Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Nix08: I just discovered moringa. I was drinking a cup every evening but it made me drowsy and clouded my mind. I don't get it. So many people said it gave them clarity and energy.
I bought Sozo Nutritionals. What brand do you drink?
Oh, I use black tea, nettle, and marshmallow root rinse under my DC (overnight) each week. I think it has cut my shedding by about half. I had a bad reaction to a keratin treatment and I've been losing handfuls of hair for about nine months.
I mixed my tea spritz with SAA and Honeyquat.........

jprayze said:
Going into the kitchen to brew some black tea, I will throw a sprig of rosemary in. I froze a bunch of it and it is preserving remarkably well, retained color and aroma :-)

Been using my tea all week...cowashed twice this week :-)

About to do a new batch for this wk...stay tuned
Used my black tea/rosemary for the last time when I M/S'd tonight. Just brewed black tea with basil and thyme...yum!
jprayze said:
Used my black tea/rosemary for the last time when I M/S'd tonight. Just brewed black tea with basil and thyme...yum!

Ok so the thyme was really marjoram! I'm not that good with identifying herbs yet...and I'm still getting free herbs biweekly. I have plenty in the freezer for the winter :-)
@BonFille was your tea a blend with any other tea in it? I buy the powder and spoon half a teaspoon into a heat sealed tea bag. The one I buy is from the health store and it is loose and doesn't indicate a brand. I have however felt what you've described on a couple of occasions..I generally drink mine mid morning at work and reuse the teabag throughout the day. When I have my first cup later say in the afternoon (when I would normally be hitting the wall)..I almost feel high after drinking it! As for the why, I have no idea, sorry. Also the energy I feel isn't right after drinking the tea, any warm drink soothes me. I notice the increase in energy in the absence of the feel of dragging my behind. If you've ever had low iron (I did when pregnant) you feel so lazy and you just don't want to or have the energy to do anything....after drinking this...I don't feel that weight pulling on me so to speak. And the clarity of's just more of a peace, less quick to anger or annoy or fly off the handle...I'm not crazy I swear:lachen:
Have you tried using it in your hair?
Welcome to the challenge??? :poke: Gorgeous hair by the way:yep:
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Tea under my steamed DC..Tea mid wash and tea and aloe juice for my final leave in rinse. My hair feels amazing...used amla today as well.
hi all, would love to join this challenge, I have the following teas:
catnip, burdock, nettle, hibiscus, horsetail, saw palmetto, holy basil, plantain leaves, rosemary, peppermint, calendula, lavender, amla, bringaj, brhami,marshmallow, coltsfoot, cassia:blush:(please don't juge me! :look:).
How do i use them? can I leave them in or do I have to rinse them out and how often can one tea rinse! thanks ladies.
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Welcome & Great List. Nice Teas. :grin: Glad to have You.:yep:

You can use them a variety of different ways. You should try to read a few pages and get some ideas.

Right now I am leaving it on and doing it as a Final Rinse before applying my Leave-In.

I have used it under a DC'er and I have used it and Baggied for a while & then Rinsed.

Right now, leave it in is really working for me, so that's how I'm currently using it.

Hopefully others will chime in and you'll find some great info in the several of the pages.
@BonFille was your tea a blend with any other tea in it? I buy the powder and spoon half a teaspoon into a heat sealed tea bag. The one I buy is from the health store and it is loose and doesn't indicate a brand. I have however felt what you've described on a couple of occasions..I generally drink mine mid morning at work and reuse the teabag throughout the day. When I have my first cup later say in the afternoon (when I would normally be hitting the wall)..I almost feel high after drinking it! As for the why, I have no idea, sorry. Also the energy I feel isn't right after drinking the tea, any warm drink soothes me. I notice the increase in energy in the absence of the feel of dragging my behind. If you've ever had low iron (I did when pregnant) you feel so lazy and you just don't want to or have the energy to do anything....after drinking this...I don't feel that weight pulling on me so to speak. And the clarity of's just more of a peace, less quick to anger or annoy or fly off the handle...I'm not crazy I swear:lachen:
Have you tried using it in your hair?
Welcome to the challenge??? :poke: Gorgeous hair by the way:yep:
I thought I replied last night. Guess it didn't go through.
Thanks, it's so damaged : (
The brand I have is supposed to be pure. I will try the powder. Thanks for clarifying. I know exactly what you are saying about the high after you are finished drinking. Very interesting. Well, I will play around with my amount and times and see what happens. I read about the nutritional value of moringa, so I must find some way to incorporate it in my diet.
I tried it in my hair after I read this thread and I thought it was awesome!
I swear you ladies are soooooo informative.
Love all ya'll!

Glad You're here Ms. Lady & part of this Challenge.:yep:

We try to make it Fun! Enjoy!:grin:

For '13 I will start a Coffee/Tea/AVJ/Ayurvedic Rinse-Product Challenge.

Don't know if you do any of the others but we'll add a different Twist in 2013.

I'll go back to Coffee Rinsing in the Winter.:lick:
g.lo I tea rinse daily and leave it in and rinse it out. I have 3 blends that I use, one for dc'ing, one to rinse out and one that I leave in. So certainly no judgement here on your stash:lol:
I'm brewing my leave in blend right now...

Don't know why the pics come out sideways.

About to spritz many dc blend in now:grin:

Ms. Lady....Whatever Blend you're showing in that Side-Ways pic....I'm liking!:lick:..:lol:

I have a nice box of Black & Hibiscus I got from @Ltown I will start on this soon.

She also sent me a couple boxes of Moringa:drool:
I thought I replied last night. Guess it didn't go through.
Thanks, it's so damaged : (
The brand I have is supposed to be pure. I will try the powder. Thanks for clarifying. I know exactly what you are saying about the high after you are finished drinking. Very interesting. Well, I will play around with my amount and times and see what happens. I read about the nutritional value of moringa, so I must find some way to incorporate it in my diet.
I tried it in my hair after I read this thread and I thought it was awesome!
I swear you ladies are soooooo informative.
Love all ya'll!

BonFille moringa is apparently best had without the heat so if you do shakes it would be ideal to put it in there. I sprinkle the powder over food once I'm done cooking, when I remember.
thanks guys... I can comb my hair w/o going bald at 20 weeks...:blush:
cant wait to see how much I will retain in 4 weeks
oh my outfit? ran to store in boyfriends ugly golf shirt,