Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Scalp massaged with IPN root food last night
Spritzed with IPN-tealightful hair quench under my DC today
Steeping slippery elm & marsh root combo for tomorrow's spritz
It's almost 3 o clock in the morning here and I can't sleep. The reason I think this is is because I did a tea rinse earlier. Has the caffeine seeped in to my hair follicles which is what is keeping me awake? Can this happen?

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Lawd, I only drink green tea so I'm probably sensitive to caffeine now. This is also my first tea rinse since like 3 years ago. I'm going to make some warm milk.

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Wow, I had like 4 hours sleep out of a possible 7.
I don't know how I can do tea rinses if I mostly wash my hair in the evening. I'm going to have to go gym in the morning morning and do my tea rinses in the afternoon.
Wow, I had like 4 hours sleep out of a possible 7.
I don't know how I can do tea rinses if I mostly wash my hair in the evening. I'm going to have to go gym in the morning morning and do my tea rinses in the afternoon.
@melissa-bee, if you shower and wash your hair at the gym, you can bring your tea in a water bottle and use it there. Hell, I've been known to tea rinse AND put my DC on top and sit in the steam room a few. My goodness, it makes such a soft puff! :lick: And you wont have to worry about the caffeine so much.
So I just rinsed our my DC with my black tea underneath my hair feels soooo soft (it also felt soft when I was pouring the tea on) I think ill add black tea rinsing to my weekly reggie from now on:)
Made a tea overnight with amla and bhringaraj powder...used that as part of my steamed about moisture overload:yep: My hair feels THICK. Also used my tea blends in my wash and my final rinse.
If its okay I would like to officially join now. I only have Claudies Moisturizing Q&C cream at the moment but I love this stuff and I use it 3x a week. I definitely want a tea rinse but shipping is ridiculous for one item even with a discount. So maybe I need to make it myself but I SUCK at making tea. Maybe since its for my hair and not to drink it won't matter but any tips as to how to successfully brew my own tea rinses would be great. I would like to try it tomorrow.

ETA: I forgot about Njoi creations on etsy so I just ordered her herbal tea rinse and her green tea creme!:grin:
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MmmMmmMmm :lick:

Made some marsh root and flax gel. I threw in way more marsh than I have before. Niiiice hold and definition. The marsh gave a lot of slip for finger styling my wash n go... woohoo!