Do You Block/remove Your Ex's From Your Fg, Ig, Twitter, Ect.?


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I have a few exs on my fb and ig pages. Do most people remove their ex's profiles from their social media? I'm taking about the ones that you are no longer in connect with in real life (good or bad terms). I even have a ex I haven't been with in almost 10 years on my FB, but he always likes my pictures or I'll ask him a question ever now and then. We will never be together and there are absolutely no feelings there.
I didn't block my ex fiancé but I blocked his girl cuz I knew it would drive her crazy and it did, but he still looked and would get mad at some of my posts.

I just broke up with someone a few weeks & I was gonna block him but I figured if he wants to look then he can, I don't care.

This part right here is the reason why I asked this question. I already removed our pic off my IG, but he's still a friend on my FB and IG page. I'm thinking of removing him, but a part of me is not ready.
No. If we've broken up, clearly I'm not fazed so I wouldn't be checking for you anyway. I did have to delete one because he kept asking me to meet him and was mad I said no.
This part right here is the reason why I asked this question. I already removed our pic off my IG, but he's still a friend on my FB and IG page. I'm thinking of removing him, but a part of me is not ready.

I won't lie, I was honestly expecting him to do it since I'm the one that broke up with him but I don't have hard enough feelings to remove & block him. My petty side said let him be & continue to watch the show
No. I don't care that they are on there. But then, I never post to SM. I hate SM. I only keep it because my family/friends are international and scattered all over the world and I need a way to get in touch in case of an emergency.
I've only accepted requests from two exes. One was from high school so it really doesn't count; we're good friends now.

The other one I deleted as soon as we broke up. He's so offended and keeps asking me to add him. Idk why he cares - I never post anything.

Usually, I never accept a request from an SO. I don't want them being nosy on my page. But depending on how frequently they use FB, I will demand they put up pics of me/us. Don't judge me on this.
When the breakup occurred I deleted pics of him from IG but I still have pics of him on my FB. I deactivated my account anyway so I don't see them. If I log back on, I don't think I would delete though. It's a cool diary of my life and plus I have no beef with him, moved on so it doesn't bother me. But I learned that I probably wouldn't post SO type pics again.
Would I be ok if the shoe was on the other foot, I don't wanna see your ex's pics in your albums. I know, I know double standards. My middle name...
I'm not going to lie, when he deleted my pics from his FB, I was hurt...I felt like we had broken up all over again :(
Man, this thread came up just when I needed it. Can't be a coincidence :lol:. I've really been going back and forth with this one. The old me used to block like crazy but now I'm not going to. I unfriend them and their entire possee but I no longer block (unless they harass me). I mean, Who am to deny them a glimpse of the greatness that is me?

I don't know any women who would be comfortable with their man having pics/ a presence of their ex on their SM

A Spartan would poof you be gone. You no longer exist or take up Space anywhere in my life let alone SM

You don't deserve to have any connection to me because you didn't deserve me, hence your an ex!

Ex who? Lol
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With the quickness.

I usually block. I deleted one and it drove him batty that he could see certain things but not all.
I'm particular about my SM friends. I delete and/or block folks regularly.

My two exes that were long term boyfriends are either unfriended or blocked. Of their friends/family, I considered 99% of them collateral damage, so they were unfriended as well. Only two of those family/friends that I really liked remain.

Exes that were flings or fun to me, I don't care because I have no ill feelings towards them.

It IS ironic how both of my LTR exes and a couple of the fun exes, all claimed to date women that look different from me prior to me, but now have chicks that resemble me. I posted a thread about this last week.

I don't know any women who would be comfortable with their man having pics/ a presence of their ex on their SM

A Spartan would poof you be gone. You no longer exist or take up Space anywhere in my life let alone SM

You don't deserve to have any connection to me because you didn't deserve me, hence your an ex!

Ex who? Lol
Yea i never been one to keep an ex around in any capacity. Only my exH cuz we share a child so its an easy way to exchange pics of her.

Matter of fact let me correct that. I havent added any man to my SM ever since my exH. And i wont until he's DH #2. Why would i have a rotation of men in and out of my SM? :spinning: they wont deserve that spotlight unless its permanent
We as women care to much about what our actions convey to others or imply

Versus I made a decision because I wanted to
No explanation needed
I make decisions based on my wants and needs

An ex good or bad has no place in your present or future life
You don't get a front row seat to my life or connected to my life
No luv loss Bruh
I'm moving on to my happy

Your the prize, being in your life or connected to you in any capacity, is a privilege

Ex's don't get privileges lol

The things we do as women is mind boggling and then we turn around and wonder why our lives are not in the direction we want

Yea i never been one to keep an ex around in any capacity. Only my exH cuz we share a child so its an easy way to exchange pics of her.

Matter of fact let me correct that. I havent added any man to my SM ever since my exH. And i wont until he's DH #2. Why would i have a rotation of men in and out of my SM? :spinning: they wont deserve that spotlight unless its permanent
Nope. Most of them were not social media guys. The few that were deleted me if they wanted to then try to re-add me. I don't do re-adds though....

I didn't delete them because I don't care that much. Just because I don't want to be with them does not mean that I care enough to care that they're seeing me or w/e one does.
I didn't delete my exH at first because I hardly ever post on my FB like that, so it hadn't occurred to me to do it. At the time I didn't see the big deal on having him on there. When current SO found out, he was surprised and a little upset about it. I ended up deleting exH because I understood there was no need for him to be on there.
I didn't block my ex fiancé but I blocked his girl cuz I knew it would drive her crazy and it did, but he still looked and would get mad at some of my posts.

I just broke up with someone a few weeks & I was gonna block him but I figured if he wants to look then he can, I don't care.

How did you end up being fb friends with your ex fiance's girl?