Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Today's my 21st birthday so what better time to drink-I mean rinse to that? :look: :grin: I think I'll do a black tea rinse and add some nettle and horsetail extract to it! :yep:
Prepping for my coffee and tea for my rinses tonight.

I am also going to be upping my use of HH jar of joe because I have noticed some real breakage at my nape on the left side so I am going to be massaging it in that area nightly to see if it makes a difference.
Ahhh been back on the burdock and the coils are pleeeeeased! Woohoo. Henna'd and used amla powder too. Amazing stuff!
Bajanmum said:
Hi everyone,

I'm posting for my friend who's staying the long weekend with me and my family.

She arrived on friday and complained of an itchy scalp. She's wearing a weave at the mo and it's only a week old. I checked her scalp and saw a lot of tension pimples. You've guessed it...the cornrows under the sew-in are too tight :nono:. She didn't want to remove it as it was still only early days, but the itching was too much for her to bear, poor thing (oh and the person who installed the weave is a mutual friend of ours, so I couldn't say too much, but sufficed to say I wasn't too happy. She should know better than to cornrow that tight).

Anyhoo, I made an infusion of all the dried herbs i had, plantain leaves, nettle, hibiscus, burdock root, horsetail, black coffee, and marshmallow root and poured it over her scalp once cooled.

I'm happy to report that the inflamation has gone down, there's been no more scratching and she's a much happier gal. It was a bit of a risk of matting, but we pulled the weave ends into a scrunchy and just tackled the scalp, then dried the weave nearer the scalp with a hair drier on cool. It completely refreshed her style as well.

If anyone has any idea which one of those herbs if not all, was the one responsible for reducing the inflamation, then speak up. :

Bajanmum I would say the nettle and/or burdock. The plaintain might have also helped and relieved dryness.
Massaged in some Jar of Joe.

I think I'm going to try spritzing a little of Claudie's Tea on my dry hair tomorrow. Love that stuff!!
Will do a coffee rinse during my wash routine later. SO got a sample pack for the Keurig and doesn't want the Extra Bold so I'm using that.
Will do a coffee rinse during my wash routine later. SO got a sample pack for the Keurig and doesn't want the Extra Bold so I'm using that.


How'd the Extra Bold Coffee Rinse go Ms. B?:lick:

Getting ready to pour a Cup of Columbia over hair and Steam with Silk Dreams Mocha Silk & Silk Dreams Shea What Combo.

Will also do a Hairveda ACV Phinising Rinse

And Black Tea with my Leave-In
Brewing a super strong mix of nettle and burdock.

New Idea!
Will separate enough to mix with amla powder and Shea Moisture Conditioning Masque. DC that all night for washing tomorrow morning w/Shea Moisture Purification Masque. Then prep for twist out for partying tomorrow night.
@IDareT'sHair: A gallon?!? Wow. You ain't pullin no punches, huh :lol:

Nope, Ms T doesn't play when it comes to her coffee/tea rinses. :lol:

I'll be doing a tea rinse myself today with all my herbs, catnep, nettle, burdock/marshmallow root, plantain leaves and chamomile. I might throw in some dried rosemary just because...

I'll spray in some coffee and use my fave hair trigger oil. I'm sure I got an inch growth this month because of it, my cornrows are definetely lifting about half an inch since i did them 2 weeks ago. It's all good, people :yep:

Hey Hair Doctor of all things Herbal & Ayurvedic I have a Question:giggle:

Will Coffee release the Dye in Henna?

I noticed you were mixing Espresso with Henna.....Does it release the dye?

I currently use ACV but would try Coffee, if I can get the dye to release and a good Stain from it.

Massaged my scalp with coffee castor oil prior to my prepoo. I think I have 2 to 3 uses left. So will try to use it up before the end of May.

I washed with Castille Soap and my hair was feeling nice and smooth. I started spraying the herbal tea on the back of my hair and I could feel it shrinking and tightening up. So I only sprayed the back and left the front alone. I want to see how the Castille soap acts on my hair.

But the herbal tea rinses have really reduced my shedding. And the honey vanilla chamomile smells soooo good. Much better than it tastes :lol:

I'm glad those Herbal Rinses have really been working for you.:yep:

I am getting ready to start back on those once I finish up this latest "Brew" of Black Tea I made.

I should have about 2-3 more Rinses and will go back to my Herbal "Growth Blend" (which is what I call it). i.e. Horsetail, Nettle, Saw Palmetto, Burdock Root etc....

For Summer I'll rotate the Growth Blend with a Shine Blend I'm thinking of Brewing with Moringa, Roobis and Hibiscus, Blue Malva etc.....

(Maybe Also Fenugreek, Marshmallow Root and Slippery Elm) if I decide to buy those.

ETA: I don't think I'll make any more Coffee Oil until Fall/Winter.

I used dark roast espresso which generally has lower acidity than light roasted coffees. I used about 1.5 cups to 1 cup henna. It did not significantly darken the stain but helped to mask the smell of neem seed oil.

ACV or warm tea are cheaper products to quicken dye release. It felt good but I would rather drink my espresso :grin:
Another article found on CN:

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Rinse: Closes cuticle due to acidic pH, helps hair retain moisture, gives hair shine, bounce and definition.

ACV should be diluted in water and not used full strength. Start with 2 tbsp. of ACV in 1 c. distilled water and adjust your ratios from there. The smell does bother some, but tends to dissipate once the hair dries. ACV rinses should not be overused as they can be drying to hair. You may want to begin by experimenting with a monthly rinse and then determine if a bi-weekly, weekly or bi-monthly regimen is more beneficial.

I tried a couple of ACV rinses around June of 2010. I did notice that my hair appeared curlier and bouncier, which were both results I desired. However, I just didn’t incorporate the step into my regimen as I didn’t feel like it! LOL!! I also noticed that my hair felt a little drier than normal, though I can’t attribute that to the ACV definitively.

Black or Green Tea Rinse: Caffeine in tea is thought to decrease shedding by blocking DHT, promote hair growth in those suffering from hair loss disorders, promote shine, darken hair, enhance natural highlights

A black or green tea rinse can be made by brewing 1 teabag in 1 cup of water. Wait for it to cool and apply prior to shampooing or after conditioning, prior to final rinse. In May of 2011, recently featured an article, Everything You Need to Know About Tea Rinses. It discussed the potential benefits of caffeine as a topical application to hair, but also indicated that too much caffeine can actually stunt growth. It also indicated that there are no published scientific studies on caffeine and shedding.

When I first learned of black tea rinses in January 2011, I found quite a few anecdotal stories of black tea rinses reducing shedding, like this one on Her Best Hair. I used a rinse on my wash day for a couple of months, but didn’t notice any appreciable reduction in my shedding. That being said, I was also brewing heavy dose batches of black tea (4-6 bags in 2-3 cups of water) and allowed the teabags to sit in the water for hours. That may have been my problem!

Baking Soda – Clarifies hair. Dilute 1 tbsp. baking soda in 1 c. distilled water. Some shampoo with a baking soda paste. Baking soda is an alkali and has a normal pH of about 8.3-9. Hair is acidic by nature. Alkaline products lift the hair cuticle, hence why some use baking soda to wash and clarify hair of dirt, oils and other product build-up. I’d suggest that you check out this video by Kimmaytube, Structure of Hair Part 2 – pH Balance Basics, before experimenting with it. Click here for more info on baking soda for clarifying (see note at end of article about diluting heavily in water to make a rinse as an alternative for dry hair).

Flat Beer – Reduces frizz, adds shine and body. Apply one cup of flat, room-temperature beer to hair full-strength after conditioning. Allow it to sit for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water. Check out these posts on CurlyNikki for more info: Unconventional Frizz Tips and 5 Home Frizzy Hair Remedies.

Herbal Tea Rinses*: Benefits vary based upon type of tea.

Calendula – Brightens blonde hair, nourishes the skin, healing and anti-fungal. Brew 1/4 c. calendula petals in 1 c. water.

Hibiscus – Astringent qualities, releases darkish purple dye that can be used to color greying hair, deepen underlying color and/or enhance natural highlights, provides slip to aid in detangling. Click here for more info on the benefits and application of hibiscus tea rinses and infusions.

Chamomile Rinse – Brightens blonde hair and brings out blonde highlights on light brown hair, heals inflamed skin. LivingStrong posted this article about the potential, though not proven, benefits of chamomile in preventing hair loss. Click here for a “how to” recipe for making a chamomile tea rinse.

Lemongrass Rinse – Controls/eliminates dandruff. Click here for more info and a rinse recipe.

Catnip – Helps with split ends, conditions, helps with manageability (reduces frizzies), soothes dry scalp, anti-dandruff treatment, temporarily colors white hair pale blonde. brew strong cup of tea, massage into scalp after shampooing and rinse)Click here for more info and a rinse recipe.

Rosemary – Stimulates scalp, thought to help decrease hair loss and promote growth, treats oily hair.

Nettle – Prevent and treat dandruff, stimulate scalp, great for winter.

Burdock – Maintains and promotes healthy scalp, encourages hair growth, improves hair strength adds shine and body.

Neem – Repairs damaged hair, restores sheen, encourages hair growth.

Marshmallow Root – Relieves scalp irritations, provides moisture and slip which helps detangle hair.

You can buy packaged teas as your local grocery store and/or loose teas at many natural food stores and chains like Whole Foods and Wegmanns. You can also purchase pre-packaged tea rinses that include one or several of the teas listed above online like the ones available at here and here.

(Disclaimer: I have not tried any of these herbal tea rinses, recipes or ordered from any of the tea suppliers. So, I can not review them. I am only providing links for informational purposes. If interested, research the benefits of the tea of your choice and check out reviews on the retailer.)

Final Tip:
Although all of these rinses can be applied to the hair by pouring from a bowel or cup, using a dye applicator bottle or spray bottle are probably easier and neater options.

:lick: Hm... Maybe I need to join this challenge since so many beautiful haired-ladies are hanging out in here! :lick:
Im in this challenge for the rest of the year!!!!
Im seeping burdock,cat nip,nettle,horsetail,thyme,hibiscus petals & saw palmetto seeds.
I bought tea bags to put the herbs in.
Im also going to get a crock pot to infuse these herbs in an oil.
Im excited. :)