Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Getting ready to do my Hair.:grin:

I did my Coffee Oil & Coffee Butter Pre-Poo Creme under plastic cap.
Have my Cup of Columbian Brewed
Have my Herbal Growth Tea Rinse Ready
And my ACV Rinse

I got my Fenugreek & Catnip Tea(s) in the mail today.
IDareT'sHair Can you please share the recipe you use to make your infused coffee oil? I would love to make some to use as a sealer for my hair.

Many thanks in advance for your response,
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Hi Tishee!:grin:

What I did was put some Columbian Coffee Grounds in a Cheesecloth Draw-String Tea Bag.

I heated up EVOO & EVCO in a small Crock Pot and Dropped the Tea Bag (with the Coffee Grounds) down in there and let it simmer.

Then I poured it into applicator bottles. Unfortunately, the EVCO solidified.

So, I warmed it up and transferred it into an empty Jar.

Next time I make it, not sure if I'll just use EVCO and put it in a Jar or.......use EVOO and put it in a Pointy-Tipped Bottle.

It's really easy to make tho'. I did let it sit in the Oil several hours.

Doing some research and decided to add catnip to the mix. Just brewed it in with the regulars: nettle and burdock with a touch of glycerin in distilled water for the daily spritzing. Added EOs of lime and tangerine for a spring-fresh scent! lol. :lick: Will update ya'll on how the 'nip works.

Note to self #3: No dark brew. I think that's contributing to the issue like with black tea (which caused heavy shedding). It does better on a very light amber tea. I think the puff is now TOO soft & squishy. Last batch I let the tea infuse on the stove for over 15 mins. Before, the great results happened with a tea ball in a hot, but cooling cup of distilled water for 10 min or less. Did that again for this batch. We'll see.

On that note, I will not be trying coffee.

Today: Pre-poo'd the scalp and hair with the last of the dark brew and EVCO on scalp and ends. Have SM Purification Masque on now. Made an oat"milk" protein DC for strength w/the light brew in it. Will spritz and seal then braid for braid out.
Slacked off on my entire reggie. I've been doing hair, make up, and studying for my finals and I am only two finals away from a much needed break. Haven't tea rinsed in the last two washes smh but sunday I plan to add fresh rosemary into my normal tea blend.
I've brewed my herbal tea rinse and added this morning's leftover coffee to it.

marshmallow root
Plantain leaves
burdock root
hibiscus and

I'm looking forward to an easy wash day, feeling kinda lazy this w/end. I'll massage in my HTGE and spend some quality time with the kids.
Been massaging in Jar of Joe. I have my head soaked in Trigger right now and I'll be doing either a coffee or a tea rinse later.

I was out on that Site last night looking.................:look:

*so is that what it's called?...cute*:grin:

Maybe that's why she changed the date of the Sale because it was suppose to start yesterday?

Yeah, I think thats what she said it would be called. I don't know but I hope so. I can't wait to see what she came up with. I need someone to come up with a nice coffee rinse or something.
Hi ladies! :wave: I've still been in the tea game, just had to take a mini hiatus! I'm out of tea now boo...oh wait, I have some mint medley tea bags left (spearmint and peppermint). Mind as well give it a try. Will use it today and check back in later! :yep:
@IDareT'sHair Brownie518
If she comes out with that Kahve line I might can't wait for Memorial Day. I didn't know there was a balancing & moisturizing Quinoa. Lemme see what I got...balancing. Next time I will pay more attention.I wondered why there were two.

Yep, Ms. Lady...there are 2 different Quinoa's & Coffee. I've been buying the Moisturizing one lately.:yep:

I have a little list all made up, but will switch some things out, should the Khave Line be available on Monday.:lick:
Getting ready to Rinse my DC out and apply my Herbal Tea Growth Blend:

Burdock Root
Saw Palmetto
Dandelion Root
Wild Yam
*dried flowers*
Blue Malva
Good Mornting,

so I have been using this coffee/tea concoction (coffee, black tea steeped w/nettle & hibiscus, green tea, rosemary eo, sage eo) I've been using it on my scalp to pre-poo and afterwards as a rinse. The good thing is the shedding has decreased slightly but the bad thing is that it leaves my scalp itchy after a couple of day so I am forced to shampoo my scalp every few days. I should have listened to DarkJoy and just done a basic rinse and taken it from there. So I'm gonna cut out the coffee and just do the black tea with nettles & hibiscus and see if that works better.

Happy rinsing :)
Massaged me in some Hair Trigger after my wash day today. Now I'm baggying.

My herbal tea and coffee rinse felt great today, and I didn't have to pay too much attention as my hair is in cornrow braids.