Do You Block/remove Your Ex's From Your Fg, Ig, Twitter, Ect.?


This was on IG, I have a public profile and one day I posted a picture with a mutual buddy & he came to me laughing because she was angry at him for it so I knew she was looking & blocked her lame arse.
I have an ex as a friend, he is on a restricted list. Now you guys have me thinking I should delete him lol. I went back and deleted a pic of us just now haha.
I reflected a lot because of this thread. A lot of soul searching and meditating. I went back and blocked these negroes and all of their friends and family. I don't even want to leave that door open for them to be able to reach me. I mean, what's the point? Once it's over, it's over. I don't need their scraps of attention to validate me. I also thoroughly cleaned out and deleted ALL pictures, shredded the letters they sent me, deleted all emails, chats and text threads between me, us and their loved ones. I cleaned house! Now it's really over. I will also do my best to avoid talking about them or bring them up in conversations. Let the healing begin.
I do. I delete anyone I don't talk to anymore.

My FH was my ex. I deleted him from FB after we got into an argument and I decided to stop speaking to him :lachen: He must have noticed and understood we were no longer together. We broke up because we were in a LDR and both going through stressful times after graduation. He reached out to me a couple of months later and we kept in touch. That was six years ago. We got back together earlier this year and are getting married next year.

I got back on FB after 3 years. I was looking through my list of people I blocked and noticed one of my exes I despise wasn't there. So I blocked him :lachen: I don't want him to see what I am up to, or even worse try to contact me.
no. i either don't add them at all or they delete/block me. :lol:

i've only ever deleted ppl for being racist.
I've deleted an ex whom I ended on bad terms with from my FB page, but I didn't block him. I have a couple of exes still on my friends list. I don't care if they look at my profile...they can look and see I'm looking good and doing better than ever lol.
Just made an old ancient album with my long ago ex (who is now married and with 3 kids)....I wanted to delete it but there are too many pictures to go through AND it was my friends bday and we were all looking damn good. Not about to let this fool ruin my memories of being young and hot.
I saw this thread, literally, the day after I opened myself up to who could contact me on FB. Not one week in, I get a friends request, phone call and a VM... Everybody's back to blocked :nono:
I usually don't follow men on social media and many usually don't have any besides Facebook that I typically date. I hardly go on Facebook so that doesn't faze me at all.

I have blocked a few men though on the phone. Last guy I dated he got blocked. Not to be spiteful but I just don't want him ever disturbing my flow of life. We ended really badly and I'm happy to never have him exist in my world.
If it ended badly and I just can't stand the thought of you..yes I block and delete. And then years later I'd get the expected call/text where they apologize. So if they request again I'll accept.