*~*Celibacy Support Thread*~*

GoddessMaker said:
I'm thinking of voluntarily giving up on my 6 yr almost 7 yr stretch soon. I can't do this anymore. I have needs.

If you've waited this long I say keep going. Sex just confuses things.

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GoddessMaker Hey Chica.... I've been meaning to call you.... How have you been? Why are you giving up now? I mean, dang, you made it past 6 years!!!! You are strong. You can do this!
Married lady lurking!

Ladies I wish I had waited because I feel like sex clouds common sense and judgment. Stay strong! I'll pray to Saint Dustbunny for you LOL

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I'm on my 7th month and doing great. I almost gave it up last week, thank God he stood me up, I'm so over him.
Hi everybody! I've been celibate since September! And its been cool. It has helped me delete a lot of worthless men out of my life and I think thats why I haven't slipped up. I like the fact that sex isn't clouding my judgement. Man, peen can have my hypnotizing effects. I guess a quirk about me is the fact that I'm a web cam model. :look: But Im not having sex with anybody except "Mr. Bob" and "The Sword". And they are both very plastic. Lol.
Hi everybody! I've been celibate since September! And its been cool. It has helped me delete a lot of worthless men out of my life and I think thats why I haven't slipped up. I like the fact that sex isn't clouding my judgement. Man, peen can have my hypnotizing effects. I guess a quirk about me is the fact that I'm a web cam model. :look: But Im not having sex with anybody except "Mr. Bob" and "The Sword". And they are both very plastic. Lol.

I love my B.O.B, but even he hasn't been getting any action from me lately. :lachen:
Those that are celibate, does this mean only intercourse? Or does that also includes oral sex (giving and/or receiving)
I haven't been celibate since sept but when I was I had no type of sex. Oral is sex to me.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Those that are celibate, does this mean only intercourse? Or does that also includes oral sex (giving and/or receiving)

For me it means any peen going near my girlfriend. LOL I gotta get mines somehow so orale' is on the menu for me. I don't reciprocate and get away with it somehow. TMI? we're all grown in here right :lol:
I've just started year #3 and it's not because I want to. It's because I have really bad luck with men. :-/ sure I could randomly find a guy, but that's not what I want. I'm extremely frustrated.
Hey ladies I was participating in this but fell of the bandwagon, its time to get focused again, I think moving to a new city and being more lonely than usually made it easier for me to have sex but this year I want to focus on me without the distraction of guys I'm not really into.
Well folks, I'm starting over. I'm Refocusing and getting back on track; striving hard not to let distractions or temptations get me off track again. I prayed alot over my actions/decisions and now I'm ready to act on it. I was going strong for about 4 years and then I allowed the possibility of "true love" to get me off track by putting aside the promise I made to myself and God, :nono:. 6 months later, yet another disappointment in the love department but worst of all I gave up what was important to me along the way. (As unpopular and uncommon as it may be nowadays, I do believe that someone who truly loves me would be willing to wait for me sexually if that is my wish.)

Unfortuantely, what's done is done, but the bright side is that I'm getting back in the race and I'm going to try hard to stay on course. I took time to reflect on the things that I allowed to happen that eventually got me off course; so I am learning from those things. And I also realize that I need to pray more and read my Bible more; keep the roots that I'm trying to stand on as strong and healthy as possible.:yep: I thought I had my feelings and desires under control since I had made it to 4 years, but I soon realized, you're never fully prepared and you never have things fully under control at all times, it's very easy to eventually get worn down and then you can easily break if I dont take firm measures for myself. Especially being in my thirties I'm like a walking flame of fire on most given days, :lachen:. So I definately need to build a stronger support system to help me stay focused and content this time around. More prayer, wiser choice of circle of friends, more Bible reading, more activities that pamper me physically and emotionally, more outdoor activities whether it be solo or with DD and did I say prayer, lol!!! :lachen:

anywhoo, I'll let you all know how it goes! :grin: I'll try to check in more often.

Celibacy! Take 2! :strong:
I made it one year! Again lol. The longest for me was five years and the next longest was 18 months.

I "drew a line in the sand today" ____________________________________________________________________________

No intercourse, kissing until I am married again. "Stick a fork in me I am so done"
Checking in...still on track. I noticed that working out regularly has made my drive higher and more frequent thanan usual. Oh well, staying on course.
I am here it has been 8 months. I went three years for the longest. I am just waiting for Mr. Right.
Checking in...still on track. I noticed that working out regularly has made my drive higher and more frequent thanan usual. Oh well, staying on course.

LOL me too. I guess I feel more attractive or something. I also think lifting weights raises test levels some :spinning:
Its officially been 10 months celibate but I cant stop thinking about sex.. I need help yall.

I feel you. When I start to get curious about a guy I'll think of all the meaningless BS I hear of that comes with fwbs, sex outside of marriage without a specific wedding date, failure rates of birth control and condoms, etc. I find my horny goes away somewhat quickly. :look:
Constantly keep in your mind the reason for your decision NowIAmNappy. Like really meditate on it amd keep it so relevant to your mind it will help you to stay strong and on track with your celibacy decision. Hope that helps. Im sure others will chime in.

...you dont have to share it, but if by any chance your choice to be celibate is Bible based or for religious reasons I cannot encourage you enough to keep praying for the stregnth to stay strong during those most difficult moments when that natural feeling gets hard to handle. :-)
Constantly keep in your mind the reason for your decision NowIAmNappy. Like really meditate on it amd keep it so relevant to your mind it will help you to stay strong and on track with your celibacy decision. Hope that helps. Im sure others will chime in. ...you dont have to share it, but if by any chance your choice to be celibate is Bible based or for religious reasons I cannot encourage you enough to keep praying for the stregnth to stay strong during those most difficult moments when that natural feeling gets hard to handle. :-)
Thank you, my reasons are Bible/religious based and you are so right. I spent an hour in reflection and prayer about what my past choices lead me and the negative impact on my relationship with God. I prayed for that strength cause lord I need it, temptation is just throwing itself at me.
Lenee925 thanks as well, looking at the past none sense I dealt with definitely helps.
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