1 Year Marriage Reflection: Marriage is different than cohabitation

I've been married for a year and a half, and it's no different to me. I think it depends on how you are when you live together. We were living together while we were engaged, and nothing has changed for us. Sometimes I have a moment, and I think to myself "I AM MARRIED" OMG! It's like surreal. He's my BFF, and he has been for a while now. We were accountable to one another while we were engaged, so it's really not any different. I didn't cook a lot before, and I don't cook a lot now. He took me out a lot before, and we still go out a lot now. I still get the sweet cards and little "happies" (things to say that he was thinking about me) that I've always gotten, etc, etc, etc. Whatever we did to get one another, we try to keep doing to keep one another. I really like being married.
Classic congrats...

That's why I say it's subtle... nothing has REALLY changed. We didn't even really tell anyone we got married, it was published in the paper... lol

Anyway yea nothing changed, but it's like DEEP down....I feel the "realization" if it makes sense.
:dance7::dance7:Happy Anniversary I think men make it different. I was a really good gf and I would complain sometimes becuase I felt my dh wasn't doing all he should and when we said "I do" it is like a switch turned on in him. He does all the little things that I would gripe about (most of the time) and he told me straight out you were my gf. Now your my wife that is different. I think becuase we women like to play house we believe what we are building but it becomes real for them when they take that step mentally and become a husband. I think we think we are the wife after a few months. That is why I am big on titles becuase it will let you know what lane your in.
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