.
Divine Inspiration said:
I LOVE Perrier!!! It's is San Pellegrino. I'm sipping on S.P. right now. :lick:
And I'm enjoying a wine glass of lemon Perrier right now. :lol: I love using stem ware (glasses).

S.P. is very good too. They even have Perrier in larger (taller) plastic bottles now. I went crazy between Thanksgiving and Christmas because they had Perrier on sale for only $1 a bottle for over 5 weeks. I loaded up....

A Toast for your dreams come true...Amen. ;)
I didn't really drink until I was on my honeymoon. You know on cruises, they have all those pretty, colorful, weak tropical drinks. I partook.:lol:

I only drink occasionally now. I can take it or leave it. I only drink what tastes good to me, and I know my limit. I weigh a buck fifteen on a good day, so that limits me to one glass of whatever it is.:lol:
Shimmie said:
And I'm enjoying a wine glass of lemon Perrier right now. :lol: I love using stem ware (glasses).

S.P. is very good too. They even have Perrier in larger (taller) plastic bottles now. I went crazy between Thanksgiving and Christmas because they had Perrier on sale for only $1 a bottle for over 5 weeks. I loaded up....

A Toast for your dreams come true...Amen. ;)

Yeh! I've seen those plastic bottles...I was glad when they came out with those because they're more practical than the glass bottles.

I wish I had known about that sale!! That's a great deal. :)
Divine Inspiration said:
Yeh! I've seen those plastic bottles...I was glad when they came out with those because they're more practical than the glass bottles.

I wish I had known about that sale!! That's a great deal. :)
I just emptied a 1 Liter bottle...:lol: 33.8 oz.... Glad it wasn't wine...:lol:
Shimmie said:
I just emptied a 1 Liter bottle...:lol: 33.8 oz.... Glad it wasn't wine...:lol:

Me too. Otherwise your posts would get a little colorful. :lol: ]

I like using stemware for mineral water too. My ex used to look at me funny for drinking it out of those glasses, but I like the effect. It's elegant. :)
My first and last drink was on my 21st birthday. I just don't like the taste of alcohol at all. I perfer my Sparkling Apple Cider or Sparkling Grape Juice. It always "hits the spot" for me!!! :yep: :yep:
miracle said:
My first and last drink was on my 21st birthday. I just don't like the taste of alcohol at all. I perfer my Sparkling Apple Cider or Sparkling Grape Juice. It always "hits the spot" for me!!! :yep: :yep:

Virgin Drinks....:lol:
Divine Inspiration said:
Me too. Otherwise your posts would get a little colorful. :lol: ]

I like using stemware for mineral water too. My ex used to look at me funny for drinking it out of those glasses, but I like the effect. It's elegant. :)
I put a whole pallet of 'color' on the "OT" lately. "The 'Bounce Thread" :lol:
Shimmie said:
I put a whole pallet of 'color' on the "OT" lately. "The 'Bounce Thread" :lol:

:lachen: I forgot about the Getting The Most From Your Booty thread. :lol: I saved it for later :sekret: king is coming and you (and God) said he wouldn't tarry...I receive that in the name of Jesus. :lol:
Divine Inspiration said:
:lachen: I forgot about the Getting The Most From Your Booty thread. :lol: I saved it for later :sekret: king is coming and you (and God) said he wouldn't tarry...I receive that in the name of Jesus. :lol:
Amen and Amen....I totally agree. "He that shall come will come and shall not tarry."

I so love the word of the Lord. God simply does not lie. He can't lie...for He is Truth and He is God...

Somebody praise Him....Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Praise Him. The greatest High there is....His name is Jesus!
kelouis75 said:
You are opening a can of worms, aren't you? :look: But to answer your question: Rarely. 1-5 times in a year (ie. anniversary, Valentine's Day, or birthdays) and mainly with my husband. We don't drink socially with other people.

Usually, we even toast New Years and Christmas with Apple Cidar because of the family and social aspect of these holidays.

The word can be interpreted in many ways concerning this subject. However, we choose not to socially drink, drink often, or over indulge out of sensitivity and respect for anyone who may stumble (including ourselves).

ETA: As dlewis said, I personally don't see anything wrong with a sip here or there. But wisdom and jugdement should be used. I don't look down upon Christians (condemn them in my mind) who choose to drink more often than we do or who drink socially. I just think a believer should ask herself or himself "why am I drinking alcohol?" If any of the answers lead to sin. It's best not to touch the stuff.

I certainly agree with you. Couldn't have said it better. But I haven't had a drink in over a year. I've never been a drinker though. DH had some issues with excessiveness and because of him, I won't even have a drink ocassionally. But to each her own.
queeny20 said:
No. I tried it once when I was young and being stupid but never got into it. Plus it takes very little to get me drunk. I once got tipsy from taking Nyquil, no lie, lol. I also witnessed my step-grandfather beating my grandmother when he would get drunk and my other grandfather died of liver complications and he was a heavy drinker. I don't judge people who do but I hate when people try to convince me to do it. Q

I've always wondered why people did this (the bolded comment) if there is something wrong with not drinking. I've been in situations where people have looked crazy at me for not wanting to drink:confused:
Okay non drinkers, here is a drink for you to try. 4 ounces OJ, 4 ounces of cranberry juice and a splash of Sprite on top.

Yummy:) !
Not Rapunzel said:
Okay non drinkers, here is a drink for you to try. 4 ounces OJ, 4 ounces of cranberry juice and a splash of Sprite on top.

Yummy:) !

Ooooh la la...I'm gonna substitute lime Perrier for the Sprite since I don't drink soda...that sounds YUMMY!!! Thanks NR! Maybe I can serve this at my girls night in and keep my girls from consuming alcohol and driving. :yep:
Not Rapunzel said:
Okay non drinkers, here is a drink for you to try. 4 ounces OJ, 4 ounces of cranberry juice and a splash of Sprite on top.

Yummy:) !
"Rapunzel", I love Cranberry Juice... Yummie...:lick:

Divine Inspiration and Rapunzel: Try making Cranberry Juice ice cubes and Pineapple Juice ice cubes; then crush them in your blender; add a little fresh lime juice and/or Perrier and YUM...a healthy crush drink.

Sisters, pray for me.... :cry3: I'm out of Perrier... :cry:

:lol: I'm leaving out first thing in the morning to replenish my stock. A case ought to do it for me til' next weekend :lol:
Not Rapunzel said:
Okay non drinkers, here is a drink for you to try. 4 ounces OJ, 4 ounces of cranberry juice and a splash of Sprite on top.

Yummy:) !

Sounds delicious, but I'd have to substitute the spirite as I try not to drink soda.
Shimmie said:
"Rapunzel", I love Cranberry Juice... Yummie...:lick:

Divine Inspiration and Rapunzel: Try making Cranberry Juice ice cubes and Pineapple Juice ice cubes; then crush them in your blender; add a little fresh lime juice and/or Perrier and YUM...a healthy crush drink.

Sisters, pray for me.... :cry3: I'm out of Perrier... :cry:

:lol: I'm leaving out first thing in the morning to replenish my stock. A case ought to do it for me til' next weekend :lol:

I bought a 4 pack of Lime Perrier today and thought of you. :)
Divine Inspiration said:
I bought a 4 pack of Lime Perrier today and thought of you. :)

Awwwww, :kiss: Thank you precious sister. I have two of the plastic liter bottles in the freezer now...I forgot to take them out of the grocery bags earlier and place them in the refrigerator. Got to have a 'cold one'... :grin:

Blessings angel girl. Your posts are really ministering to everyone here. You have Perrier and most of all, The HOLY GHOST ... ;)
Shimmie said:
Awwwww, :kiss: Thank you precious sister. I have two of the plastic liter bottles in the freezer now...I forgot to take them out of the grocery bags earlier and place them in the refrigerator. Got to have a 'cold one'... :grin:

Blessings angel girl. Your posts are really ministering to everyone here. You have Perrier and most of all, The HOLY GHOST ... ;)

:lol: I'm gonna have a "cold one" before bed myself.

Thank you so much for the compliment. I like to help where I can. :look: