December 2015: Hits & Misses

Hits: Palmers Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner

First off, this product smells AMAZING! Like laundry detergent. When I first put this into my hair, I wasn't too impressed. It didn't feel like it conditioned my hair at all. I then decided to mix this with coconut oil as a leave in and wow, this thang is the TRUTH! My hair feels SO soft and moisturized. Detangling was a breeze and breakage free. And the smell of detergent is still present.

Now I know some are probably thinking I can use coconut oil by itself to get these benefits. Not for me. I've tried and it's turned my hair to concrete city.
Miss: Alterna Caviar Replenishing Masque

As soon as it touched my hair I new it was a no go. It started causing my hair to feel more tangled and hard than my clarifying shampoo did. Washed it out and

Immediate hit: Joico Moisture Recovery Balm

applied this after shampooing the Alterna out and it immediately began detangling and softening my hair. I'm not done under the steamer yet but I like it already. And it's loads cheaper than the Alterna.
Miss: Karen's Body Beautiful Customer Service

I finally got the rest of my KBB Black Friday order yesterday it took all of 29 days. All the other vendors I purchased from included samples, freebies, size upgrades, future discount codes, confetti and hand written notes. They had nice fill levels and clean neat packaging. KBB took the longest time to arrive, their fill level sucked, the jars looked beat up and I got nothin' considering it was BF and my first KBB purchase.

Not only did they take forever and a day but there was a hair on the inside of the protective seal over the Super Duper Hydrating Hair Cream that came in the first shipment. Granted it wasn't down in the jar, but it was hanging over it so I wasn't able to use the residual product that was on the protective film because the hair was stuck in it. That sucks especially for a product that is only 6.7 ounces to begin with added to it a pitiful fill level and the gross hair. I didn't want to make a big deal of it but after the ridiculously long wait for the rest of my order I informed them of the hair situation in the email that I wrote enquiring about the other items I had ordered.

In response the next day I got a "sorry for your inconvenience", a tracking number and a 15% off coupon code for future a purchase. As if. . . why would I want to buy from them again? Unsanitary products and ridonkulous wait time and no incentive whatsoever? Since they neither need nor want my patronage, I'm going to take my coins elsewhere. This was my first Karen's Body Beautiful purchase and their first impression was a total turn off. Their email was aloof and impersonal. Their "apology" for my inconvenience was to further inconvenience me with a useless coupon code. Like it's somehow my fault that their quality control is lacking and their supply can't meet the demand. Coming from a company that has 20%, 25%, $10 off and free full size product with purchase sales like every week, that code was insult. :handslap: I guess what irked me the most was that they had not one, not two, not even three but NINE different sales since BF all while I'm still waiting on products that I paid them for a month ago.o_O And they gonna send me some late ass products in an envelope (not even a box, all my KBB came in an envelope; jars and bottles in a freaking envelope; $8 shipping and no box. I got free shipping from other vendors and their products came in a box. I'm just saying. The whole experience felt and looked bootlegged) not even a thank you for your immense patience note or Happy Holidays greeting, nada:burnup: Smdh

End of rant.
I'm going to try that sometime this week. I've heard lots of good things about it everywhere. I got mine from TJ Maxx... 8.5 oz for $7.99. I used it years ago and I liked it but I don't remember the exact effect it had on my hair or why I stopped using it...
I found it and got my feelings hurt that I've been paying full price for a lot of things that TJ Maxx has cheaper.
Not happy... Sarenzo Peppermint and Tea Tree Clay wash. It felt gritty in my hair and then once rinsed my hair looked frizzy. I will hang on to it for clarifying purposes...

** update *** My hair has never detangled this easily.... is it the deep conditioner or the freakin clay wash? I was running fingers through my hair!

So, I can't say this is so so yet.....
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Did u contact her about the hair?

Not immediately, I was going to let it slide but the long ass wait and umteen sale emails got to me. Everytime I thought that I was getting an update or eta on the rest of my order, it was a sales notice. I mentioned the hair in the email that I sent enquiring about the rest of my order two weeks after the first package arrived. I got an apology for the delay email, but no mention of the hair issue. I received a subsequent email apologising for my inconvenience with a 15% off code but no mention of what the inconvenience was. I took pics when I first opened the jar but didn't remember to attach them to the email.

I'm also pissed because the tone of the email was unconcerned like, whatever. If someone told you that they found a hair in your product would your response be "here is a useless 15% off code so you can buy more of my janky ish"? It's okay though because I won't be purchasing from KBB ever again so they can keep their 15% off code for their inconvenience at my dissatisfaction at their sloppy business practices.
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All pleasant surprises

-Camille Rose's curl maker.
I used this on top of the hair milk and the two are awesome together. My next day twist out is incredibly shiny, NOT greasy, or heavy, enough hold, yet soft hair. Humidity of course will make things swell a little, so we'll see how things go in the summer time with this stuff

-Camille Rose hair milk
Good moisturizer to use underneath the hair milk. I use this on wash day as a moisturizer.

Not quite sure yet,
-Camille Rose Fresh Curl - this product is more of a leave in type product or to be used in place of water/as a refresher. I can see pairing this with the Curl Maker in the summertime instead of the hair milk.

-Camille Rose Aloe Gel - I haven't used this in the way I really want as yet. I want to use it as a retwister at night in place of my spray leave in. I'm hoping this is a good retwisting agent.

-Giovanni 2Chic Ultra Repair blackberry and coconut poo and conditioner
the poo lathered well and wasn't stripping. The conditioner was a pleasant surprise! Melted in my hair, detangled and softened my hair. I'm going to get the liter size of this conditioner to keep on deck. The only thing is it's not as emollient as other conditioners. It detangles and does it's job especially for something I can get on ground, adding a little oil to it might help some.

I am SO GLAD that I can get all of these products on ground !!!
I really feel you should email her your exact post you have here and just send the products back.

I was tempted to send it all back but then I'd have to pay shipping again and a refund was never discussed. It took an entire month to get my complete order so I'm in no hurry to tango with them for another month; once bitten twice shy.

I realize that these companies get slammed Black Friday so I tried my best to be patient and amenable. But I really did expected more from this company. From the janky envelope to the beat up looking jars and sucky fill levels that looked as if someone had used the products before they were sent and the hair which makes me think maybe someone did use it and return it. Add to that the insufferable wait time, the all of nine sales they had while I was still waiting on my purchases and the robotic sounding email they sent me, I just can't.

All of my other BF orders were on point. I guess that was so excited about all the goodies that I tried to be nice and not make a thing of it. I didn't address the hair issue immediately and that's on me. It's done and I'm over it now. I just should've went with my gut and bought some Camille Rose like I had planned to in the first place.
I was tempted to send it all back but then I'd have to pay shipping again and a refund was never discussed. It took an entire month to get my complete order so I'm in no hurry to tango with them for another month; once bitten twice shy.

I realize that these companies get slammed Black Friday so I tried my best to be patient and amenable. But I really did expected more from this company. From the janky envelope to the beat up looking jars and sucky fill levels that looked as if someone had used the products before they were sent and the hair which makes me think maybe someone did use it and return it. Add to that the insufferable wait time, the all of nine sales they had while I was still waiting on my purchases and the robotic sounding email they sent me, I just can't.

All of my other BF orders were on point. I guess that was so excited about all the goodies that I tried to be nice and not make a thing of it. I didn't address the hair issue immediately and that's on me. It's done and I'm over it now. I just should've went with my gut and bought some Camille Rose like I had planned to in the first place.
Did you pay by paypal. You can file a dispute that the items were not as expected. Take pictures and upload them to the complaint. Paypal may decide in your favor without you having to send them back. You never know.

They wouldn't be responding like that if someone from Target said they found a hair in their products purchased there, so I'm not understanding the response directly from their shop?

It is worth mentioning to them again and to PayPal, because Target would not tolerate that type of response from their vendors to their Customers-At-Large.

Folks always wanna go mainstream but treat the customers 'who got them there' in the 1st place ackin' like they still in the hood makin' stuff in the kitchen.

Unacceptable. On so many levels.
I'm also pissed because the tone of the email was unconcerned like, whatever. If someone told you that they found a hair in your product would your response be "here is a useless 15% off code so you can buy more of my janky ish"? It's okay though because I won't be purchasing from KBB ever again so they can keep their 15% off code for their inconvenience at my dissatisfaction at their sloppy business practices.


All this right here would be totally unacceptable to the 'so-called' Mainstream. :look:

They wouldn't be responding like that if someone from Target said they found a hair in their products purchased there, so I'm not understanding the response directly from their shop?

It is worth mentioning to them again and to PayPal, because Target would not tolerate that type of response from their vendors to their Customers-At-Large.

Folks always wanna go mainstream but treat the customers 'who got them there' in the 1st place ackin' like they still in the hood makin' stuff in the kitchen.

Unacceptable. On so many levels.

Guuuurrrrl, you took the words out my mouth....and quite frankly I am patient but everyone knows Black Friday is every hair company's bread and butter, "prepare for it already".......this is no longer new for any small business. Year after year we have to hear "Sorry we got slammed"...You offer the sales, poney up the decent time frame, no more than 2 weeks for shipping for me.
Yea @IDareT'sHair I've seen some of her Periscopes and did not expect her to respond the way she did.....that's not acceptable at all especially that hair. Plus her sale wasn't that good to have that long of a wait time.
I am surprised as well, I used to buy from her back in the day....n she was very good with shipping and responding appropriately to any complaints. This is a first bad customer service I have heard for her.
@IDareT'sHair, I did pay through PayPal but I really didn't want to file a claim. I already filed a claim against a different natural hair care company earlier this year after not having received the products that I had purchased nor any response to multiple emails, Fb messages and posts. PayPal did decide in my favor in that case but I don't want to make a habit of claim filing.

@athenat, The email was not sent by Karen herself but rather by someone named Judy.

Thank you ladies for all of the advice. I had kept the film with the hair for a few days before throwing it away. Like I said I had decided to not make a thing of it. However my frustration got the better of me so I made mention of it in the email to KBB. Their blasé response further frosted my cookies so I just had to come on here and rant about it. I was actually more upset by the overall experience both customer service and product presentation (including the hair). Now had I not received my products at all or was sent the wrong products or some old moldy products or had been overcharged or had found a hair or other contaminant down in the jar, then I would've contacted PayPal with the quickness.

Thanks again for taking the time to read my rant and offering me your support and advice.
@MileHighDiva, I'm not ashamed to file a claim either, I'm just saving my efforts for the major ish. Since my particular issue was more in fact due to an accumulation of small grievances I opted to not persue the matter through that avenue. I still haven't tried the products yet. Once I get around to it I will be leaving detailed product reviews including the condition in which the items arrived as well as the usual scent, texture and performance commentary.