Dating African Men...

IThey are African princes in Nigeria.

Hitting me, verbally abusing me, cheating on me, getting 2 other girlfriends during the course of our 4-year relationship (trying to be like his other African friends who were pros at this), going to see the other girlfriend in my car, one of the others in another country while the other was in the same city, lying since day one, lying to everybody about any little thing.

I found a lot of things out about him after we broke up. When I met him, he was supposedly a nice Christian. Christian but crazy!

The other guy I was not dating, but I was trying to help him. During the time I knew him, he kept telling me that he was going to get me pregnant before I graduated law school. He wanted me to be pregnant walking across the stage at graduation. :look: He wanted to do all of this before getting married. I wouldn't touch that guy with a ten-foot pole! I blocked him on my phone and cut off communication with him. He would later get into contact with me again asking me if I was ever going to F him. :huh: He used such vulgar language, too. :barf:
This could be a man from anywhere in the world. :look:
I tried 4 times and all 4 times failed. All had girlfriends back in Africa. One even broke it down to me, he said that it is expensive to come to America and if you don't have the money to bring over your family you still have to have a life and enjoy yourself. And he was a "Christian "....pastor I think. He was from the Ivory coast

All were misogynist. I found them worse than black guys due to the quiet, smart, laid back approach.
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I have had a positive relationship with a family of African men. They are like brothers to me so I would not be able to tell you anything on a romantic level. They are African princes in Nigeria. They (its 5 of them) do not 'look' like your 'typical' Nigerian men because they dress 'Americanized', light&brown skin, light eyes, very tall etc. But I love them to bits and they are super sweet, love Jesus, and treat you like family. The older brothers are all married (well one engaged) to African women that look more like your 'typical' African women (but they're pretty)...

So, 'typical' African women aren't pretty? Lol, just asking. 

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I'm married to a South African man. He is simply amazing :love:

LunadeMiel, I didn't realize that your husband is South African. That's so cool! :yep: I had a friend in college who was SA and he was one of the funniest, dopest men I've ever met. :yep: It's funny how one positive experience with someone from a different country can color how you view everyone from that area. Which is what I think is happening in this thread. :ohwell: (I don't take offense to it, though; many of my African friends have all but abandoned the idea of marrying an African man, and though I do get close at times, I don't know... I just love them, especially because I happen to know some excellent ones. :yep:).
lmao!!! :lachen: Slow your road ma. I think she was #justsaying.

Lol, I'm only slightly offended. I've seen statements like that regarding dark skinned AA females. *shrug*. The devil emoticon was meant to imply I was getting something started/mischevious. Lol. Let's get it cracka lackin'. Lol.

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Lol, I'm only slightly offended. I've seen statements like that regarding dark skinned AA females. *shrug*. The devil emoticon was meant to imply I was getting something started/mischevious. Lol. Let's get it cracka lackin'. Lol.

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Well, I am know plenty of nice looking african women. lol but I hope someone will chime in who knows how to keep it real. lol
I agree WE, I see beautiful and stunning African women all the time-from Nigeria, Ghana, Somali, Eritrea, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, etc. In fact my good friend is from Nigeria and she could easily pass as a model. We just have to be careful how we state opinions; I am not quite sure she meant it as it read. Well, hey everyone is entitled to their opinion and we all have our own, unique experiences. 

I have dated/befriended African men. IME, their attitudes varied depending on their country of origin. Nigerian men were really different than Ethiopian men. And Ethiopian men were much different than Egyptian men or those from Senegal. Lol, they had one thing in common-macho and confident, yet they displayed this in very different ways.

I guess many of us have this experience: At the club with your girls, an African man offers to buy y'all drinks. Oh Lawd, you say ok...and he pushes up on you relentlessly for the entire night. Every time you look up, he is watching you and right there with thus white, toothy grin (that says 'you're wide number 4'). He refuses to take 'no', 'hell naw', and 'get the hell on' as your final answer. *shivers and unconsciously reaches for mase*

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I dated a Nigerian man not too long ago, he asked me to borrow him money and never paid it back, I never saw him again, I broke off all contact with him. Is it telling? No because I also dated a white man who was verbally abusive. Since I`m into LOA now I understand that it`s my standards that I need to change, whenever I get into a relationship I just expect it to go wrong because of all the negative relationships I see around me, it`s just bad karma imo. I`m Angolan btw.
You forgot secret wife.

It's not uncommon to marry young in many African countries and know more then a few women who found out about a wife after being in a relationship for a while.

For me the cultural gap is just too big for it to work.

I remember a post of a member here who found out her African boyfriend had a wife. She said all his family knew and never said anything to her.
All this talk! Maybe too many of us women are too attracted to bad boys. I did meet a wonderful African man. I mean he was a great guy but I never seriously dated him. I sure dated a few others who ended up having girlfriends back home or trying to holla at my friends.
Do African men take IR dating seriously? My bff's sister (who is white) thinks they are going to get married someday :look: Obviously no one can speak for them but I wonder what was the consensus with this or how their family views them dating an american WW
Well, I am know plenty of nice looking african women. lol but I hope someone will chime in who knows how to keep it real. lol

I'm one :look: And my mommy. And my aunts. And my cousins :look: :lachen::lachen:. Anyway, there are gonna be cute and ugly people from everywhere. Sadly, in a lot of places there will be more uglies than cutes. Like white women from the UK. #Imjussayin

I'd say something but even as a troll I wont go there. :look:

Now you know Nigerian men aren't the only ones who act like fools when they cross the pond. Actually, my bad experiences (never dated them, but these were classmates / associates) were with a Zim and Rwandan dude (but I know another Zim dude who is very cool so it's individual. These women just have to be careful :nono:).

It's just that there are MORE Nigerians around, so it seems like they're the worst. I may be giving them too much credit :look: but that's my take on it. I've met a few nice Nigerians who seemed quite sincere. They're not all bad :lol:.

I'm talking about men straight from Africa. As far as those who were raised in the US - they're kinda arrogant, but not really much different from any educated AA man. They've taken on American culture.
I guess many of us have this experience: At the club with your girls, an African man offers to buy y'all drinks. Oh Lawd, you say ok...and he pushes up on you relentlessly for the entire night. Every time you look up, he is watching you and right there with thus white, toothy grin (that says 'you're wide number 4'). He refuses to take 'no', 'hell naw', and 'get the hell on' as your final answer. *shivers and unconsciously reaches for mase*


I'd say something but even as a troll I wont go there. :look:

Say it, Say know you want to.
Got a good one here. From Nigeria, though been in the UK for 15 years (yes, he's a citizen). Been together three years in June, met each others families, our families met each other and we've been talking marriage. He's my best friend and a great man.

However I'm sure my post doesn't count for much in a thread like this...:ohwell:
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So, 'typical' African women aren't pretty? Lol, just asking. 

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They are pretty to me. The weave game is off sometimes :look: but they are just as pretty.

I'd say something but even as a troll I wont go there. :look:

Oh my comment wasnt gonna be about Nigerian men. :look:

I did quote the wrong person though.
Sorry if I offended you. I never dated one personally just saying...I know, I know, alot of our men ain't ish either
no personal experience but Ive heard some horror stories from friends/relatives who have dated african men
I really hope this thread doesn't go South. Some things I've read in here are almost (almost) crossing the line of being offensive. (I'm Nigerian, born and raised in the US.)

Do African men take IR dating seriously? My bff's sister (who is white) thinks they are going to get married someday :look: Obviously no one can speak for them but I wonder what was the consensus with this or how their family views them dating an american WW

This question appears to generalize a whole continent, but I think I see what you're asking.

To answer your question, it depends on the individual man. I've seen Ghanaian and Nigerian men marry white women. Then I've seen others who were very strict about sticking within their tribe.

Not to be offensive. They aren't very 'Americanized' girls. Hang with Africans, talk with a thick accent, big booty, natural hair, true to culture. They were the type of women their mother would approve of. Though I try to avoid stereotypes, lets be a line up of black women or men...I'd think some were American and others maybe not so much. Its not to be offensive, its reality.
I think some women date African men thinking they might be different from AA men then get upset when it turns out differently. I think perception has a lot to do with it.

prettyfaceANB, I'm curious as to how these Nigerian women were true to culture?
I think some women date African men thinking they might be different from AA men then get upset when it turns out differently. I think perception has a lot to do with it.

prettyfaceANB, I'm curious as to how these Nigerian women were true to culture?

She explained how they were and examples were natural hair and big booty. really? that poster seems kinda slow or just ignorant to me.
She explained how they were and examples were natural hair and big booty. really? that poster seems kinda slow or just ignorant to me.

Whoa Nelly, let's play nice. :)
I agree that it was a offensive, but she was stating it from her own experience. Enlighten her, let her know that African women are about as diverse in appearance as AA women.

Perhaps she has had very limited exposure to Africans. Her statement sounded like it.

We don't need to club her like a baby seal. :)

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I gave my opinion & my experience but I forgot this forum requires everyone to be an expert and politically correct in all things. Why analyze my post to make me out to seem like I'm calling African women, something I'm not?

If I offended anyone, my apologies but it is my opinion and my experience and the OP asked for our personal experience, did she not?

Calling me ignorant is uncalled for. But you girls are (and this may be real offensive) mean! And instead of educating and maybe enlightening, you like to poke and question to make someone feel bad for having an opinion. Like I'm the enemy because I think in term of typicals (when I KNOW there are all kinds but may default maybe 'look' a certain way). I'm an engineer, that's how my brain works.

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I gave my opinion & my experience but I forgot this forum requires everyone to be an expert and politically correct in all things. Why analyze my post to make me out to seem like I'm calling African women, something I'm not?

If I offended anyone, my apologies but it is my opinion and my experience and the OP asked for our personal experience, did she not?

Calling me ignorant is uncalled for.

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I wonder what rock you're living under because I also read your thread about light skinned men. I didn't base my opinion only from this thread. I was just stating MY opinion too. *shrugs*
I wonder what rock you're living under because I also read your thread about light skinned men. I didn't base my opinion only from this thread. I was just stating MY opinion too. *shrugs*

And I said you can't generalize them. I am gave my personal opinion about my experience with the men I have dated. It's my experience but I guess if I don't think like you, then I'm wrong. *shrugs*

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