Her husband wants to move teenage goddaughter in

Does he treat her like a cousin/goddaughter or is it more ... casual? I guess I'm asking if he has set boundaries in their relationship and just how fragile the situation would be.

I would have to agree with everyone. Firstly, on the premise that she's already a deviant and is sleeping with men for money. Why is she doing these things? With medical problems, I wouldn't want the chore of rehabilitating someone else's child.
Does he treat her like a cousin/goddaughter or is it more ... casual? I guess I'm asking if he has set boundaries in their relationship and just how fragile the situation would be.


As far as I know he does see her as a relative. However, the wife indicated that he was close to the teen as a child, then when they married he had little to do with the now teen. The wife would tell him to check on the child and let her visit, but he would not. But then when she turned 17, he started bringing her to the house for overnight stays. they would be at the house together when the sick wife was at work. She's sick but can hold an office job. That sounds suspicious to me.
That.Is.The.Man's.COUSIN! Hello!

Unless he's/she's incestuous, deranged, and crazy I would think he wouldn't be sexing his cousin. That's beyond gross, weird, & sick.

If my relative were in need, I'd want to help out if I could. There'd definitely be some rules and a time-frame to move out of course.
Sounds like in-house booty setup to me......the married couple not having sex is a HUGE red flag to me!

Most 18-year olds would want to freedom of living with a bunch of roommate (cheaply) rather than an older marrried couple.

Is the wife sure that nothing has happened already between the husband and this young girl - they are not really related, so that line could be crossed :(
Heck no. There sure are A LOT of relatives between them, and no one wants to help? Me thinks at her tender age she has burnt a lot of bridges. That is what financial aid is for, she needs to utilize it.

Husband is not thinking about his wife's best interest. Where has he been the last 18 years? I am sure this isn't her first time in need of "something".
That.Is.The.Man's.COUSIN! Hello!

Unless he's/she's incestuous, deranged, and crazy I would think he wouldn't be sexing his cousin. That's beyond gross, weird, & sick.

If my relative were in need, I'd want to help out if I could. There'd definitely be some rules and a time-frame to move out of course.

There is a history of rape by her father along with everything thing else. She still has a relationship with the father. Could this blur boundaries?
There is a history of rape by her father along with everything thing else. She still has a relationship with the father. Could this blur boundaries?

WHOA. This young lady is severely damaged, BIG TIME.

Obviously her abuse is not her fault but after knowing this, it would just reinforce that I could not let her live in my home. I would be agreeable to helping her in other ways but living under my roof?:nono:
There is a history of rape by her father along with everything thing else. She still has a relationship with the father. Could this blur boundaries?

Reading that really made me feel sad. It does explain her sexual mentality/behaviour. :nono:
There is a history of rape by her father along with everything thing else. She still has a relationship with the father. Could this blur boundaries?

I’m not blaming this girl in anyway but children of sexual abuse may have distorted sense of sexual boundaries and low esteem problems.

Sadly, too many families just try to sweep these matters under the rug without considering the long-term effects. The fact that this past family “sex abuse” was not mentioned from the start (instead of harping of how “sexual loose” this girl is – implies to me that this is the case.

It is SICK but if everyone knows of her abuse history, they may try to take advantage, too- family or not family!

Sort of “its my turn” mentality and she may feel powerless to protest or stop it.

IMO, this thread should not be about keeping some “fast” young heifer away from someone’s husband, but getting this girl some REAL help!
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As far as I know he does see her as a relative. However, the wife indicated that he was close to the teen as a child, then when they married he had little to do with the now teen. The wife would tell him to check on the child and let her visit, but he would not. But then when she turned 17, he started bringing her to the house for overnight stays. they would be at the house together when the sick wife was at work. She's sick but can hold an office job. That sounds suspicious to me.

Something in the pot ain't right.:look:
Yes, I'm tired of families sweeping sexual abuse under the rug. This happens in many families, across racial and social economic lines.

And you're right about "it's my turn" mentality. I remember on Oprah, when these two twins told a family member about their abuse, instead of helping, the family member started to abuse them as well.

OP, based on the way you framed this story, you may be subconsciously asking for advice on how to help this young woman (rather than the living situation of a married couple). I honestly believe she needs licensed, credential therapy and emotional support. Her hypersexuality is clearly a form of acting out.

That's possible, because it is a sad situation. I hadn't thought of it that way.
It's his fourth cousin, I don't know if that means different things to different people.

first, second, third, fourth cousin is all the same to me. Once you acknowledge that that's family, then any sexual relationship is off limits. But that's how I think