Disney's Black Princess has BEAUTIFUL hair!

can't win with some folks...there a GABAZILLION black folks with power in the industry who could of made a thousand cartoons with black princesses and they could of run the gambit of shades and lengths and textures...we could of had the lite skinned girl with the 3b ,the dark skinned with the fro and everything in between...what about that? When Eddie start production on Rasputia II and Kimora making another season of how fabulous her freaking gawdy lifestyle is...boycott them suckers until they agree to finance the stuff we claim we wanna see.

I have to agree, there are lots of black people with serious, serious money, and before we criticise Disney, what are they doing? If we want to represent ourselves, we have to do it our selves.
Her hair is very realistic

Listen I am not about to go back and forth with you or anyone else about my opinion.

Can black people grow their hair that long? Yes, there is evidence right here on this board.

Do I see many women (like this is common) with this length of hair? No, I don't. Thus the reason for my opinion.

Not realistic to me get over it, really, is ain't that deep for you to be googling pics and ish, it is just hair.

Her hair is very realistic



Those cartoon pictures don't look anywhere as kinky or coarse as these two examples. yes the princess' hair looks thick but i was more commenting on the curls. Not trying to turn it into a big thing or bring negativity to the thread.

But if she is indeed a chamber maid...well, I doubt many black chamber maids in the south had hair looking like that back then. :spinning:
Was this directed towrds me? If so don't include me in the "we" I could careless if they have a black princess or not. No cartoon or Disney movie is all that to me. In the real world there are more black princesses so who cares if in the "fake world" there isn't? I don't.

Don't generalize, I don't even watch TV or care about what Eddie or Kimora do.

girl, i didn't even know you existed until you just came at me like that...calm down and have a Kit Kat :lachen:...ya know, individual thought is a beautiful thing and it is possible that folks can make a comment as a result and said comment ain't got nothing to do with you.
girl, i didn't even know you existed until you just came at me like that...calm down and have a Kit Kat :lachen:...ya know, individual thought is a beautiful thing and it is possible that folks can make a comment as a result and said comment ain't got nothing to do with you.

My bad, I thought you were talking to me, thus the reason for me asking.

If you weren't, okay.

I apologize to you since you wasn't even talking to me. :blush:

I love her hair! Its ethic and long. My nieces are biracial and I can't wait for them to see this beautiful princess that resembles them, big ole Chaka Khan hair & all! :grin: I just can't believe it took so long.
Wow thank you so much for posting this...she is so beautiful I so love to see beautiful images of my black sisters. This just makes my skin tingle. I hope this is for a real project.
Those cartoon pictures don't look anywhere as kinky or coarse as these two examples. yes the princess' hair looks thick but i was more commenting on the curls. Not trying to turn it into a big thing or bring negativity to the thread.

But if she is indeed a chamber maid...well, I doubt many black chamber maids in the south had hair looking like that back then. :spinning:

Girl look on the bright side least they made a black princess!:rolleyes:
About the "white people won't watch it if they have too many black folks" comment. I don't think they didn't watch because of that, I think often times that shows were marketed as being for black people and about "black things". They always had to mention fried chicken or not having both parents or lived in some really urban place. They semed to talk about things only "black people" could understand. :rolleyes: Or at least they marketed it that way.

I think people would go see it if it had more black people in it, but why would little white girls drool over the princess being black, she doesn't look like them. I had black Barbie's coming up so I can see why a black princess wouldn't interest a white little girl. White Barbies were not all that to me either.

But anyway, just thought I would point that out....

How much you want to bet this Princess will have a "attitude"?:rolleyes:

Well then you know that white people are used to seeing movies with a bunch of us in it and thinking "This is about black issues so I'll steer clear." Black skin equals black issues I think (ETA)that is what they see. You can watch TV with white friends and see what channels they stop on, they will cruise past WB like it is the weather channel:perplexed for the most part. Just like I will change the channel with a quickness when Friends comes on.:rolleyes: All black movies typically do bad in the box office (they sell, but not as well as all white movies) because white people are less likely to want to see it.

BTW Little Mermaid had an attitude (the biggest IMO cause she didn't know how to sit down and listen) and so did Jasmine (she couldnt sit still either). As did Pocahontas (messin with white dudes and not listenin to her daddy). If anyone takes her being assertive as a "attitude" they are ignoring the princesses who came before her and just making assumptions.

But if she is animated to be rolling her neck and snapping fingers I will be writing some angry, colorful letters to Disney:lachen::nono::lachen: It would be on!
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I've been hearing about her for abot 3 years now. I was hearing that she was gonna be a Mixed girl from New Orleans, but it looks like they've changed that concept and just kept the New Orleans part and also i heard that she was gonna fall in love with a white man.... and I PRAY they change that concept. Let us have a happy black couple for once in a positive light. I'm so sick of white folks saying that black couples can't last and their marriages don't work. This would be a good thing for children to see growing up, something to admire and believe in. She is absolutely gorgeous. These are similar to the first pictures I saw of her years ago so maybe they are settling on this look. I hope so, she's beautiful.
Well then you know that white people are used to seeing movies with a bunch of us in it and thinking "This is about black issues so I'll steer clear." Black skin equals black issues I think. You can watch TV with white friends and see what channels they stop on, they will cruise past WB like it is the weather channel:perplexed for the most part. Just like I will change the channel with a quickness when Friends comes on.:rolleyes: All black movies typically do bad in the box office (they sell, but not as well as all white movies) because white people are less likely to want to see it.

BTW Little Mermaid had an attitude (the biggest IMO cause she didn't know how to sit down and listen) and so did Jasmine (she couldnt sit still either). As did Pocahontas (messin with white dudes and not listenin to her daddy). If anyone takes her being assertive as a "attitude" they are ignoring the princesses who came before her and just making assumptions.

But if she is animated to be rolling her neck and snapping fingers I will be writing some angry, colorful letters to Disney:lachen::nono::lachen: It would be on!

Ain't that the truth! If she looking like she bout to beat a *&$*#@! Imma be like, no they didn't!:lachen::sad: Dang shame.
thank goodness because I really need a black princess for my daughter to see in farytales because they are all white for the exeption of arabian jasmine . I love the hair styles and I think it is nice that her hair is changed alot aswell . I hope it is as such in the film . as you ladies know the black womans head of hair is versatile and F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S :grin:
I think her hair looks nappy.:yep: I think it looks cottony and soft. Almost like when you rollerset natural hair. How it has a curl but it still retains it's cottony texture. Very beautiful indeed.

Black people come in all shapes, sizes, colors and hair textures. NEVER are we going to see a black character and think it "represents" us all. We're so diverse, we shouldn't even expect to see one animation reflect us all.
Plus if she had 4b some stupid ***** would get on here saying she isn't realistic because they are trying to say all dark black women have 4b hair:rolleyes:
I honestly don't thinkt he race of the prince matters. In most disney movies you don't really see the prince until the end because the movies are about empowering the main character. So I'm not familiar with the Frog Princess Story, but will the Prince be a main character or just some guy she ends up with at the end?

I think the only exception is Pocahontas and Aladdin. Beauty and the Beast doesn't count because he was the Beast throughout the movie.
Her hair is very realistic


Thank you. Some folks have to complain about everything and are never satisfied. Its a cartoon, they were going for the essence of a black woman, not a photo realistic version. I love that woman's hair in the picture.:blush:
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If it is attainable and you know it's attainable, then it is realistic.

Glad Disney finally took this step.

Why am I not surprised at the first attempt to make this a mess?


WHOOOOO IN THE HEWWLLLLLL IS THAT^^^^^^ OOOOHOOOOOOO wOW!!! OFF TO mYSPACE:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
What the hell!! r people seriously complaining about a freakin fairytale cartoon.??
Its beautiful!! It has beautiful hair which I have seen on many women in real life and on this board. If its to much hair for u or not thick enough or not nappy enough etc etc blah F^*kIn blah..who cares its A FAIRYTALE CARTOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited about this movie. Now I can finally buy my daughter a sheet set with a character that looks like her. Dora has been the closest thing so far.:ohwell: Move over Dora, Hello Tiana!!!
She is gorgeous and her hair is beautiful! And it IS representative of AA hair and some of the gorgeous heads on this board. I love that she looks natural.:yep:
I don't know...

They tried and I am not one to look on the bad side of things but, why all the hair? I mean couldn't she have a reasonable amount of hair? Like MBL or BS, that relates more to the children I see.

She is pretty and they did try but, the hair is not what's up....

Most people I see don't have that length not accompanied by a weave or something or as another poster said, "assistance":lachen:.

They tried....

Jebus monkey christ. You belong to LHCF for goodness sake and you still made a comment like that.:nono: