Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

i can't find that black tea hibiscus and rosehips mix anymore:sad: wasn't it in the early part of the year when i found it? Its hit/miss at marshall or tjmaxx don't remember which one.

@Ltown I Love, Love, Love that Blend Ltown.:heart:

You did good finding it.:hug2:

And the packaging is pretty too!:lol:

Yep. It was at the beginning of the year.:yep:

*thanks again*
Threw a tea in my hair and baggied. My hair was wet when I woke up, but I still needed to add oil. I switched from Claudie's grandma louise pomade to the hairline creme; thinking it might be too light.
lamaria211 said:
Can some one please explain to me what coffee and tea do for the hair and/scalp? TIA

It is supposed to reduce shedding and/or stimulate growth via the caffeine.

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@lamaria211 here's just one article:

So today I spritzed with the DC blend of hibiscus, marshmallow root, fenugreek, rosemary and burdock while I went to dd's soccer. Also, I brewed some rooibos, fenugreek and marshmallow root powder and added it to my catnip brew. Added some of that along with my aloe vera juice for a final rinse:grin: The smell (I think it's the rooibos) isn't offensive but takes a little getting use to.
My hair is feeling thicker..interesting...and even more interesting is that as it's drying I normally finger detangle and pull out sheds...there haven't been any sheds yet:perplexed:

Anyway now I have a DC blend, a rinse out blend and a leave in blend:lol:
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Nix08 said:
Did a simple ponytail for the day and still no sheds...too weird....

Nix08 takes a little getting used to don't it? Lol. Miss tea'ing for a week and you'll be runnin back to that brew pot! Lol

Lightly misted this morning to refresh the 'fro.
Opened a drawer in the kitchen and saw my ziploc bag of teas...I haven't tea rinsed in forever!! Back on it this weekend and I will be consistent this time.
Ive unofficially a part of this challenge & I'm loving the results. Had a bad fall in December and shattered my knee cap. I have had 2 surgeries and the shedding was getting out of hand. After the first surgery when I was able to go in to see my stylist I had lost a lot of hair through the middle of the back of my head. I hadnt been on here in about a year or so and I just happened to run across this thread and it has helped lots! So thanks guys. Ive been using a strong black coffee brew with, black tea, green tea and nettle. I let this all steep fresh with peppermint, sage and rosemary leaves. Theis last rinse I added food grade amla and fenugreek and my hair has been shiiiiiiiining like crazy and no shedding!
Question: has anyone tried Jasmine tea? Ive tried reading through the thread with all of the many mixes . I have some and was wondering if anyone had anyone had good results from it.

That Jasmine sounds good.:lick: Some of the Flowers I have & used:

Blue Malva

Now I wish I had some Jasmine to add to the mix.:lol: I'll have to do a little research on this.

Tomorrow I'll be rinsing with:

Saw Palmetto
Used my hibiscus, marshmallow, rosemary, fenugreek, burdock mix in my dc. Rinsed with nettle, saw palmetto, lavender, horsetail, rosehip, catnip...and a final leave in rinse with aloe was rooibos, fenugreek, catnip and marshmallow root powder. I end up shedding like crazy once I stop tea rinsing (not that I have plans to but it's good to know)....
well Nix08. I skip a week every now and then and my regular shedding starts right back up. Don't think you'd start having major fallout, but you'd be back to where you were most likely... so.. :nono: don't stop. lol
I'm glad to hear someone else thought the roobis had a strong smell too. I thought I was tripping and my tea had gone bad. I'm going to have to try my burdock, hibiscus, nettle mix before I put hair up in minitwists or maybe make a spritz.

Nix08 said:
@lamaria211 here's just one article:

So today I spritzed with the DC blend of hibiscus, marshmallow root, fenugreek, rosemary and burdock while I went to dd's soccer. Also, I brewed some rooibos, fenugreek and marshmallow root powder and added it to my catnip brew. Added some of that along with my aloe vera juice for a final rinse:grin: The smell (I think it's the rooibos) isn't offensive but takes a little getting use to.
My hair is feeling thicker..interesting...and even more interesting is that as it's drying I normally finger detangle and pull out sheds...there haven't been any sheds yet:perplexed:

Anyway now I have a DC blend, a rinse out blend and a leave in blend:lol:
Still using my roobis, black tea, nettle, aloe vera juice mix on my scalp and sealing with Trigga. I added some Trigga to the spritz since the smell of cedarwood and thyme EOs was so strong. The vanilla pound cake smell is so much better.