Anyone NOT going to see Chris Rock's movie, "Good Hair?"

I am iffy about this film too. The previews make it seem as if it simply talks about weaves and relaxers when there are a lot of different ways that we wear our hair. Also Chris Rock has made some comments in the past about Black women in his comedy sketches that have offended me. I am not sure I want to support anything of his.

My thoughts exactly!
Absolutely not. I know I will be offended. The only thing written by Chris Rock that did not offend me was his TV series "everybody hates chris." Other than that TV show... everything that comes out of that man's mouth has offended me in the past.

I'm also worried about the impression other races will have after seeing that movie. I'd be embarrassed to sit next to a white person while seeing that movie. They'd probably stare at my hair while walking out of the movie.
Thank you so much for providing your input! It seems people that saw it are saying the same thing. I'm going to have to take a pass!!

it was in the "Academy Qualifiers" section sooooo this little film may get nominated for an Academy Award. The PR job they've got goin on where everybody is tombout us and our hair is definitely making them a contender, so, this may not go away any time soon. If it gets nominated, I'll be :swearing: so you don't even wanna imagine what I'll do if it wins.
Did you catch the show when it aired?

I didn't. I don't watch television. Giving it up for a year!! But, like I said I have hair issues and no matter how he said it I wouldn't have thought it was funny.

im with u - $5 bootleg it is - lol. No one would want to go with me to see it and i usually wait for documentary type things to come out on DVD anyways.

btw - off topic - but did anyone TOTALLY HATE 'i think i love my wife' - that other chris roc movie? now talk about OFFENSIVE lol

I totally agree that the movie was offensive and I didn't think that was funny either.

Nope, not going to see it. He says he did this for his daughter that was raving over her friend's hair, but I'm not sure how this will change her opinion/help her. :ohwell:


No, this issue/discussion has been like beating a dead horse into the ground for me. If it was an empowering informative movie about the phenomenal of bad black hair care practices and women working to overcome and fix that, I'd love to watch it. I was considering watching it but it seems to be a bit one-sided. It really concerns me when exposing new info to unaware audience that the info is one-sided.. because some people may walk away thinking that all black women have experience relaxer burning the hair off the scalp

I agree with this entire statement. Oh, and am I the only one that never experienced a burning scalp or sores when they got a relaxer?? :perplexed

I agree with GeeLove. The movie doesn't adress his initial concern, which is teaching his daughters to love the hair they have.

And am I the only one annoyed with Chris and other black mens fascination with running their fingers through hair? The fact is, you can't do that with coils/kinks/naps. So how can you teach your daughters to love everything about their hair when you clearly covet a quality in your own woman's hair tat your daughters will never have...unless they relax.

You took the words right out of my mouth!
I will be catching it at the dollar moves (like I do all the movies).. .50 cent Tuesday lol
Absolutely not. I know I will be offended. The only thing written by Chris Rock that did not offend me was his TV series "everybody hates chris." Other than that TV show... everything that comes out of that man's mouth has offended me in the past.

I'm also worried about the impression other races will have after seeing that movie. I'd be embarrassed to sit next to a white person while seeing that movie. They'd probably stare at my hair while walking out of the movie.

I feel the same way. They are going to take this as gospel if they don't know any black people they can speak to about the subject. Especially since it's coming from "Chris Rock" a well known black man. They will think, "He's a black man he will know."

it was in the "Academy Qualifiers" section sooooo this little film may get nominated for an Academy Award. The PR job they've got goin on where everybody is tombout us and our hair is definitely making them a contender, so, this may not go away any time soon. If it gets nominated, I'll be :swearing: so you don't even wanna imagine what I'll do if it wins.

OMG..don't even tell me this. I think my "presha" just went up.
im with u - $5 bootleg it is - lol. No one would want to go with me to see it and i usually wait for documentary type things to come out on DVD anyways.

btw - off topic - but did anyone TOTALLY HATE 'i think i love my wife' - that other chris roc movie? now talk about OFFENSIVE lol
*raises hand* AWFUL movie!!!!!!

I agree with GeeLove. The movie doesn't adress his initial concern, which is teaching his daughters to love the hair they have.

And am I the only one annoyed with Chris and other black mens fascination with running their fingers through hair? The fact is, you can't do that with coils/kinks/naps. So how can you teach your daughters to love everything about their hair when you clearly covet a quality in your own woman's hair tat your daughters will never have...unless they relax.
1st bold - It doesn't? I'm disappointed to hear that. I thought that was noble idea he had to do this for his daughter(s).

2nd bold - I had an issue with this when he was on O. Why 'educate' the masses as to all the options black women utilize and yet tear us down at the same time?

Even so, still seeing the movie. Nothing new is under the sun. This issue is cyclical. After all the hoohaa dies down from this movie, it will resurface again years from now.
Shame on him, even if it were meant to be funny. It's to bad his comment was not meant more as a compliment. We are such a 'watered' down version of the original population of Afrikans that were captured and bought to America. We hardly look anything like our ancestors. IMO it's sad, it's led to us having very little cultural identify or 'roots' if you will.
I will go see the movie, not in agreement with what he may or may not say (from what I've heard so far, I would say I disagree with the entire concept/direction of the film) but to hopefully be able to engage in enlightening dialogue about the movie and help to EDUCATE those who know very little about our American culture (since we've been here) and our AFRIKAN culture and our Divine Creation. Like the fact that GOD made us Perfectly Unique...there are reasons why our hair is typically dry, why our nostrils were made wide, etc and why Europeans have the features they have. It has nothing to do with one being better than the other. Those are the type of conversations I would love to start based on discussing this movie.
I was going to until he made the comment on oprah that she looked like a slave in one of her old hair pics.

I'll wait til it hits cable.
Shame on him, even if it were meant to be funny. It's to bad his comment was not meant more as a compliment. We are such a 'watered' down version of the original population of Afrikans that were captured and bought to America. We hardly look anything like our ancestors. IMO it's sad, it's led to us having very little cultural identify or 'roots' if you will.
I will go see the movie, not in agreement with what he may or may not say (from what I've heard so far, I would say I disagree with the entire concept/direction of the film) but to hopefully be able to engage in enlightening dialogue about the movie and help to EDUCATE those who know very little about our American culture (since we've been here) and our AFRIKAN culture and our Divine Creation. Like the fact that GOD made us Perfectly Unique...there are reasons why our hair is typically dry, why our nostrils were made wide, etc and why Europeans have the features they have. It has nothing to do with one being better than the other. Those are the type of conversations I would love to start based on discussing this movie.

You are so right and I definitely admire you for being able to do so. I think I may eventually see the movie. But, it will definitely be a while and would probably be something I get at redbox for a $1. At the moment I'm just not there. :nono: :nono:
I was going to until he made the comment on oprah that she looked like a slave in one of her old hair pics.

I'll wait til it hits cable.

Sorry, but I cracked up when he said that. B/C I was thinkin the same thing when I saw that pic of her, just didn't want to say it! :sekret:

ETA: don't stone me please :curtain:
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Nope not going to see it. I have no interest in it. I so over the mass media's hair disucssion. Let's talk about ww killing themselves for blonde hair and to be a size 1 and leave us alone. how about that?
And if'n I do go to the movies while that film is playing...the ticket counter betta not automatically assume I'm headed for that one. I'm a LAWSUIT just waiting to happen.
I think Chris Rock is hilarious & I love hair so I want to see it, but I don't care for going to the movie theater so I'll have to catch it on cable.
At first I wasn't going to see it becuase I thought the title was misleading since he seems to mainly be talking about weaves and relaxers. But when I saw snippits of the Oprah show I realized what his angle is. He's talking about how there are some AA women that use relaxers and weaves to achieve what some consider "Good Hair". And with him being in the "industy" i'm sure the majority of black celebs that he comes in contact with have one or the other. So it's from his point of view.
And since he is a man and a comedian he is going to bring light to the topic and will at times sound ignorant i'm sure becuase he doesn't have the same view since he's not a woman. But I know that when there is a movie being released to the public I will watch more to be aware of what is being thrown out there in society about me since I fall into the category of AA woman. I think it's always good to stay up on what's going on especially when it comes to how others may view us.
I won't be seeing it since I live in the Uk but if someone uploads it online then I will watch it :ohwell: maybe. Judging by so many things I've heard already, Chris focuses on one aspect and no historical thing was discussed in depth and "good hair" didn't that mean hair that was in the 1, 2 and 3s ? Did he focus on that, I was hoping it would be getting rid of myths but it doesn't seem so.

Also doesn't it seem that Chris Rock is constantly contradicting himself? He says all black men don't care about hair when some of them do and if he didn't care then he wouldn't have made such a big deal out of Oprah's hair being real and how his hand were "thirsty" to touch hair. Also didn't he make a joke about running his fingers through a woman's hair with ease and not having his ring stuck in there. So do you care or not which one is it Chris? :rolleyes::spinning::spinning::spinning: confused much?

The movie "My nappy roots" is something that I am intrested in seeing (The director of the film is suing Chris Rock) From the previews of that I think there is a focus on every aspect, and more historical references and stuff.
I dunno..all I keep thinking about is when he was on Oprah saying how it all started about his daughter going on and on about her friends" hair a bit too much for his taste..then later on he said that when he would date women of other races how "thirsty" his hands would get to be in their hair...he didn't even make the connection.
I'm not going to see it. You shouldn't feel that you could make myself go and see it. Why? I know we want to support black products and such but if you not interested then your just not. Maybe I'll see it when it comes on cable, that way if it's stupid like I think it will be, then I will just change the channel, no sweat!


LHCF and google has provided me with the knowledge about black women hair.

There is no need for me to add money to Chris Rocks wealth.
I knew once he explained it that I was NOT going to be watching it. He just sounds so darn ignorant and I don't think I would get the jokes and I wouldn't learn anything more that I don't know...
I was going to until he made the comment on oprah that she looked like a slave in one of her old hair pics.

I'll wait til it hits cable.

I understand he is a comic, but that turned me off as well.

I agree with GeeLove. The movie doesn't adress his initial concern, which is teaching his daughters to love the hair they have.

And am I the only one annoyed with Chris and other black mens fascination with running their fingers through hair? The fact is, you can't do that with coils/kinks/naps. So how can you teach your daughters to love everything about their hair when you clearly covet a quality in your own woman's hair tat your daughters will never have...unless they relax.

Well said.

I was so annoyed when he was going through Oprah's hair like it was the best feeling ever!:rolleyes: I was like '...and you want your daughter to be proud of her natural hair!' Look at her dad going gaga over relaxed hair!