Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Yesterday I steamed for 30 mins with a alma and brahmi paste mixed with a marshmallow, burdock root and slippery elm tea. Hair felt so soft, springy and moisturized.:lick:

I use marshmallow root, burdock root and slippery elm to make a tea every.single.wash day. I either do a tea rinse or use it to mix into my dcs (clays, ayurvedic powders etc).

@bajanduc86 I was thinking about purchasing a professional steamer. Do you do yours homemade? Is there a big difference besides price?
bajandoc86. That's what I needed to confirm. I will be ordering the stand steamer. I hate waiting for deliveries. I wish I could just walk into a beauty supply store and buy it the same day. I'm ready to get my steam on. Lol.
New experiment, y'all!!

Google ginger for hair. Came across it by accident. Stimulates growth and is a natural antiseptic and help dandruff, etc. Also makes a cool/tingling feeling to the scalp.Woohoo! Id post a link but can't with this phone...

Anyhoo, as fate would have it I keep fresh ginger root anyway. Will make a fresh batch of the usual (burdock, nettle, neem) and add a thin ginger slice in the pan to brew with the leaves for 15min. This will be the spritz only. I will try a rinse/DC version on wash day friday.

Cons: apparently too much can be irritating to sensitive scalps. The trick will be finding the right amount. My eczema makes my scalp sensitive so we shall see.

I don't mind being the guinea pig. :D
I tried a peppermint, rosemary, green, and black tea mix twice and so far I haven't seen any results. Is there a special kind that works more for shedding hair? My hair isn't excessively shedding but I do shed a lot on a regular basis. Any suggestions on what to try or maybe how to do it since I'm not sure I'm doing it right
Have been slacking on my tea rinses! I am doing an overnight henna treatment and will use black tea instead of water. In the am I will do a final rinse of black tea and acv.
Nix08 lol I want to reduce the shedding and help with strength:grin:

grownnsexy I'm not a tea guru but ill give my 2 cents anyway.....fenugreek and horsetail are good for strengthening. For shedding black tea, green, fennel.

Stillsaddity do you apply the tea directly to your scalp, I find that doing that helped me see the difference in shedding rather quickly.

Today I used my dc tea blend in a simple dc. Did a tea rinse and a leave in tea and aloe vera juice rinse.
IDareT'sHair said:
How many Rx's have you done so far?

I've done two so far. The first one I did I used it under my dc and as a final rinse. This last time I just used it as my final rinse. I see that some people leave it on as a leave-in, is that good?
Stillsaddity said:
I've done two so far. The first one I did I used it under my dc and as a final rinse. This last time I just used it as my final rinse. I see that some people leave it on as a leave-in, is that good?

Stillsaddity, I started using it as a leave in and my shedding stopped pretty much in a day or 2. For me rinsing is more about shine etc
So I checked my tea jug and realized I only have enough for my first rinse. I will brew a new tea mix with my new teas ( I forget what I have now) I'm going to try and make it stronger than I usually do. Will keep black and roobis as my base teas for my spritz and will interchange this with the hydrsilica.
New experiment, y'all!!

Google ginger for hair. Came across it by accident. Stimulates growth and is a natural antiseptic and help dandruff, etc. Also makes a cool/tingling feeling to the scalp.Woohoo! Id post a link but can't with this phone...

Anyhoo, as fate would have it I keep fresh ginger root anyway. Will make a fresh batch of the usual (burdock, nettle, neem) and add a thin ginger slice in the pan to brew with the leaves for 15min. This will be the spritz only. I will try a rinse/DC version on wash day friday.

Cons: apparently too much can be irritating to sensitive scalps. The trick will be finding the right amount. My eczema makes my scalp sensitive so we shall see.

I don't mind being the guinea pig. :D
DarkJoy, i have skin eczema and got seborrea dermatitis last year from allergic reaction to indigo. I don't have any hair issues anymore but my scalp is sensitive now. anything with stimulate like that peppermint i dilute. I would with ginger.
lamaria211 said:
Ladies I need the names of some good black teas to rinse with to help stop some PP shedding? TIA

lamaria211-I think anything you find at the store is a good place to start. Some ladies here started simply with Earl Grey or the regular Lipton. You can also try any Asian black tea you find. any is good as long as isn't the kind that has those artifical flavors or colors like peach etc.

You also might wanna try pouring the rest of your morning pot of regular coffee over your head. Lol. Works for some!

Black teas are not as effective for me. I generally use herbal: nettle is fantastic for stopping falls. So don't stay fixated on black ones if they don't work well. Herbals are also a good option.
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Ltown said:
DarkJoy, anything with stimulate like that peppermint i dilute. I would with ginger.
Thanks Ltown! I diluted it and added BOTH mint and a slice of ginger to ~1/3 gallon of water.

Y'all let me tell you!! I rinsed after cowashing with the ginger and mint and my coils instantly clumped!! It defined my cotton ball. Lol. Unfortunately it "reverted" when I put dc on top but I see this has potential. It didn't add extra softness but the curl def is worth a retry. Some is now reserved in my spritz bottle.