Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

My hair is giving me the side-eye again. I've been neglecting my spritzes and it shows! I finally managed to squeeze in a wash and DC, which I kept having to put off due to work. ANyway...break break break! snap snap! shed shed!

I brewed some more today (which I meant to do a few days ago but had to work). Added my glycerin. Made some more mixed butter cream to seal.
OH btw,

Made the amla paste with burdock, nettle tea. Added a DC and the few drops I had of apricot oil. Left it on under a cap for 2 hrs. No heat. Rinsed and co-washed with SM conditioner and left that on.

It loosened the curl and defined my pattern better. The wash n go looks like a bunch of tiny ringlets and not the cotton ball I'm usually left with. Woohoo!
Spritzed this morning and will do so again tonight. The shed and breaking has stopped. I won't be neglecing again!
Doing a CAT tomorrow.:grin:

Just Brewed a couple Cups of Columbian.

Will also use Black Tea and Hairveda's Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
Steaming with Camille Rose Algae Hair Mask with a Cup of Columbian Coffee Underneath!

Will do a ACV Rinse (Hairveda) and a Black Tea Rinse with my Leave-In
I'm making a coffee and tea spritz for a family member:

Black tea
Instant dark roast Coffee
Rosemary leaves
Nettle Powder
Dandelion Root

I should have made extra for myself... My mix would be different though.
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I'm about to brew a cup of coffee to rinse with later.
I'll be using Claudie's Tea Spritz as part of my leave in.
I just ordered a whole bunch of herbs!! I can't wait to brew them up!!! I'm planning to make a spray moisturizer, a coffee/tea/herbal rinse mix, a henna release liquid and a scalp cream. Hmmmmm....

I ordered:
Plantain leaves
Whole hibiscus flowers
Burdock root
Nettle leaves
Apricot kernels (bitter)
Peppermint leaves

I looked at blue Malva... Ummm y'all weren't kidding when you said it was expensive :lol:

I got some celery seed to make celery soda. :sekret:
I'm brewing my herbal tea and coffee mix as we speak. I'll be taking out my cornrows and dcing with the tea underneath. I'm still using hair trigger every day, sometimes twice a day. I've had so much growth :yep:
Oiled my scalp with my coffee castor oil blend. Mixed some with water and coated my strands with it. My hair is nice and soft. Very little breakage. Twisted my hair up into 9 twists and put on my plastic cap. Now sitting under my heat cap doing my version of a HOT. Will wash in the morning.
I made a Pre-Poo with my Homemade Coffee Oil. I took some of my Hairitage Hydrations Jar Of Joe and mixed it with the Coffee Oil.:grin:

Applied and put on a Plastic Cap. Will Co-Cleanse it out with Naturelle Grow's Herbal Hair Cleanser.
Another one using coffee oil. Will be doing an oil rinse with mine today. My hair is always very soft afterwards. I'll also do an acv rinse. Will use my hair trigger tonight, with its black tea goodness.
Not been regular with spritzing like I promised my coils. Yes, they mad too. Been preocupied with work.

Going to give myself a spa day this week and try an experiment in making tea oil for a HOT.
Spritzed with my coffee mix the added AOHSR In sections and braided :lick: Sealed with coconut oil on the shaft and castor oil on the ends. Some vatika oil on the scalp. Baggied while I slept.

It was originally supposed to be a prepoo, but turned into a braidout. (Hence the Baggying).
My hair is shiny, nicely defined and stretched. Soft and moisturize. :grin:
[USER=68889 said:
Ltown[/USER];15788267]Hello i haven't made tea in a while just being lazy. I will be making ayurveda mixture. @faithVA, how's is the tea mix working?

The last few times I did a tea rinse I kept it simple using 1 bag of vanilla chamomile tea in 1 cup of water. When I did the black tea rinses my shedding was the same. When I used the herbal tea my hair stopped shedding with the very first rinse :ohwell: So I did herbal tea rinses for 3 weeks. Last week I skipped it to see how my hair would do. So far so good. The herbal tea seems to work for me.
Cowashed this morning and the shed and breakage was insane. Made sure to tea spritz and let it dry. Will do same tonight and probably braid for a braid out

Will use my Homemade Coffee Butter/Oil Pre-Poo Rx under a Plastic Cap.

I mixed the Coffee Oil I made (Espresso Grounds, Coconut Oil & EVOO) with Hairitage Hydrations "Jar Of Joe":lick:

Will use this for about 20-30 minutes under Plastic Cap and then Co-Cleanse it out.

Will use Hairveda's ACV Rinse and my Growth Tea Rinse as a Leave-In.

Growth Tea Rinse

Saw Palmetto
Horsetail Grass
Burdock Root
Dandelion Root
Blue Malva Flowers
Hibiscus Flowers
Calendua Flowers
Wild Yam