Do you drink?

Do you drink?

  • Yes, a few times a week

    Votes: 21 7.9%
  • Yes, a few times a month

    Votes: 52 19.6%
  • Yes, a few times a year

    Votes: 97 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 95 35.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I've never liked the taste of alcohol but I imagine if I did I would be a wine girl.:look:

Anyway, I don't have a problem with believers drinking unless they're getting drunk.:rolleyes:

So, do you drink?
Not anymore. My pastor said something to this effect that made me think:

'If you all saw me and my wife out drinking wine or a glass of beer, how would that make you feel? Would it make you feel uneasy or look at me differently?'

Majority of the congregation said yes. That was it for me!

Anyway, the only thing I liked with drinking was the sweet and sour mix so I just drink that by itself :lol:
Not anymore. My pastor said something to this effect that made me think:

'If you all saw me and my wife out drinking wine or a glass of beer, how would that make you feel? Would it make you feel uneasy or look at me differently?'

Majority of the congregation said yes. That was it for me!

Anyway, the only thing I liked with drinking was the sweet and sour mix so I just drink that by itself :lol:

What is that?
I don't drink never got past the taste of many of these things.

I have signed a contract with my church that as long as I am in any position, counseling, prayer team, etc. I will abstain from drinking.

As I say not a problem. I don't have an issue with others drinking that are Christians, it is in the bible although I hear back and forth that the wine that Jesus made was not real wine. REGARDLESS.

I don't have a problem with it as long as it is not out of hand. I have also been in the HR capacity at my job and I use to hate the Monday after parties. It would be like the post office line folks coming in telling me stories of things that they either did, happened to them or someone else.

We use to have a running history with hotels where we would never be allowed back. That is just stoopid, I could not stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So no I don't drink, don't have a desire to (Most times :blush:) Don't have an issue with others drinking (in moderation)
I'll have a drink a few times a year on occasion. I like light tropical drinks like pina coladas and wine coolers.

I never liked the taste of beer, and I couldn't go near those hard core drinks that put hair on your chest. :lol: Not crazy about champagne or wine either. I never went over my two drink maximum back in the day, and I've never been drunk. I rarely drink now.

I love black cake though. I've noticed a few at my church eat black cake too, so they better not look at me sideways if they ever saw me with a light drink.

Don't even think about stoning me. :bricks:
Dang, I guess I'll be the first to say that I drink regularly, in fact I will probably have a glass of wine later on tonight. But that is out of the norm for me.

I started having a few cocktails here and there with my mom when I was 12 :lick: She would go to the bar after work and I would have to go with her cause my school and her work were on the other side of town from where we lived.

I just started drinking wine. When I go out I like to drink long island ice tea. I go out maybe 3-4 times a month.

However, I don't drink as much as other people I know. They have a drink daily. I used to get drunk in college, but not anymore. :spinning:
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Yes, very rarely, but I do drink. Our family celebrated my mother's birthday two weekends ago with a really nice dinner at home, and everyone toasted with a glass a wine. (Note: my father is a pastor.) Not much was poured into each glass, and everyone had some left over by the end of the night. The bottle was half full, and will stay at my parent's house untouched probably until the next celebration.

I see nothing wrong with it IN MODERATION. I can take it our leave it. As long as I don't get to the point where I NEED a drink to have fun or to fit in socially, I see no harm.
No, I don't drink. My very first and last drink was on my 21st birthday (eight years ago.) I'm happy with my Welch's Sparkling Apple Cider/Grape Juice. :lick: :lick:
Back in the day I was a drinker, believe me when I say that I loved to drink. I however, don't drink anymore, not becasue I believe that it is wrong but because the Lord took the taste out of my mouth. I can and will have a glass of wine but that is even very rarely. I haven't had a hard drink in maybe 4 years now, which if you knew me when would be a surprise.

Me and Mr. Daniels and Mr. Walker use to hang and hang hard. So bad that I could walk into the local bar which was my hangout and they would start to pour the drink for me. This was me: :alcoholic
Yes I drink, once per week, not every week thou, preferable on Saturday.. I usually have Baileys' Irish Cream or some red wine. I drink at nights just before bed or if I'm doing something, like ironing. I also love to drink wine and eat popcorn. I get tipsy but not the kind that gives you an hangover in the morning...Nah! too nasty for my taste..
I don't drink never got past the taste of many of these things.

I have signed a contract with my church that as long as I am in any position, counseling, prayer team, etc. I will abstain from drinking.

As I say not a problem. I don't have an issue with others drinking that are Christians, it is in the bible although I hear back and forth that the wine that Jesus made was not real wine. REGARDLESS.

I don't have a problem with it as long as it is not out of hand. I have also been in the HR capacity at my job and I use to hate the Monday after parties. It would be like the post office line folks coming in telling me stories of things that they either did, happened to them or someone else.

We use to have a running history with hotels where we would never be allowed back. That is just stoopid, I could not stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So no I don't drink, don't have a desire to (Most times :blush:) Don't have an issue with others drinking (in moderation)

I've heard that too girl (bolded) and it's so funny to me. Ummm people, wine is wine is wine. Fermented grapes is wine, LOL.

I'm gonna read the rest of the posts but just had to say that's one I've heard and I'm like HUH??!!! LOL.
If you mix it with armaretto it makes an Armaretto Sour. I know this because we went out and celebrated our 10 yr. anniversary last week. We celebrated with armaretto sours. I wanted another one but was ready to go home. So DH stopped by a liqour store in Harlem and that's what they told him to add to the Armaretto.

Humor me please. I know nothing about drinks:look: What exactly are you adding to the Armaretto? I'm not understanding.
The amaretto IS the liquor. :lachen:You gotta come to NY so me and DH can make you a drink. :spinning:

So there's a regular Amaretto and an Amaretto sour?:spinning:
No. Even when I was in the world, I didn't like the smell of any type of liquor/beer/wine. Just didn't do it for me.

But, I do know many people who drink socially, and they are christians, but I say to each his own.

Me and Mr. Daniels and Mr. Walker use to hang and hang hard. So bad that I could walk into the local bar which was my hangout and they would start to pour the drink for me. This was me: :alcoholic
I know what you mean! My old hang-out had 2 for 1. They saw me coming and knew what to do. Thank the Lord those days are in the past.:yep:

I don't see anything wrong with having a drink, in moderation.
I hardly ever drink anything . . . and that's mostly because I don't like the taste. Shoot, I have enough of a problem with food, I don't need to add another potential addiction to the mix.

If I do have a drink, it will be a girly, fruity drink like an amaretto sour, apple martini or something like that. Just one of those and I'm already a little tipsy . . . so yeah, I don't make it a habit.

That's interesting about the pastor saying "how would you feel if you saw me drinking . . . ." I have never thought of that before. Part of me thinks that it's almost a good thing if people see me have a drink because it shows that you don't have to be a stick-in-the-mud to be a Christian . . . but then again, I'm not a pastor.
I always have a glass of wine on Fridays when I get hom from work. My gf got me started on this, she says you need to celebrate the week is over and the weekend is here. Besides that not really, I am not a big drinker.
Very VERY rarely. I can't remember the last time I had a drink... and I haven't had any at all in 2007. I don't like the taste of alcohol so it has to be really sweet to cover that kick. And when something is that sweet it's bound to make me sick so it's not worth it to me.
I drink on occasion. It probably averages once a month. When my (Christian) girlfriends and I get together for dinner or book club or something, we usually have wine. But no one ever drinks more than two glasses. And I will occasionally have a glass of wine when I'm out to dinner with my hubby. Unlike me, he NEVER drinks. He works at a Christian college and has signed an agreement not to drink. He doesn't mind that I do, though.