Marriage after 3 WEEKS??

Wow if it were not for that five year old being involved I'd say ok they are grown its their life. :ohwell: I hope everything works out but I cannot believe she met someone over the internet and moved in with him in 2n2.
Not saying your friend's man is an abuser, but men who are abusive tend to hook you in and push for a committment. You feel that this person is your soul mate but then you find out they are straight from the pit of hell.
When you talk to your friend I would just emphasize the need to protect her child. Many molesters look for single women with young children. While you shouldn't just condemn someone, fact s she doesn't know him. There are so many more stories of child abuse by step parents than there are of successful 3 week courtship marriages. Your friend does not sound too stable to me.
I'm going to be perfectly honest here: I'm just as concerned about the depth of his health issues as I am about the 3 week time period. If he's a candidate for gastric bypass surgery then frankly, he must be, according to clinicial (not Naijamerican, but standard clinical) definitions, morbidly obese. High blood pressure AND diabetes? :nono: I know that we cannot choose our health profiles or genetic predispositions. Nonetheless, I'm certain that his conditions arise from his obesity - that is, his lifestyle. Again, no judgement call; only a perspective grounded in research.

I hate to ask you this but I will: is this a situation of desperation on both sides? Is the impetus for doing this so quickly because both of them feel like no one else would want them?

Acutally She says she's not desparate and in the beginning said she would leave but decided that he has such a nice disposition that he has won her over, but not without an ultimatim of loosing LBS in the coming months.
An assistant pastor at my old church married his wife after 3 weeks of dating. (This was before he became a minister.) They have been married for 20 years and they seem well suited and happy together. I consider them an exception to the rule. Even they don't recommend it, but it worked out well for them.
Acutally She says she's not desparate and in the beginning said she would leave but decided that he has such a nice disposition that he has won her over, but not without an ultimatim of loosing LBS in the coming months.


Who has to lose pounds?! Why the ultimatim? What if the person does NOT lose the pounds?

I would advise against this... Particularly since there is a prior child involved... Maybe if it was 2 adults who could just divorce and move on, but kids involved makes it too hard...