Diatomaceous Earth reviews PLEASE..

I haven't taken it in a while. Figured I better start back. I don't remember if it kept me awake or sleepy. Will see what happens tonight. I hope it doesn't keep me awake. I get up at 5am, so that would really suck.
Doing the bump, while SUBSCRIBING!

I've been reading this thread (off/on) since 11am today. This was such a great read. Just finished reading the entire thing. I also read maybe 50 pages (out of 129) on LHC about DE too.

I planned on doing a cleanse/detox in August anyway, so I think this will be right on time!
Well ladies, I am convinced. I've been following this thread and decided to buy the DE last night. I was taking the MSM which seems to have similar results, the taste was a little off, but I got used to it. I ran out a while ago but never bought more. I'm gonna give this DE a try for overall health, joints, hair, etc. I guess I'll stick to the 1 tbs/ day dose mixed in something I can drink all day. Thank you ladies for all the wonderful info on this product. I could have used this for my ant problem about a month ago had I known about it. Well, at least now I know.
I'm back on DE *consistently* again. My nails are strong and my keratosis pilaris is starting to clear up again. I've had a couple of random bumps but nothing in comparison to when I first tried DE. I don't know why I'm so lazy with it at times. I add 2 tablespoons to a glass of OJ or a soy protein shake at least once a day. (I crave it DE!) No more occasional problems with elimination since adding coconut oil to my diet along with drinking more water.
I was getting a bit lazy myself about taking it, but when I read this thread it motivates me again. Will start again tonight.
I'm back on DE *consistently* again. My nails are strong and my keratosis pilaris is starting to clear up again. I've had a couple of random bumps but nothing in comparison to when I first tried DE. I don't know why I'm so lazy with it at times. I add 2 tablespoons to a glass of OJ or a soy protein shake at least once a day. (I crave it DE!) No more occasional problems with elimination since adding coconut oil to my diet along with drinking more water.

:yep: Same here.
Ok, so from what I've read, you all are taking varying measurements. Should I start off with 1/2tsp-1tsp...I plan to work up to 1TBS. I don't plan on any higher than 2TBS (which I think would take a long time to reach)

Also, is anyone doing an on/off approach to DE? Like, 2 months on, 1 month off?
Ok, so from what I've read, you all are taking varying measurements. Should I start off with 1/2tsp-1tsp...I plan to work up to 1TBS. I don't plan on any higher than 2TBS (which I think would take a long time to reach)

Also, is anyone doing an on/off approach to DE? Like, 2 months on, 1 month off?

I would suggest starting with a teaspoon and working your way up.

I took more that because I liked the chalky consistency in my juice. However that caused me to detox faster. :spinning:
Well, I've been stopping and starting DE because of traveling and then just having a hard time getting back on track with everything, including taking my vites. Other than that I've been fairly consistent and feel like I've found my groove. I take a tbsp in my morning breakfast drink and then again in the evening in a cup of chai tea.

My mom stopped by today and asked what I'm doing to my skin. She said it looks so much brighter and clear. Um, I haven't been doing anything new except DE. I still didn't see what she was seeing but my dad's in agreement. Maybe I'm just used to seeing my own face. In any case, I'll take it!

Ok, so from what I've read, you all are taking varying measurements. Should I start off with 1/2tsp-1tsp...I plan to work up to 1TBS. I don't plan on any higher than 2TBS (which I think would take a long time to reach)

Also, is anyone doing an on/off approach to DE? Like, 2 months on, 1 month off?

I started off taking a heaping tbsp 2x a day. I dunno. I just jump into things with both feet. But, I've had no problems. :nono: I think I may do the off and on thing, like 2 months on and 1 month off. They say that growth spurt comes within the first few weeks of starting DE. I'm curious to know if you can duplicate it by stopping and starting. And since I didn't get any detox breakouts, I'm willing to try it. Who knows.
OMG!!! This stuff is AMAZING. I've read this thread awhile ago when I was preggo and just reread it ALL again last week. I ordered some DE and started taking it on Sat. I don't stick 2 things long so I wanted 2 detox kinda quick in case I got tired of it in like a week.
Sat morning I started with a heaping tbsp, then Sun I took a tsp in am and tbsp in afternoon after work. Mon I took a tsp in am in my protein shake, and started drinking DE water (as some ladies have suggested), and then a heaping tbsp in the afternoon. My head hurt pretty bad the first couple days but I knew that would happen w/ a fast detox. The point of all this is....

Last nite (Mon nite) I went to the bathroom (TMI WARNING) a few times and didn't notice anything special till one time. The last time, I flushed and looked and saw 2 tapeworms (prob just one cut up) each about 2-3 inches and some mucus. This scared me and freaked me out at first but it's good 2 know its coming out. I didn't even really think I had anything like tapeworms, just maybe some parasites that wouldn't even be visible. I didn't even think it would work this quick. I'm so excited and def won't forget even one dose w/ results like this. I love knowing that I''m ridding my body of such horrible things and am on my way to being healthy. I just cant believe this was really in me. Idk if it's cuz I have A LOT of bad things in me or this stuff is really just that good. But I'm VERY pleased 2 have results in just 3 DAYS!!This stuff is Amazing! I will continue w/ at LEAST one tbsp a day along WITH 16 oz of DE water each day. Other than the headaches, no other side effects at all so I don't think I'm overdoing it. But it's hard 4 me 2 stick 2 stuff like supplements and vitamins when I don't see instant results (which i know is not realistic but...)so the fact that I've already seen results with this keeps me motivated 2 keep using it since I know it's working.
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OMG!!! This stuff is AMAZING. I've read this thread awhile ago when I was preggo and just reread it ALL again last week. I ordered some DE and started taking it on Sat. I don't stick 2 things long so I wanted 2 detox kinda quick in case I got tired of it in like a week.
Sat morning I started with a heaping tbsp, then Sun I took a tsp in am and tbsp in afternoon after work. Mon I took a tsp in am in my protein shake, and started drinking DE water (as some ladies have suggested), and then a heaping tbsp in the afternoon. My head hurt pretty bad the first couple days but I knew that would happen w/ a fast detox. The point of all this is....

Last nite (Mon nite) I went to the bathroom (TMI WARNING) a few times and didn't notice anything special till one time. The last time, I flushed and looked and saw 2 tapeworms (prob just one cut up) each about 2-3 inches and some mucus. This scared me and freaked me out at first but it's good 2 know its coming out. I didn't even really think I had anything like tapeworms, just maybe some parasites that wouldn't even be visible. I didn't even think it would work this quick. I'm so excited and def won't forget even one dose w/ results like this. I love knowing that I''m ridding my body of such horrible things and am on my way to being healthy. I just cant believe this was really in me. Idk if it's cuz I have A LOT of bad things in me or this stuff is really just that good. But I'm VERY pleased 2 have results in just 3 DAYS!!This stuff is Amazing! I will continue w/ at LEAST one tbsp a day along WITH 16 oz of DE water each day. Other than the headaches, no other side effects at all so I don't think I'm overdoing it. But it's hard 4 me 2 stick 2 stuff like supplements and vitamins when I don't see instant results (which i know is not realistic but...)so the fact that I've already seen results with this keeps me motivated 2 keep using it since I know it's working.

What the?! :hand: Girl, that WAS T.M. freakin I. Glad to hear it's working for you tho. :look:
OMG!!! This stuff is AMAZING. I've read this thread awhile ago when I was preggo and just reread it ALL again last week. I ordered some DE and started taking it on Sat. I don't stick 2 things long so I wanted 2 detox kinda quick in case I got tired of it in like a week.
Sat morning I started with a heaping tbsp, then Sun I took a tsp in am and tbsp in afternoon after work. Mon I took a tsp in am in my protein shake, and started drinking DE water (as some ladies have suggested), and then a heaping tbsp in the afternoon. My head hurt pretty bad the first couple days but I knew that would happen w/ a fast detox. The point of all this is....

Last nite (Mon nite) I went to the bathroom (TMI WARNING) a few times and didn't notice anything special till one time. The last time, I flushed and looked and saw 2 tapeworms (prob just one cut up) each about 2-3 inches and some mucus. This scared me and freaked me out at first but it's good 2 know its coming out. I didn't even really think I had anything like tapeworms, just maybe some parasites that wouldn't even be visible. I didn't even think it would work this quick. I'm so excited and def won't forget even one dose w/ results like this. I love knowing that I''m ridding my body of such horrible things and am on my way to being healthy. I just cant believe this was really in me. Idk if it's cuz I have A LOT of bad things in me or this stuff is really just that good. But I'm VERY pleased 2 have results in just 3 DAYS!!This stuff is Amazing! I will continue w/ at LEAST one tbsp a day along WITH 16 oz of DE water each day. Other than the headaches, no other side effects at all so I don't think I'm overdoing it. But it's hard 4 me 2 stick 2 stuff like supplements and vitamins when I don't see instant results (which i know is not realistic but...)so the fact that I've already seen results with this keeps me motivated 2 keep using it since I know it's working.
Thank you for sharing. I like hearing about things like this. That's one of the main reasons I want to try DE for the detox and cleansing effects. Hair growth or potential from it is not my #1 priority.

On LHC, alot of them are saying they are on DE for life. I need to just go ahead and buy it. I wanna see creepy stuff come out too. :yep: lol
What the?! Girl, that WAS T.M. freakin I. Glad to hear it's working for you tho.

LOL!! Hey, I tried 2 warn u. But I just wanted 2 let ppl know what really goes on. Some ppl just say "some gross stuff came out" but I always wondered specifically what and if it was anything significant. So i didn't wanna hold my tongue. There are roundworms, tapeworms, pinworms, and many others and I just wanted 2 be clear about the type and let ppl know there are REAL results with this stuff. I love the health benefits already and I'm def hoping 4 some hair and nail benefits 2, but I'm willing 2 wait 4 those.
Okay so Im officially lost! What are ppl using DE for? I mean besides detoxing your body? I am on zxt can these two be combined?
I am still on DE. I now only take one tablespoon at night. I was taking it two to three times a day and I was getting sooo sleepy!! I take it with almond milk with chocolate syrup mixed in and you can't even taste the DE! I think so far that my nails as well as my hair has gotten longer since I have been taken it.
Thanks for your DE update. I think i've been on it for about a week now. i was just doing the 1tbs in a jug of water each day. I experienced the headaches on day 2 and 3 and then a dull stomach ache for a few days. Haven't seen any tapeworms :), but my stomach stopped aching today after I gave it a brief massage. I will do the 1tbs in a drink and then sip on the other 1 tbs in a jug of water during the day and see where this goes. I just feel like I'm retaining water.
I bought alot last year. I put it in the litter box and the trash to prevent insect infestation. It works good for that, I just took a tablespoon of it now and will report back in a few days.
I slept really good last night. I also had a very vivid, weird dream. I will be taking a tablespoon in the morning and at night to see how it goes.
Oh for the constipation, chia seeds helps with constipation. I have never had problems with constipation because I have always eaten high fiber foods, I eat a bowl of oat bran for breakfast 6 days per week. I add 2 tablespoons to my oat bran and that results in an almost instant BM.
I now have a headache. I took a tablespoon 2 hours ago and am drinking a lot of water. My appetite seems a little suppressed but I am making myself eat.
I started doing the 1tbs in juice in the am and sip on water with another tbs in it during the day. Oh man did I sleep like a log last night. I mean a DEEP sleep. I haven't slept like that in years.
I tried replacing my evening DE in tea with 30 oz water with lemon to sip drink. Why oh why. I forgot it was gonna feel gritty. I'm going back to hot tea for my 2nd dose. :grin: Still sipping on that 30 oz, btw. What's wrong with this picture?
Okay so after taking a tablespoon in the morning and one at night, I have come to the conclusion that the best thing FOR ME is to just take it at night because this stuff makes me so sleepy. I had a very vivid dream last night again as well but I slept really well and woke up so refreshed that I will be able to complete my housework today. The 2 tablespoons also gives me a headache so I will take 1 tablespoon at night for about a week then graduate to 2 tablespoons at night to see if that works.

Also, I am so glad that I am not battling bugs from the litter box and trash can like I do every summer! This stuff stops those pesky critters dead in their tracks. Yippee!
Oh and another thing I forgot, earlier in this thread some ladies said that this was good for their skin so they soaked their bodies in it. I didn't soak, but I added quite a bit to my exfoliating gloves along with my regular soap and scrubbed my body down last night, my skin felt noticeably cleaner than when I just use the soap and exfoliating gloves by themselves. This really is a keeper for me.
My order came last week, I'll start w/ 1 tbs a day this week to see how things go and then increase to 2 tbs daily. I need this detox - I've been off zxt for about 2 months...
Since DE is a detoxifier, it will just eat your vits all up. This is way I stopped taking it so regularly and now I try to take it at night just before bed when I remember.