Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

I don't know when it happened as I've been taking DE for 2 months but my chocolate

cravings are gone(kinda sad 'cause I love it) and I truly have no desire for it.

I was the kind of person who could eat chocolate brownies, chocolate morsels, etc and feel so good but since I've started the DE I have not had any cravings or desire for it.

wow, i thought i was the only one. i used to have a massive sweet tooth. but sometimes cannot even stomach fruits as they taste too sweet!! really happy about this, not jumped on the scale yet- but i lost 15 lbs in Jan and everyone recently is telling me i have lost weight again!! :yay:
Wow! I haven't taken DE since I broke out (over a month ago). I need to be more consistent.
I'm having wonderful results with DE. I add it to my breakfast smoothies. My appetite is in check, the last few stubborn pounds are melting away and I am feeling healthier overall.
I'm loving this stuff. I'm finally regular! I take 1 tsp in the morning with my morning tea and 1 tsp at night.

Its also gotten rid of the ants around my sidewalk!
These are the containers I picked up at the Container Store. The one on the left is for storing the bulk of the DE (I bought a 5 lb bag). It was $2.49. The one in the middle is for pouring. The top slides back and forth and it pours without making a mess. It was $6.99. I use the small one for brushing my teeth or adding to my cleansers. I take the spout tip off and can squirt out just enough for my tooth brush or add some to my palm and mix with cleanser.

These keep me from making a mess. Before I was pouring it out of the plastic bag it came in and I always ended up with too much or too little, especially if I was using it for my skin instead of adding it to my water bottle. The links to each one are below the pic.

Rectangular Container

Slide & Pour Dispenser
Basic Spout Bottle
These are the containers I picked up at the Container Store. The one on the left is for storing the bulk of the DE (I bought a 5 lb bag). It was $2.49. The one in the middle is for pouring. The top slides back and forth and it pours without making a mess. It was $6.99. I use the small one for brushing my teeth or adding to my cleansers. I take the spout tip off and can squirt out just enough for my tooth brush or add some to my palm and mix with cleanser.

These keep me from making a mess. Before I was pouring it out of the plastic bag it came in and I always ended up with too much or too little, especially if I was using it for my skin instead of adding it to my water bottle. The links to each one are below the pic.

Rectangular Container

Slide & Pour Dispenser
Basic Spout Bottle

Thanks! I have the bulk of mine in a glass jar, but I will def. check these out.:yep:
Blaque Angel,

That's really great progress!

I can see my abs getting firmer and firmer; now, I do work out but I know the DE is helping and my skin is glowing.

This stuff, along with Chlorella, Lots of water, work outs and being a plant-based consumer is really working for me.
I have been taking Diatomaceous for about 3 weeks. A little energy spurt, no huge weightloss, increased bm's - but that's due to the Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsules I take in the morning. Also, no passing of worms/parasites.

I add a tablespoon Diatomaceous to 32 oz water and drink it throughout the day.

What I have noticed is that my skin is amazing. I have always had dark eyes where concealer was needed. Today I have on no makeup! No foundation, powder, tint, nothing. My eyes are almost the same color as my skin. My skin has a glow to it. A fairly even skin tone, minus the freckles, tiny moles and a couple old scars from childhood. My skin is also soft. Almost like I have a thin layer of silky powder on it.

I also noticed my sugar cravings are different. I crave naturally sweet things instead of candy. The candy cravings are still there, but not as strong. It's easier to make healthier choices. I'm sure some of this is due to the Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsules. I started that a week later. The jury is still out on that though.
OK, am I the only one with this problem. I have been taking two big tablespoons a day for the last month. I decided today that maybe my fatigue is due to the DE. I am sleepy ALL THE TIME. From the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep I am sleepy. I am going to stop taking it a few days and see if I feel any better.
OK, am I the only one with this problem. I have been taking two big tablespoons a day for the last month. I decided today that maybe my fatigue is due to the DE. I am sleepy ALL THE TIME. From the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep I am sleepy. I am going to stop taking it a few days and see if I feel any better.

I wish I had this problem. I can't take it past 6pm or I'm up till 5am.:nono: I take the same amount. However I haven't the past three days I have been taking Zi Xiu Tang and I didn't want the DE it remove my dose.

Could it be it's removing too many nutrients? Are you taking any supplements?
I have no clue. It got so bad that today I went to the doc and requested a test of my blood be done. I dont want to stop taking it because my hair is growing longer and softer and my nails is growing good too. But, I dont like this tired feeling...
I have no clue. It got so bad that today I went to the doc and requested a test of my blood be done. I dont want to stop taking it because my hair is growing longer and softer and my nails is growing good too. But, I dont like this tired feeling...

I don't blame you, I hope you get to bottom of this. Keep us posted. Congrats on the hair growth.
How are you guys liking it as a toothpaste?

I use DE most mornings to brush my teeth. I get a lot of compliments on my teeth/smile.

It definitely gives me a clean feeling without feeling to abrasive. I still like to follow behind with toothpaste, but when that runs out I will begin using tooth soap. Just to leave a clean minty-fresh feeling behind...:grin::grin::grin::grin:
I have been taking Diatomaceous for about 3 weeks. A little energy spurt, no huge weightloss, increased bm's - but that's due to the Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsules I take in the morning. Also, no passing of worms/parasites.

I add a tablespoon Diatomaceous to 32 oz water and drink it throughout the day.

What I have noticed is that my skin is amazing. I have always had dark eyes where concealer was needed. Today I have on no makeup! No foundation, powder, tint, nothing. My eyes are almost the same color as my skin. My skin has a glow to it. A fairly even skin tone, minus the freckles, tiny moles and a couple old scars from childhood. My skin is also soft. Almost like I have a thin layer of silky powder on it.

I also noticed my sugar cravings are different. I crave naturally sweet things instead of candy. The candy cravings are still there, but not as strong. It's easier to make healthier choices. I'm sure some of this is due to the Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsules. I started that a week later. The jury is still out on that though.

You aren't afraid of the DE absorbing your dose of Zi Xiu Tang?
You aren't afraid of the DE absorbing your dose of Zi Xiu Tang?

I missed that lil tidbit of info. Maybe that's why I'm not impressed with Zi Xiu Tang, because I've been drinking DE water. I'm going to stop the DE water while I finish this bottle.
Just checkin in...

I just bought the 6lb bag on Ebay...I still have some left in my 1lb bag this has lasted from mid February...
My skin is glowing...I haven't skin this smooth since high school...
I have lost 25 lbs since starting
It has given my hair a great growth spurt (I hope its consistent) to the point now even my co-workers are noticing...(10 weeks post - relaxing this weekend Thank GOD!!)

I may try it as a scrub for my body...it just seems like that will be too much work...I haven't used it on my face in a few weeks - may do it this weekend if I remember...

Who did you purchase from on Ebay? I am interested in buying this for my mom, thanks.
I missed that lil tidbit of info. Maybe that's why I'm not impressed with Zi Xiu Tang, because I've been drinking DE water. I'm going to stop the DE water while I finish this bottle.

But didn't someone post earlier in thread that you can take vitamin supplements with DE wouldn't that technically be the same thing? Just wondering.

:yep: Yes it would, However I'm still inclined to believe DE is still absorbing/flushing out at least some of my supplements. That's why I opted to take a break so I could get the full effect from the Zi Xiu Tang.
I figured it out!!! DE makes me sleepy so I didn't take it this morning but I did take it last night and I feel like I am back to normal so I am just going to take it at night instead of in the morning and at night.
I figured it out!!! DE makes me sleepy so I didn't take it this morning but I did take it last night and I feel like I am back to normal so I am just going to take it at night instead of in the morning and at night.

I so agree! I could stay up all night working (and I have). I then work all day and not go to sleep until the following night. I can't do this taking DE. Actually I can't stay up past 1100-11:30 taking DE. I was going to watch Nightline the other night :nono:. I got in bed a little before 11:30 and I got comfortable thinking I was going to laugh at the everyone talking about why successful black women can't find men. Well....I laid down and the next thing I knew it was 5:30 in the morning :blush:. I work-up crazy...I didn't know who I was or where I was or what was happening :lachen:. I had to think long and hard about what just happened!

The same thing happened last night. All of a sudden I was exhausted!! I went to bed and the next thing I knew it was the next day ~4:00 in the morning.
I have been taking Diatomaceous for about 3 weeks. A little energy spurt, no huge weightloss, increased bm's - but that's due to the Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsules I take in the morning.

What I have noticed is that my skin is amazing. I have always had dark eyes where concealer was needed. Today I have on no makeup! No foundation, powder, tint, nothing. My eyes are almost the same color as my skin. My skin has a glow to it. A fairly even skin tone, minus the freckles, tiny moles and a couple old scars from childhood. My skin is also soft. Almost like I have a thin layer of silky powder on it.

I also noticed my sugar cravings are different. I crave naturally sweet things instead of candy. The candy cravings are still there, but not as strong. It's easier to make healthier choices. I'm sure some of this is due to the Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face & Figure Capsules. I started that a week later. The jury is still out on that though.

OK, am I the only one with this problem. I have been taking two big tablespoons a day for the last month. I decided today that maybe my fatigue is due to the DE. I am sleepy ALL THE TIME. From the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep I am sleepy. I am going to stop taking it a few days and see if I feel any better.

Well this is my two cents. I'm having more BM's and since I'm not taking anything else it has to be due to the DE.

My skin is a mess. I think I'm detoxing again. I have several boils at the moment (I know TMI). I've broken out on my face and chest (I'm blaming my allergies for this...I itch all over).

I'm PMS's so my sugar craving are off the chart. I'm about to finish a 10 oz box of Milk Duds!!

I'm not really tired and I've been taking Sudafed (the real stuff) every day and a Benadryl about every 4 hours for allergies (so my energy must be coming from somewhere). Actually, I couldn't go to sleep on Friday night (it was 4 in the morning) and then I slept until about 10 on Saturday, so of course, I couldn't sleep Sunday night...errrr....:mad:. You would think I would be sleep now (since it's almost midnight but no...I'm wide awake on the internet). I blame the DE!!
I haven't noticed any hair growth but my nails are Gorgeous! Has anyone else noticed nail and/or hair growth?
I had to stop taking the DE for a bit. It cleaned out my bowels—not in a good way. I will drop back to one teaspoon and stay there.
Updates??? My nails are now breaking...I'm so inconsistent!! I can't say I've lost any weight.
I am taking a break for now. I am taking 50,000 iu of vitamin D. I dont want that to interfere with absoprtion. My D levels are very low.
Got my DE fri, started taking it sat night 1 to 2 tbls every day. haven't noticed anything yet but it's only been four days. did a face mask with it last night and my skin was very soft, still is this morning. i'll update when i have more info. i'm about to get on the scale, hope it's moved some. :D