Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Hi ladies!! I've been rinsing faithfully, just not posting. Still using my herbal mix. I've laid off the tea and coffee for now, mostly out of laziness :/
I typically steep my tea at the start of the week and use a little each day. I normally dump it after 3 days and steep more mid-week. What do you think the shelf life is of freshly steeped tea? I was wondering if I could keep it up to a week?

I think if you stick it in the Fridge you should be good for a week +

I brew mine right after I use it-- for the next wash day.

So I keep it up to 3/4 Days.

When I was brewing Tea for my Gallon Jug, I kept it in the Fridge and only used enough for that particular day and it lasted fine.

Now I only make enough for that particular day.
Thanks IDareT'sHair, I keep mine in the fridge also. I have some in there that's about 5 days old. I plan to use it tonight. I'll report back if I feel it isn't as moisturizing.
I'm not so good for keeping mine in the fridge. I add a lot of EO or fragrance oil and it lasts over a week out the fridge. EOs make great natural preservatives...

I haven't had any problem keeping mine out of the Fridge either DarkJoy. It's been fine.

When I was making it by the Gallon, I kept it in the Fridge, but for my smaller quanity, it's just fine.

I'm thinking about my Fall/Winter Brews. (Coffee & Tea)

I know I'll be going back to Coffee Rinses in the Fall/Winter. I have already purchased my Coffee and my Filters.
Tea rinsing, Dc'ing with tea, using tea as a final rinse ... just loving teas :grin:

Bought some baggies to put my amla and bhringaraj powders in...I don't want it messing up my Teopia tea strainer. I really love the addition of those powders in my mid wash tea rinse:yep:
I bought another spray bottle from Sally's for tea only. I used it tonight to spray my scalp with black tea and I mist my hair with it before applying my Wen MC. Going to rinse in the a.m

So, how are you enjoying being a Tex-laxed Head?:grin:

Hope you Love it!:yep:

I love it! This is the happiest I've been with my hair ever, my whole family loves it (they were equally tired of mommy's wigs) wash days are my favorite! On currently tweaking my regimen to find what works best but overall things are coming alone nicely. I've been addicted to reading the "Healthy Relaxed Hair blog "! Great info there plus many of the ladies here are featured on there its nice to see my lhcf family get recognized for their hard work and accomplishments:)
lamaria211 It was that blog that opened my eyes to this hair journey and the endless possibilities I read, printed off posts and read some more. It's still my favourite blog:yep:
lamaria211 It was that blog that opened my eyes to this hair journey and the endless possibilities I read, printed off posts and read some more. It's still my favourite blog:yep:

I no she has mentioned you a few times:) both you guys are great!
I've been studying it so much DH had to make his own dinner last night!
:blush:Forgot my Homemade Brew of Burdock Root & Nettle so I used Claudie's Tea Spritz.

Will use my Brew on Friday.

Will follow up with IPN's Tea-Lightful Pomade
Just bagged out my moringa tea into bags for use in my hair and my tea rinses:grin: IDareT'sHair...I don't know if its the moringa I drank or the excitement of having found moringa that has me bouncing off the walls:yep:
Spritzing night before bed with the wash and gos...and then again in the morning after cowashing... she likey!
Drinking my moringa right now:grin: Won't get to use it in my hair for a few days as I'm working through my current brew.