Could you deal with a House Husband? (Long)


New Member
I was watching the House Husbands of Hollywood on Fox TV. There are five couples, but only three are worth talking about.

Tempest Bledsoe and some dude that used to be on a Different World are supposedly together, but I don't believe it. Something about that "union" screams fake and they're boring.

There's another young white couple, have no idea who they are and they're boring as hell too.

Now Jillian Barberie from Good Day New York and her gorgeous husband is one of the couples. Jillian seems like a miserable *itch. On her show she seems so bubbly and happy, but she treats her husband like crap. She never looks happy to be around him. Jillian strikes me as one of those women that would like her FREEDOM back. LOL! Her husband complains about her spending HER MONEY like she should be checking in with him to see if it's okay. He basically stays home and takes care of their daughter. I don't know what he does for a living, but I strongly believe he came to LA to become an actor. He's gorgeous.

The other couple is a former major league baseball player and his wife. I don't know what she does for a living, but she makes more money than he does (he's unemployed), he stays home with the kids and cooks his arse off! LOL! He's also very attractive. She has a skincare business of some sort and that's all I know.

The third guy's name is Charlie. That's it. They don't show his wife. He's a handsome dude that spent years in prison for armed robbery and is married to some super rich producer chick. They have one son together and Ryan O'Neal (Farrah's ex) is his best friend (I think secret son, because they look so much alike).

I'm sorry, but I honestly believe all three of these men are ripe for having an affair with other women. MEN NEED TO WORK and feel important. It's in their nature to be providers. The men on this show are NOT happy with their roles as house husbands and it's so obvious.

Even though Charlie has a very rich wife and doesn't have to work you can clearly see in this show that he's not happy with that role. Jillian's husband seems miserable and I don't blame him. The baseball player cannot hide his unhappiness at being a house husband. I'm really surprised that he can't get a job in the sports field with his background. Maybe they should give up that big house and stop perpetrating.

Bottomline is - I don't want a man that ain't bringing any money in. You need to have a job. I don't care if I'm making more money than you and can afford for you to stay home with the kids. NO - YOU NEED TO WORK. I don't mind the kids going to daycare or whatever, but I can't look at you as a MAN if I have to give you an allowance.

Anyone else agree or disagree?
I'm not sure if I could do it long term, though I could see a scenario when it would need to be done temporarily (husband laid off or something). This is a hard one because if there is a situation where a parent can stay home with the children, I prefer that to daycare. At the same time, I feel like switching up the roles like that has it's own set of problems. At some point a man's natural instinct to work and provide for the household kicks in, and the fact that the woman is the provider can lead to many issues. Imagine a situation where the woman moves up in the business world, and she is receiving praise and recognition while the man sits on the sideline and watches. Something like that can affect a man's ego, and a man with a bruised ego is nothing to mess with. It can get confusing.
If I was banking like Oprah, YES....

on second thought what would I need a husband for...exactly....:look:
I'm not sure if I could do it long term, though I could see a scenario when it would need to be done temporarily (husband laid off or something). This is a hard one because if there is a situation where a parent can stay home with the children, I prefer that to daycare. At the same time, I feel like switching up the roles like that has it's own set of problems. At some point a man's natural instinct to work and provide for the household kicks in, and the fact that the woman is the provider can lead to many issues. Imagine a situation where the woman moves up in the business world, and she is receiving praise and recognition while the man sits on the sideline and watches. Something like that can affect a man's ego, and a man with a bruised ego is nothing to mess with. It can get confusing.

I agree with this also, if you are laid off o.k. but you NEED to make looking for a job your job. And yep to the bold I have seen this happen in my own family, the man gets emasculated. I've seem a lot of men get treated like crap because they didn't have a job and they just took it because if they didn't they didn't have any money or anywhere to go, by cousin did her husband like that. Its a hard thing to watch she treated him so bad:nono::nono:
Of the stay-at-home dads that I know (and there are a few in my profession), they are still "working." Many just work from home as freelance writers and have various contracts with magazines, newspapers and websites.

In that article I posted, the woman said that most of the "happy" house husbands she knows still work part time. I think that men just need to have "something" to show their "worth" as a man... it's just innate. Unlike women, who might consider a clean house, well-cooked food and happy children as that "something," men need an occupation as well to feel that sense of accomplishment.
I couldn't but I will say I thought about a husband who stays at home(in the country) with my children(if I have any) while I go make movies. I do want him to work. I just can't do with a man that does nothing while he stays at home. An able body man needs something part-time at least.
I had a house hubby situation when my daughter was very young. I absolutely loved it. He was very good at it. He cooked, cleaned, laundry, read to the baby, the whole 9. I knew I was in heaven when one night while running late (I worked the night shift). He ironed my uniform, packed my lunched and was waiting at the door with my jacket on one finger and my lunch on another with his lips ready to kiss me good night. It takes a different sort of couple to make it work but it definitely had its benefits while it lasted. He eventually found a job and messed up our lovely arrangement LOL.
Absolutely. When it comes to managing our household, both DH and I need to do whatever is in the best interest of our family (even if it's out of our respective comfort zones). If we're in a situation where my being the sole breadwinner and his being a SAHD is best for us and (our future) family, that's what needs to be done; I surely wouldn't devalue his contribution by chastizing him for "not having a job". The respect that women receive for being SAHMs shouldn't vanish when a man chooses to be a SAHD (just like women who work outside the home wouldn't want to be valued or respected less than their male counterparts).
Absolutely. When it comes to managing our household, both DH and I need to do whatever is in the best interest of our family (even if it's out of our respective comfort zones). If we're in a situation where my being the sole breadwinner and his being a SAHD is best for us and (our future) family, that's what needs to be done; I surely wouldn't devalue his contribution by chastizing him for "not having a job". The respect that women receive for being SAHMs shouldn't vanish when a man chooses to be a SAHD (just like women who work outside the home wouldn't want to be valued or respected less than their male counterparts).

Exactly. Stay at home dads have just as much value in my eyes as stay at home moms do, and to say that a man 'has' to work in order to be fulfilled makes as much sense as saying that a woman 'has' to have children in order to be fulfilled. Dicks and vaginas do not define nor determine your goals and desires in life, despite the pressure on people to allow their genitals to shape their lives so that they 'fit in' with everyone else.

Now, if he's not happy being a SAHD - that's a different conversation. Some men are. Some men aren't. :look: But then, not all women are happy being SAHM's, either, and no one is surprised by that.
Exactly. Stay at home dads have just as much value in my eyes as stay at home moms do, and to say that a man 'has' to work in order to be fulfilled makes as much sense as saying that a woman 'has' to have children in order to be fulfilled. Dicks and vaginas do not define nor determine your goals and desires in life, despite the pressure on people to allow their genitals to shape their lives so that they 'fit in' with everyone else.

Now, if he's not happy being a SAHD - that's a different conversation. Some men are. Some men aren't. :look: But then, not all women are happy being SAHM's, either, and no one is surprised by that.
My thoughts EXACTLY. ;)
If I was banking like Oprah, YES....

on second thought what would I need a husband for...exactly....:look:
I know you're not talking about Oprah's situation directly, but since you mentioned her, I'll go ahead and say this...

Stedman may not get alot of press, but he is WELL known in the business world, and very accomplished. So don't think he's at the house chillin while O's raking it all in!