Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

my gosh this tea rinse is the bizneeeeeeeeeeeess! I have been using it every day as a spritz and my hair is so soft and silky! i have a bundh of herbs, but decided to brew a mixture of: saw palmetto, horsetail, nettle, burdock root, hibiscus, green tea, roboois, tulsicatnip, marshmellow, chamomille!!! just amazing, mad at myself that i just finally tried this now!!!
Yesterday I used my coco creme LI and my Claudies moisturizing Q&C cream. My hair is still in heaven. Ordering my tea rinses tmrw!
Okay, I'm convinced. Add me to the challenge.

After reading about 16 pages, I decided to try some rinses today. I did a coffee rinse after detoxing my hair w/bentonite clay, and then DC'd for a couple of hours w/AO GPB. Rinsed my DC, did a tea rinse w/a Rooibos tea I had, and then cowashed. After cowash did a final rinse with ACV, which I haven't really been impressed with before, but I have tons of ACV, so I figured why not.

O...M...G...first of all, while rinsing my DC I noticed how easy it was for me to rinse my hair. No tangles. I had rinsed the clay out in the bathtub and didn't really manipulate my hair much, so it wasn't until I was rinsing the DC and finger detangling that I noticed how my hands ran right through my hair. My hair felt almost....silky....which is something it's never felt before. And although my shedding has never bothered me before, I was surprised to see, like others have mentioned, that the amount of shedding I had was easily cut in half.

After the ACV rinse I clipped my hair up and let it airdry for a while before oiling my scalp. Then I spritzed w/AVJ/water, added my leave-in, and sealed with Crisco.

I noticed after oiling my scalp how shiny my hair was. It's never shiny. And I don't mean a nice sheen - I mean SHINE. It could have been as a result of the oil, but I've done this before after washing my hair and never seen this kind of result before. And again, after twisting my hair, still WAY less shedding than normal.

I thought it was "extra" to do three rinses. It sounded good while reading the thread, but when it came to doing it, I thought to myself "I'll do it this one time, but I doubt I'll do all this again." I was already trying to find shortcuts, because I felt that tea rinses would be beneficial for my hair, but didn't want to go through all of the steps. But I think, at least for the next few washes, that I'll do a coffee rinse, tea rinse, and a final ACV rinse to see how my hair continues to react. I'm also planning on buying some loose herbs to make my tea rinse with, and will also turn the same rinse into a spritz to use to moisturize my hair with every night.

I've done rinses before. I've done nettle tea rinses (I :lick: nettle tea, both on my hair and to drink!), ACV rinses, and most recently AVJ rinses as a final rinse. But I've never done them long enough to see enough of a difference to make them a permanent part of my regimen. And I'm hair lazy, I'll admit it. Sometimes DCing, washing, moisturizing, sealing, and twisting (and these are only 8-12 twists!) is all I can stand. But I have big hair goals for the remainder of 2012 and 2013. If tea rinses will help me to reach those goals with beautiful, healthy, strong, moisturized, thick, shiny hair, I'm in!

Sorry for the long post, but I'm sold. I'm so glad I decided to read this thread. Thank you for all of the information. I have a lot more to read, but at least I'm getting started!
Sorry for the long post, but I'm sold. I'm so glad I decided to read this thread. Thank you for all of the information. I have a lot more to read, but at least I'm getting started!


It's great isn't it? I don't tea/coffee rinse enough, but when I do my hair feels soft and strong and easy to manage.
Well I may not have tea/coffee rinsed since last week, but I have been using my beloved Hair Trigger and HV Hydrasillica tea mist as a moisturizing spray. My hair feels so soft right now. :yep:

It's great isn't it? I don't tea/coffee rinse enough, but when I do my hair feels soft and strong and easy to manage.

Bajanmum - girl, you never lied! I can't wait to go out and buy my loose herbs tomorrow. If I'm not able to get to the health food store I'll look for a black tea at the grocery store to start. But no matter what, Wednesday I'm doing a midweek cowash and I'm rinsin' baby!:yep:
@Bajanmum - girl, you never lied! I can't wait to go out and buy my loose herbs tomorrow. If I'm not able to get to the health food store I'll look for a black tea at the grocery store to start. But no matter what, Wednesday I'm doing a midweek cowash and I'm rinsin' baby!:yep:


Get your herb tea groove on :grin:

Just a quick word about black tea, though. Most ladies have no problem with black tea and I hope you're one of them. But a small minority of ladies found black tea makes their hair hard, like a hardcore protein. Just saying! :look:
Havent been around much, but you best believe I've been spritzing with my home made tea-based braid spray everyday (I have crochet braids).

I can't begin to tell you how the oolong has been working even before the install. It's the best yet! It's been more than moisturizing---oolong has been truly HYDRATING my hair. When my hair is loose and I've sprayed or rinsed it, it puffs up! Like it's drinking it. lol...completely different feel than just moisturizers that barely penetrate.

ALong with the nettle, this is it for me. Done! :lick:
Also, let's talk shed. I have my hair braided for 2-3 weeks at a time. the oolong/nettle combo has been the best at cutting shedding. I hardly have ANY hairs worth mentioning when I take them out to wash...amazing! amazing! a-frickin-mazing!
WantNatural Welcome Ms. Lady! :welcome3:

Thanks for your Post. Very informative. :grin:

I look forward to hearing about all your different Rinses. You are definitely in the game.:lol:

DarkJoy I've had some Oolong in a cart for a minute now. I need to re-evaluate that.:yep:
WantNatural I loved your post:yep:

Reminder to myself...amla even twice a week is too much. Once every other week is sufficient!

Brewed up some leave in and mid wash rinse tea blends yesterday and overnight .
I did a black tea/neem tea rinse on my scalp yesterday, with marshmallow root/burdock root/yucca root/slippery elm tea rinse on the length of my hair. After 20 mins, I topped that with my DC (to which I also added the leftover marshmallow/burdock etc).


As I was rinsing my hair out, it felt soooo silky. I love tea rinsing.
Nix08, I'm loving it as much as I love the bamboo if not more... bet the two would make an amaaaaazing mix! Too bad bamboo is not available on the ground or I would do just that. #hateshippingfees!

I'm also drinking 4 cups a day and my hair is growing like mad.

Ooooo! The beauty supply is open! Think I'll take my hair down and do a nice oolong/nettle rinse today. :lick:
Okay, I got my herbs! :drunk: I based my choices off of Nix08 post in the twist/bun/braid challenge about tea rinses. It was this post that brought me to this thread in the first place.:yep: So this is what I got:

Nettle - my favorite - growth and thickness
Marshmallow root - moisture and slip
Hibiscus - growth, moisture, healthy scalp
Chamomile - conditioning
Fenugreek seed - strength and shine
Lavender - growth, moisture, dry scalp
Oolong - I couldn't resist buying a box after reading how much DarkJoy loves it!

I wanted herbs that would help me reach my goals of growth, strength, moisture, and shine, so I felt these were a good start. I think I'm going to brew them all together in a small batch to see what I think first. If I like it I'll make a bigger batch, or maybe I'll make a moisture spritz, strength spritz, conditioning rinse, etc. On second thought I better keep it simple, LOL!

Thanks IDareT'sHair for starting this thread!
Thanks Nix08 for your post in the twist/bun/braid challenge that tickled my curiosity and brought me over. This is going to be fun!
WantNatural........Hello There my Sister! I need some help!!! I want to buy some herbs and I do not have a reliable source. Please list where you got your new wonderful herbs from!!! Thanks in advance!!!
@WantNatural........Hello There my Sister! I need some help!!! I want to buy some herbs and I do not have a reliable source. Please list where you got your new wonderful herbs from!!! Thanks in advance!!!

Hi felic1! I got my herbs from Earthfare, similar to Whole Foods. They sell them in bulk. I paid about $7 for all of them, not including the Oolong tea. If you have a Whole Foods you can get them there, or look for any local health food store. I know you can also buy herbs from, but then of course you have shipping. When I first tried nettle rinsing last year I just bought the Altiva tea from Vitacost. They have a nice variety of teas.
So I ran out yesterday and bought some burdock for my rinse. Brewed it with the oolong (of course) and nettle. Also combined with with oils in the same cup: sunflower, refined peanut, grapeseed, coconut. So it was a combined tea/oil rinse. Put regular condish on top for 1.5 hrs.

O. M. G.

Like butta. Felt DC'd. So much so, I will probably need to do a protein--it's TOOO soft!
WantNatural I am overjoyed that my post intrigued payment I'll take a quarter of your upcoming thickness and a third of your increased shine and retention:giggle:
Hi Ladies!!! Nix08, yes you truly inspired me on these tea rinses and ignited my imagination. Now I’m thinking about ways to use the herbs to make butters and maybe even salves. These thoughts had crossed my mind before, but now I’m really serious about trying my own coffee butter, maybe a lavender and nettle butter…this weekend I’m ordering some cocoa and kokum butters to try!
So Monday night I made a tea with chamomile, nettle, lavender, fenugreek seeds, hibiscus, and oolong. Last night I used it as a rinse, added some Shea Moisture conditioner, and then did a final ACV rinse. I actually used my water bottle to spritz my hair with the tea instead of pouring it over my head, but made a HUGE mess with tea on my shirt, the counters, my wall…until I finally figured out that I could spray in the shower without making too much of a mess. If I’m going to spritz the tea I have to use a bottle with a smaller spray.
Anyway, next to no shedding/breakage. No problems finger combing my hair prior to adding the conditioner. I can usually finger comb my hair with just water without a problem, but with the tea and no conditioner it was even easier. Also made a moisturizing tea spritz with nettle, oolong, and AVJ. Separated my hair into four sections to apply my tea spritz, leave-in, and seal, but forgot to add my leave-in conditioner on three sections. You know, I couldn’t tell a difference between the section with the leave-in conditioner and the sections where I just used tea and sealed? No difference in softness, slip, or shine. So this may be a very good moisturizing spritz for me with some nettle to hopefully help encourage growth as well.
Okay, I’m done until Sunday! Will probably use the same teas and do another coffee rinse. Also planning to infuse coffee oil for the coffee butter. And I’m going to check out Whole Foods this weekend to see what herbs they have. You’ve created a monster!