Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

@Shay72, I have been eyeing the Gleau oil but haven't taken the plunge cause it seems a bit pricey plus I don't have relaxed hair so wasn't sure how it would work for curly hair. Do you mind sharing how it's working for you?
This has ceramides in it so that's the main reason I use it. It is a medium to light oil with barely any scent. I use it to add to conditioners, oil rinse, and seal.I consider it a staple.

I will be getting that bamboo leaf tea :yep:.It's just a matter of when.
@DarkJoy, I purchased the bamboo leaf tea from a blogger named Nadege over at relaxed hair health. Athough not on the ground, shipping is a flat fee of $4. Here is the link if you're interested If you visit the site, she has witten a few articles about the benefits of incorporating silica in your diet to improve hair health. Hope you like the tea cause I absolutely love it.

Just purchased a box of 30 Bamboo Tea bags from Gleau Hair:yep:

@Shay72 @hair4today
Right witcha @IDareT'sHair and hair4today. Just bought the loose leaf. :drunk:
I am looking at the bamboo tea as well, looking forward to your reviews. I may just pull some leave off a local bamboo and see what happens.
Um I have a very off topic question that I didn't want to start a thread a bout and I thought someone in this thread could help me.

Is neem oil supposed to smell like hades' septic tank?

I heard it Stanks really bad.:lol: Not sure if it lingers after application tho'.

I'm using Christine Gant's Neem Oil and it smells really good. But it is 'blended' with some other things.:lick:
Um I have a very off topic question that I didn't want to start a thread a bout and I thought someone in this thread could help me.

Is neem oil supposed to smell like hades' septic tank?
DayDreamist: Neem oil smells pretty ****** disgusting. You really gotta put that in other carrier oils and the pour about a gallon of a very STRONG EO to calm it down. :lol:

I have some and since it supposedly repells bugs (and all other life on earth), I was gonna try and mix it with some EVCO and EO to make a skin mosquito repellent. They've been eating me alive!
@DayDreamist: Neem oil smells pretty ****** disgusting. You really gotta put that in other carrier oils and the pour about a gallon of a very STRONG EO to calm it down. :lol:

I have some and since it supposedly repells bugs (and all other life on earth), I was gonna try and mix it with some EVCO and EO to make a skin mosquito repellent. They've been eating me alive!

DarkJoy I made the horrible mistake of putting it directly on my scalp as soon as I got it, and of course I started getting nauseous.:sad:
Needed to make a new batch of flax seed gel. With the seeds, I simmered nettle and burdock. It worked well before, so why not again?

I will tea spritz, seal, gel and flat twist for twist out tomorrow
@DarkJoy I made the horrible mistake of putting it directly on my scalp as soon as I got it, and of course I started getting nauseous.:sad:
Oh noooooo! DayDreamist. When I first opened the jar I wanted to hurl. :barf:Suprised you lasted so long putting it directly on your scalp! lol

Well, it stinks to high heaven but at least it's REALLY good for you. quick before you washed it off? lol:lachen:
DarkJoy immediately and one shampoo wasn't enough!! I added it to my shampoo last night along with manuka oil (which is super strong) and it was tolerable and after doing a henna for 3-4 hours and DCing over night there is no trace of it.
soonergirl yeah for bamboo leaf tea :lick: Are you planning to drink or rinse with it? I brew a cup for drinking and save the tea bag/loose leaf for rinsing. Once you receive, let us know how its working for you.
My bamboo tea shipped yesterday as well. I plan on sampling the flavor as well as adding it to my spritzing. Can't wait!
@soonergirl @hair4today @DarkJoy My Bamboo Tea also shipped. I wanted the Loose & the Tea Bags, but wanted to combine shipping and not order/pay twice.

She was very nice and said next time, send her a note and she'd do it.

@Ltown Girl, I'm just on Coffee & Teas, oh yeah, and a little Agave Nectar in DC'ers. But I ain't tryna' mix up a bunch of stuff. I'm really enjoying it tho'.

And my Hair Feels Great.

I bought the box of 30 (Bags) this time. My initial plan was to pull 10 out to add to Rinses and drink the other 20.

However, I bought some Liquid Silica from Vitacost yesterday, and I may just take that and use the Tea strictly for Rinses.

I do want to taste it tho'.:lick: