Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012

Hey everybody :wave: I'm joining the challenge. My hair is shedding and thinning out. In the last month I've shed so much hair I could probably make a small wig :ohwell: I thought it was related to postpartum shedding but it's been going on for about 4 months now. At this rate I'll be nearly bald in a few months. So in addition to making an appt to see a doctor to make sure I'm not starting to have thyroid issues, I am starting coffee & tea rinses.

A couple of days ago I did a rinse with coffee, black tea, hibiscus and nettles. I left it on under conditioner, rinsed then put a little on just my scalp to leave-in. My scalp has been a little itchy but ok overall. I also have a few eo's (rosemary, sage, cedarwood) I may add those too at some point but for now I'm gonna just stick with the coffee & tea. I think I will add green tea too.

I'm gonna try to do this at least 3 or 4 times a week. I really hope this works for me...if not i'll be posting a thread about how bald I am. :ohwell:
Black tea really helps with my shedding, as does coffee. Rinsing with them tonight with ginger root and herbs added.
Hey everybody :wave: I'm joining the challenge. My hair is shedding and thinning out.

I also have a few eo's (rosemary, sage, cedarwood) I may add those too at some point but for now I'm gonna just stick with the coffee & tea. I think I will add green tea too.

I'm gonna try to do this at least 3 or 4 times a week. :ohwell:
@nurseN98, welcome to the challenge!

Good on you for checkin with a doc to be sure there aren't underlying issues. I love adding cedar EO to my tea spray! It has such a nice, refreshing smell and I get compliments on how good my hair smells quite often. :)

Try doing one or two tea mixes at a time. If something is causing a reaction, like your itchies, it's harder to figure out what it is. Then, build up as you go. Of course, everyone is different and it may just work out fine. to go make my burdock and nettle tea spritz for my twists tonight....
oiled my scalp with coffee castor oil and gave myself a quick scalp massage.

I have about a month of my coffee castor oil left. Then I will just do herbal tea rinses. Won't make any more coffee castor oil
Hi y'all.

Sorry for my MIA, no excuses. Just too lazy to log-in.

Anyhoo, I've been spritzing with my coffee leave-in, oiling scalp with hair trigger that has black tea in and for my mid week co-washes doing a herbal tea rinse. I love it my wash daze. :yep:
Did a chaparral tea rinse. I was really excited because I finally added some catnip to the mix. My hair loves tea rinses. Going to put my homemade coffee oil in the mix soon, looking forward to seeing how that feels.
I did a tea rinse with sage tea tonight. Not sure how I like it. Will go back to the chamomile next week. I was too lazy to go upstairs to get it. :nono:
Did a black tea rinse - poured on my scalp, and spritzed my ayurvedic tea onto the length of my braids. Left that on for 20 mins. Then covered it with my DC and steamed that sucka IN!

About to make another batch of black tea - plan to add nettle, saw palmetto, burdock root, neem, horsetail, fenugreek maybe some yarrow as well. This is my anti-shedding + growth tea blend.
Hi everyone,

I'm posting for my friend who's staying the long weekend with me and my family.

She arrived on friday and complained of an itchy scalp. She's wearing a weave at the mo and it's only a week old. I checked her scalp and saw a lot of tension pimples. You've guessed it...the cornrows under the sew-in are too tight :nono:. She didn't want to remove it as it was still only early days, but the itching was too much for her to bear, poor thing (oh and the person who installed the weave is a mutual friend of ours, so I couldn't say too much, but sufficed to say I wasn't too happy. She should know better than to cornrow that tight).

Anyhoo, I made an infusion of all the dried herbs i had, plantain leaves, nettle, hibiscus, burdock root, horsetail, black coffee, and marshmallow root and poured it over her scalp once cooled.

I'm happy to report that the inflamation has gone down, there's been no more scratching and she's a much happier gal. It was a bit of a risk of matting, but we pulled the weave ends into a scrunchy and just tackled the scalp, then dried the weave nearer the scalp with a hair drier on cool. It completely refreshed her style as well.

If anyone has any idea which one of those herbs if not all, was the one responsible for reducing the inflamation, then speak up. I would like to hear theories. I think it was the plantain leaves as it has microbial and anti-fungal properties, but that might not be the full story.

Sorry for the long post, I hope you didn't get bored reading:lol: :look: :ohwell:

I would also say the Nettle & the Burdock Root helped. And probably Marshmallow.

I know folks make various Poultices with each of these for a variety of Ailments.

Glad you were thinking fast. Sounds like it helped alot. Hopefully, that rinse also loosened things up a bit.

Good Job!:grin:
Thanks T, IDareT'sHair

I'll give her some of those herbs (nettle, plantain, burdock and marshmallow) to take home to make her own tea. If that hadn't worked, I would have tried some kind of oil...maybe jojoba and rosemary, or castor and clary sage?

I wish braiders who do it as a job, had to do a schooling course on the scalp and problems that could occur from tight braiding. I'm sure my one or 2 of my friend's spots are fluid filled, yuk :nono:. She was almost in tears. But at least it's sorted now.
I washed my hair today and forgot to use my rinse!!! But I did use my homemade coffee spritz :)
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Great challenge! I'll be joining too! I got some herbs in my dispensary I have to het rid of anyway.