*~*Celibacy Support Thread*~*

@nappystorm you can't say that without giving us some deets:nono::nono::lachen::lachen:

who done it?:sekret:
@Etherealsmile Meh. He's just a wang in a glass case I visit from time to time. I've been knowing him since 2002. We were really close but nothing ever happened between us because I was hung up on my ex. We lost touch for a few years, reconnected in 2008. We text, FB, and sext from time to time and I holla at him whenever I visit my friends which is about twice a year. There's not much romantic chemistry between us but we have fun together and enjoy each other's company. The sex isn't mind blowing but he has a large wang, large soft lips, it's consistent, and he's a talker:look:.

I'm still saying no when it comes to new wang and the one dude I still have feelings for (I actually turned him down this past weekend)
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#TeamCobwebs checking in. I'm still here. I just spent two nights with a man and the most physical contact we had was holding hands n he gave me a peck on the mouth when I was leaving. I'm glad he was a gentleman :yep:

Lol team cobwebs
I was celibate for 14 months until September, when I did something naughty. :blush: Lol. No regrets, it was fun. But I realize that I had neglected that part of myself. So, now that I've decided to return to celibacy (for at least 6 months), I will make sure that I take care of business myself. :look: I'm still a woman and a sexual being. Lol.
hey yall joining the thread also. Ive been celibate since march of this year. ive been on this journey before that lasted 3 years then i had my son (:blush:) anyways im sure i can do it again. For me that 30 to possibly an hour is not worth all of the other drama that is associated with it and i am doing it for religious reasons also.
Ive recently met a great guy and told him about my celibacy and he assured me that its not a problem , we shall see most guys that i've met never stick around for long :lol:. good luck to you all!
Hi ladies I'm celibate too, I kinda slipped up the other day, not worth it at all, but it made me realize I really don't want to do it; I like the idea of sex until its time for it to happen. I was originally committed to six months but now that I'm coming to the finish line I think I'm going to make this indefinite until I met some1 I believe is husband material.
3.5 years and counting...Last Friday night, made out with a guy who made the sly move to kiss me while I was giggling about something he said, felt kinda naughty lol also felt good walking out of there with panties intact #likeaboss

don't care if I never get "laid" again, not giving up my good girl without a ring, not worth it...still dressing to kill and wearing my lingerie though ;)
I've slipped up ladies, and I'm trying to move forward but I can't shake it; I know for me when I get stimulated that way its very hard to stop so I think I need to cut off the guys I'm talking to so I can reel in my self-control.
This might be a stupid question but can you be celibate if your only pleasing your self or is it no sexual actvity period thanks in advance!!!
Well it has been 4 months which is a long time for me. I think the longest I have gone with no sexual contact is 6 months (thats a damn shame lol). Let's see if I can make it to a year.
I am joining this thread.
It has been 18 months since i did IT.
Recently met and dating a guy i really like and i can feel my temperature rising. I just want to slam that haaaard. But i vow to leave it alone for a long time yet.

Right now i feel like a walking nympho, i call up my girlfriends and we talk all smutty about how are dates are making us feel, to get it out of our systems - ha ha

On my last date with Mr he asked me to detach his hood from his coat. The buttons were really stiff and my hand was touching his face and neck (hadn't
kissed at this point and the chem is high). My temp was rising and i was getting all flustered over them damn buttons. I thought i was going to burst.

I need to start exercising or something.
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I haven't colored in....can't say and no current prospect except the old one and he is a no no.

Ok ok, almost two years and before that 10 years... I think something is wrong with me. I've never been wowed by it like it seem everyone else is.
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hopefully my pass hasn't been revoked from participating in this thread. lol but im back this time for the long haul. can't do it anymore, as far as i am concerned no man who isn't my husband is worthy of me (my body)
I'm wondering if there are any men really willing to wait until marriage - i'm not talking virgins, i'm talking about guys who feel the same as most of us here; who are not virgins but no longer want to lay down with someone who is not their wife.
I'm wondering if there are any men really willing to wait until marriage - i'm not talking virgins, i'm talking about guys who feel the same as most of us here; who are not virgins but no longer want to lay down with someone who is not their wife.

i wonder too. it would be nice if there were
I guess so since the def. has little to do with whether or not the person practicing has EVER had sex...
Wouldn't that just be abstinent?

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4G using LHCF

LOL I don't know that's why I asked. But let me look it up.

Hmm. Celibacy pertains to not having romantic relationships of any kind but some do use it to refer to sexual abstinence. And abstinence is refraining from indulging in something. So I think I am in the right place.

But I do plan on not having sex until I am married but then again, "No battle plan survives contact with the enemy" (I think that's someones siggy).
Today marks six months of celibacy. This is the longest I have ever gone. Let's see how I do for the last half of the year!

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
manter26 said:
I need a go out and get some support group. :lol:

Good luck to you all during your intentional celibacy.

You are silly :lol:

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I know they said the longer it's been, the easier it gets. That's not true. It was easier for me during the first 8 months. Now after 1+ yrs, it's hard (no pun intended). I can only do so much shopping :nono: