Comedian Chris Rock's Documentary "Good Hair"

What kind of comments? :look:

A lot of his standup material talks about why black men love white women. He also made this comment fairly recently:

"Barack has a handicap the other candidates don’t have: Barack Obama has a black wife. And I don’t think a black woman can be first lady of the United States. Yeah, I said it! A black woman can be president, no problem. First lady? Can’t do it. You know why? Because a black woman cannot play the background of a relationship. Just imagine telling your black wife that you’re president? ‘Honey, I did it! I won! I’m the president.’ ‘No, we the president! And I want my girlfriends in the Cabinet! I want Kiki to be secretary of state! She can fight!"

ETA: I am not personally offended by his commentary but I know others have stoned him for it.
Chris should have hit-up the sistas at LHCF, we'd have a whole lot to share with him....we'd make an excellent documentary....The Secret Lives of LHCF!?! Power Brokers by day, Hair Hawkers by night....
I am glad that Chris Rock has decided to make a documentary about African American Hair Culture called "Good Hair". I mean he's a silly guy but that's great because he can showcase EXACTLY the whos, wheres, whys of African American Hair care in a way that's comical and educating. Now that I am a natural I think this movie will answer a lot of questions and help clear out any myths.