"Can't give you what you deserve right now"

It doesn't even matter why he said it. Yall weren't compatible enough to keep it going and that's fine... you move along.

And regarding the no call in 3 days, I don't like that either.
OP, I think you moved to fast - no matter what he was doing. 3 months is a short time, yet you're spending quite a bit of nights over at his house and meeting his family early. You were the one acting like you were in a committed relationship, so when he didn't call you were pissed. He was focused on his work. I think you overreacted. But I do commend you for realizing this is not what you want and moving on. A lot of women would still stick around trying to change him.

:yep: Yes, I agree.

Men can be so hot and cold sometimes. :nono: That's why it's up to US (as women) to pace the relationship. WE have the most to lose. WE'RE the ones who are usually the "emotional" ones and get our hearts and emotions all wrapped up easily. I think sleeping w/him or having sleepovers at his house was a bit too much or a little too early. That's just based on my own feeling. I know other people have different time frames for when they want to do things, but I think maybe you meeting the family, sleeping over, talkign to each other on the phone EVERY single day started to feel a little too "wifey" too soon for him. :ohwell: Knowing good and well HE was probably initiating MOST of that stuff. :rolleyes: That's why I say we as women need to pace the relationship.

He probably felt burned out and stressed with work, and so now you became an "obligation" instead of the "Bright spot" in his day. I still say however, I would leave him alone. Let him run his business and find some free time. THEN, if he wants to call you, you can proceed from there. I would be open, and friendly, but I would definitely give him the impression that I'm not waiting around for him to get himself together. No indeed! :nono2: There are way too many other fine fish in the sea. :yep:

I still say however that a man who is TRULY interested in you and ready/available for a serious relationship won't make such a poor excuse or let his "woman" get away so easily.

OP has he called you or tried to reach out to you since you two broke up or had that conversation?
Well, given that you weren't in an exclusive relationship I don't see what the big deal is. 3 months is a bit long IMO to go without becoming exclusive if that's what you both want. But I wouldn't be spending the night over at a man's house that I was just dating. How involved he is in his career is moot because a man that is really into you, will find a way to include you. So I'd keep it moving. Be friendly if you run into him but move on.
at the bolded... you answered your own question! i definitely don't think you overreacted especially since you've met his family and you've been spending so much time together so for him to say something like that is odd considering the circumstances... it's a cop out, and i'm sure there's an underlying reason why he said that to you.

Correct. All I hear is "I'll open my door for you several nights out of the week BUT don't expect me to call cus I've got more important things to do!" :nono: :ohwell: :perplexed

NEXT! You do deserve better and he's given you a preview of your future with him. listen to him.
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ive used that line alot in my hey-day...str8 cop-out!! when i was bored or found someone better after i got what i wanted...

i think you didnt allow him to really pursue/chase you enough....

i would be pissed about not hearing from him in 3 days to..BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT

i bet you if you were dating other men it wouldnt be a big deal...

and i wouldnt have called him after the 3 days...big time alpha dudes like that are use to women being enamored with their larger than life career..personality and etc

rule #1--never ever sweat these dudes--and dont oblige to certain things with them..set the vibe early

you have to act like you dont care..and also i wouldnt just date one man...have fun and date several..

nyc is full of these uber successful...uber 7 figure dudes..arrogant..bravado types....ive dated many..one captured my heart and i made him chase and purse me to the fullest...and hes now my DH

its all good..on to the next--you live and you learn--there will be more just like him...
ive used that line alot in my hey-day...str8 cop-out!! when i was bored or found someone better after i got what i wanted...

i think you didnt allow him to really pursue/chase you enough....

i would be pissed about not hearing from him in 3 days to..BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT

i bet you if you were dating other men it wouldnt be a big deal...

and i wouldnt have called him after the 3 days...big time alpha dudes like that are use to women being enamored with their larger than life career..personality and etc

rule #1--never ever sweat these dudes--and dont oblige to certain things with them..set the vibe early

you have to act like you dont care..and also i wouldnt just date one man...have fun and date several..

nyc is full of these uber successful...uber 7 figure dudes..arrogant..bravado types....ive dated many..one captured my heart and i made him chase and purse me to the fullest...and hes now my DH

its all good..on to the next--you live and you learn--there will be more just like him...

Hmm, so Perfect28 tell me, how did you meet all of these millionaires and were/are you genuinely attracted to your spouse?

I honestly believe that these men in general are very rare and I highly doubt that the OP will find more just like him.

All I know about her ex is that he was making million dollar business deals and I'm left to wonder what attributes she possesses that will help her land another guy like him.

If I were the OP, I would have understood that business comes first, since I am a professional myself. Also, I would have given him the space to finish his deal and then make-up all of the lost time with me. From her posts, she seemed too dependent on him (staying in his place, waiting on his calls, etc).

Relationships are all about compromise. Understand what he's bringing to the table and then look at what you are bringing. Whoever brings less ends up compromising the most. It may seem mean, but if I'm just a regular girl staying in some man's place and he's making legal million dollar deals, let's just say I would be meeting him at his front door in a negligee with 2 glasses of champagne to celebrate! LMAO

ive used that line alot in my hey-day...str8 cop-out!! when i was bored or found someone better after i got what i wanted...

i think you didnt allow him to really pursue/chase you enough....

i would be pissed about not hearing from him in 3 days to..BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT

i bet you if you were dating other men it wouldnt be a big deal...

and i wouldnt have called him after the 3 days...big time alpha dudes like that are use to women being enamored with their larger than life career..personality and etc

rule #1--never ever sweat these dudes--and dont oblige to certain things with them..set the vibe early

you have to act like you dont care..and also i wouldnt just date one man...have fun and date several..

nyc is full of these uber successful...uber 7 figure dudes..arrogant..bravado types....ive dated many..one captured my heart and i made him chase and purse me to the fullest...and hes now my DH

its all good..on to the next--you live and you learn--there will be more just like him...

perfect28 I didn't know u got married. CONGRATS!!!

Spill beans. How did you get him to pursue and chase?

I'm not perfect but I will chime in.

Don't be so available, that's one thing OP did.
Don't call him alot. Be unvailable, even if you are, a man doesn't need to know you're always free.
Make them MAKE plans with you and not just call you at the last minute or say "do you wanna hang out tonight"? Like, why did you ask me so late, I'm you're last choice?

When you're getting to know someone, let them pursue you, call you and DATE you. Don't call alot and don't drop plans to see them ASAP all the time. Sleeping over at a guy's house 4-5x a week is not letting him pursue you.

I think dude got bored because OP was just too easy (OP I'm sorry) and there was no challenge. Remember men like a challenge. You think he was working on a million dollar deal and didn't love the 'pursuit of the deal'? Think of yourself in that manner. I also advocate dating other men when you're dating someone with no committment. He could see she didn't have other men b/c she was with him all the time. Keep a man on notice and let him know that you're dating and if he wants to take center stage, you need a committment. Men unconciously want something they think is "valuable" so if she didn't slightly show her valuableness then he may not have thought so either.
Thank you. This is great advice.

I'm not perfect but I will chime in.

Don't be so available, that's one thing OP did.
Don't call him alot. Be unvailable, even if you are, a man doesn't need to know you're always free.
Make them MAKE plans with you and not just call you at the last minute or say "do you wanna hang out tonight"? Like, why did you ask me so late, I'm you're last choice?

When you're getting to know someone, let them pursue you, call you and DATE you. Don't call alot and don't drop plans to see them ASAP all the time. Sleeping over at a guy's house 4-5x a week is not letting him pursue you.

I think dude got bored because OP was just too easy (OP I'm sorry) and there was no challenge. Remember men like a challenge. You think he was working on a million dollar deal and didn't love the 'pursuit of the deal'? Think of yourself in that manner. I also advocate dating other men when you're dating someone with no committment. He could see she didn't have other men b/c she was with him all the time. Keep a man on notice and let him know that you're dating and if he wants to take center stage, you need a committment. Men unconciously want something they think is "valuable" so if she didn't slightly show her valuableness then he may not have thought so either.

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^^^ @Zaynab, great advice. I need to keep some of those things in mind if I ever start dating again. :look:

Remember how the buggaboo guys that you seldom call back, only date with like a three week in advance request, and don't put alot of emphasis on? YET won't leave you alone?

Treat ALL men, even the ones you like, that way:yep::yep:
True and I find this is the hardest thing to do.
Cuz when you don't feel someone, it's a natural reflex to ignore and act uninterested because you genuinely are uninterested.
Remember how the buggaboo guys that you seldom call back, only date with like a three week in advance request, and don't put alot of emphasis on? YET won't leave you alone?

Treat ALL men, even the ones you like, that way:yep::yep:

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Awww...sorry about this OP :hug2:

I think when we as women show a man that we're not willing to "wait" around for him OR accept crumbs and the bare minimum from him, the man then starts to WAKE UP and realize that we are actually WORTH something, and that we value ourselves. :yep: We're not going to accept crumbs. :nono2:
...the man who is TRULY into you won't give you such a cop-out excuse like this one. He'll be feeling so sorry that he wasn't able to reach you while he was busy, and he'll want to make it up to you. :yep:

These days I refuse to waste my time with guys who are wishy-washy, dissappear, or who are just not that into me. :nono2:

I agree with this wholeheartedly. Even though ya'll weren't committed, if he were really into you he would prob feel away about not calling you for 3 days.

On the other hand you have every right to demand common courtesy from him. No call in 3 days after talking everday for 3 months? No bueno.


:yep: Yes, I agree.

Men can be so hot and cold sometimes. :nono: That's why it's up to US (as women) to pace the relationship. WE have the most to lose. WE'RE the ones who are usually the "emotional" ones and get our hearts and emotions all wrapped up easily. I think sleeping w/him or having sleepovers at his house was a bit too much or a little too early. That's just based on my own feeling. I know other people have different time frames for when they want to do things, but I think maybe you meeting the family, sleeping over, talkign to each other on the phone EVERY single day started to feel a little too "wifey" too soon for him. :ohwell: Knowing good and well HE was probably initiating MOST of that stuff. :rolleyes: That's why I say we as women need to pace the relationship.

He probably felt burned out and stressed with work, and so now you became an "obligation" instead of the "Bright spot" in his day. I still say however, I would leave him alone. Let him run his business and find some free time. THEN, if he wants to call you, you can proceed from there. I would be open, and friendly, but I would definitely give him the impression that I'm not waiting around for him to get himself together. No indeed! :nono2: There are way too many other fine fish in the sea. :yep:

I still say however that a man who is TRULY interested in you and ready/available for a serious relationship won't make such a poor excuse or let his "woman" get away so easily.

YESSSS! I don't buy that about being busy, busyness aside, he wouldn't let you get away if he didn't want to.
True and I find this is the hardest thing to do.
Cuz when you don't feel someone, it's a natural reflex to ignore and act uninterested because you genuinely are uninterested.

Yeahhhh... this right here lol... I know if I were into someone it would be harrrrrrrd for me to treat them like dudes I'm not interested in.
^^^ I'm using that as an analogy for you to keep a man pursuing you. We are often too available to men, we may call too much, get comfy too much, too soon and then he finds no challenge and he moves on. We thought the closeness was making us closer, all it did was make us "common" and made him search for something to "pursue".
^^^ I'm using that as an analogy for you to keep a man pursuing you. We are often too available to men, we may call too much, get comfy too much, too soon and then he finds no challenge and he moves on. We thought the closeness was making us closer, all it did was make us "common" and made him search for something to "pursue".

Zaynab... oh, i got the analogy.. i'm just saying it would take effort to practice it b/c naturally, when you're not into someone it's nothing for you to keep them at a distance :lol:.... but I def get your point about making yourself to common.
I'm not perfect but I will chime in.

Don't be so available, that's one thing OP did.
Don't call him alot. Be unvailable, even if you are, a man doesn't need to know you're always free.
Make them MAKE plans with you and not just call you at the last minute or say "do you wanna hang out tonight"? Like, why did you ask me so late, I'm you're last choice?

When you're getting to know someone, let them pursue you, call you and DATE you. Don't call alot and don't drop plans to see them ASAP all the time. Sleeping over at a guy's house 4-5x a week is not letting him pursue you.

I think dude got bored because OP was just too easy (OP I'm sorry) and there was no challenge. Remember men like a challenge. You think he was working on a million dollar deal and didn't love the 'pursuit of the deal'? Think of yourself in that manner. I also advocate dating other men when you're dating someone with no committment. He could see she didn't have other men b/c she was with him all the time. Keep a man on notice and let him know that you're dating and if he wants to take center stage, you need a committment. Men unconciously want something they think is "valuable" so if she didn't slightly show her valuableness then he may not have thought so either.

GREAT advice. :yep: I pretty much did the same thing with my now DH while we were dating and things turned out great. :yep: I can remember one specific time when we were supposed to go out for ice cream and he had to cancel on me (pretty much at the last minute) due to work. I was PISSED!!!! I was looking forward to our date all day and LOVE ice cream. :look: But did I let him know that? NO!!!! I was as cool and casual as I could be AND I went out and got ice cream by myself. :yep: He was also the one who had to initiate any dates. I did a couple of times, but for the most part it was always him asking me to do something or go somewhere or hang out.

You also hit the nail on the head regarding a woman displaying her valuableness. Too many women nowadays do too much too soon.

^^^ I'm using that as an analogy for you to keep a man pursuing you. We are often too available to men, we may call too much, get comfy too much, too soon and then he finds no challenge and he moves on. We thought the closeness was making us closer, all it did was make us "common" and made him search for something to "pursue".

This is SO true! Even now that I'm married I still make my DH pursue me - just in a different way. :yep: There are still little things I do (or wear :look:) that make him nervous around me. :lol: I think that's the way it should be! You should never get 100% comfortable, no matter what kind of relationship you are in (dating, exclusive, married, etc.)!! That's where the laziness comes in.
Yeahhhh... this right here lol... I know if I were into someone it would be harrrrrrrd for me to treat them like dudes I'm not interested in.

YES! Same here! I'm always afraid that the guy I REALLY like will think I'm not interested and will just end up chasing another woman. Because believe me, if this guy is a guy who is a "hot commodity", he will usually not "chase" a woman too long, because he knows he can just easily find a woman who DOES want him. :look: So, how do you keep up the "challenge" without discouraging a guy you REALLY like away?

^^^ I'm using that as an analogy for you to keep a man pursuing you. We are often too available to men, we may call too much, get comfy too much, too soon and then he finds no challenge and he moves on. We thought the closeness was making us closer, all it did was make us "common" and made him search for something to "pursue".
You know, I used to think this was so true, but now days I kind of wonder about this. Because honestly, I've seen guys who were truly into the woman be ESCTATIC when she called him. You know? As long as a woman isn't calling a man 50 million times a day, what's so wrong with calling a man if you're dating him? :look:

Don't get me wrong, I completely advocate a woman having her own life, not acting too "pressed" or being too intimate and "familiar" with a man too soon. But on the same token, sometimes I feel like we as women can be a little TOO cautious, trying SOOO hard not to break any "dating rules", to the point where we end up pushing a guy away that we were really into. I see time and time again girl friends of mine who are boo'd up and who FREELY call their men. :yep: Why is it okay for them to call the men?

I think (personally), that when a man is TRULY into you, he will be DELIGHTED to hear your voice and to hear from you. Even if (*gasp*!) you call him first. I think problem lies when women deal with these men who are not really into them, OR who are just viewing the woman as an "option" or a "good for NOW girl", and that's why calling pushes them away. :nono:

Sort of like how we as women feel when it's a guy who we're REALLY into vs. a guy we're not interested in at all. If a guy who we REALLY like is calling us 4 or 5 times a day, we're all giddy and like: "awwww!! He thought about me! He's so sweet...heehee!" :grin: But if he's someone we're NOT interested in, we're like: "OMG, he called me like 2 times this week. What a STALKER!" :lachen: So maybe we just need to find men who are truly into us and don't get "scared away" if a woman calls him first.

Plus, I always say that when a man is TRULY into you, you won't even have TIME to think about calling him, because he'll always be calling YOU first! :giggle:

Am I right? Or am I wrong? I'm just trying to see if I'm doing the wrong things, because sometimes I feel like we can walk on eggshells too much. :ohwell:
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^^ If a guy thinks you are a hotter commodity than him and feels that you are worth the chase. :yep: If not, he will definitely walk away. But if you appear valuable to him he won't give up.
^^ If a guy thinks you are a hotter commodity than him and feels that you are worth the chase. :yep: If not, he will definitely walk away. But if you appear valuable to him he won't give up.

Good point! :yep:

But WHAT makes a woman a "hotter commodity" than a man?? I already know what makes a man "hot commodity" : great job, good looks, tall, fit, handsome, financially stable, great personality, stable and loving family home environment, well educated, etc.

But these things that make men hot "commodities" are NOT necessarily the types of things that MEN view on women as hot commodities". If this were the case, then all successful, well-educated, intelligent women would be married by now, and we know this isn't always the case...especially in the black community. :ohwell:

So...what is it that MEN view that make women "hot commodities" in their minds?? :confused: How do you present yourself as "better than" him?? :look:
YES! Same here! I'm always afraid that the guy I REALLY like will think I'm not interested and will just end up chasing another woman. Because believe me, if this guy is a guy who is a "hot commodity", he will usually not "chase" a woman too long, because he knows he can just easily find a woman who DOES want him. :look: So, how do you keep up the "challenge" without discouraging a guy you REALLY like away?

You know, I used to think this was so true, but now days I kind of wonder about this. Because honestly, I've seen guys who were truly into the woman be ESCTATIC when she called him. You know? As long as a woman isn't calling a man 50 million times a day, what's so wrong with calling a man if you're dating him? :look:

Don't get me wrong, I completely advocate a woman having her own life, not acting too "pressed" or being too intimate and "familiar" with a man too soon. But on the same token, sometimes I feel like we as women can be a little TOO cautious, trying SOOO hard not to break any "dating rules", to the point where we end up pushing a guy away that we were really into. I see time and time again girl friends of mine who are boo'd up and who FREELY call their men. :yep: Why is it okay for them to call the men?

I think (personally), that when a man is TRULY into you, he will be DELIGHTED to hear your voice and to hear from you. Even if (*gasp*!) you call him first. I think problem lies when women deal with these men who are not really into them, OR who are just viewing the woman as an "option" or a "good for NOW girl", and that's why calling pushes them away. :nono:

Sort of like how we as women feel when it's a guy who we're REALLY into vs. a guy we're not interested in at all. If a guy who we REALLY like is calling us 4 or 5 times a day, we're all giddy and like: "awwww!! He thought about me! He's so sweet...heehee!" :grin: But if he's someone we're NOT interested in, we're like: "OMG, he called me like 2 times this week. What a STALKER!" :lachen: So maybe we just need to find men who are truly into us and don't get "scared away" if a woman calls him first.

Plus, I always say that when a man is TRULY into you, you won't even have TIME to think about calling him, because he'll always be calling YOU first! :giggle:

Am I right? Or am I wrong? I'm just trying to see if I'm doing the wrong things, because sometimes I feel like we can walk on eggshells too much. :ohwell:

I agree with every single word of this post...
If a guy is reallllly into you... he'd be happy to hear from you. I'm not talking about calling every 5 minutes... but you can let your guard down some. I think it's those dudes that are 'too busy', or have other things going on, or he's just not as much into you are you are into him that behave a certain way. I do feel like it's too much eggshells, and 'game playing' at times. I get the gist of the game playing and it's helpful indeed but at the end of the day, the guy is either really into you, or he isn't... the 'rules' do help to kinda keep things in check and spicy tho :grin:
very well said....zaynab

ofcourse when i met my DH i was super geeked over him on the inside..i saw him an instanly was like hmmm i want that!!!...i knew exactly who he was and yeah i was an eager beaver--but he didnt know that and i didnt act like that--:lachen:


shiddd when we first came across each other at a social gathering--i specifically said you think your too cool for school ( cuz he was standing there like yeah i know im fine and fly and successful) and i walked away..he was stunned like..no chick has ever said something so obnoxious to him like that...it was on after that...

our relationship wasnt always disney world and butterflies and ofcourse his mom didnt want just any ole woman coming into the family..and etc etc..we went through out trials and tribulations for a lil bit..but as soon as he knew i could take him or leave him...he realized what he had

im not saying play games or follow a zillion rules--just make sure he understands you are the prize and without you he would be missing something priceless

and zaynab you hit the nail on the head with that one---i always reminded my big head DH that he betta go hard for me like he is going hard for those deals ( private equity background at the time)

he tried to play that working so much..tryna close this big deal and etc etc--i respect ya hustle boo-go hard or go home for me to point blank...

anyway he put a ring on it--and i am happily married..and i still give him a run for his money so to speak in regard to him knowing this deal he closed was priceless..dont go bankrupt on this deal because theres no going back boo lolol

eta-- nyc ladies...summer is almost upon us.. hit Stone Street in the fin district after work...they are all there...lolol..blk..clr...asian...indian...what flavor you like...lol

eta2-AnjelLuvsUBabe...i almost walked down the isle with you know whoooooo from who know where--he too is a great catch...almosstttttttt!!! :yep:

I'm not perfect but I will chime in.

Don't be so available, that's one thing OP did.
Don't call him alot. Be unvailable, even if you are, a man doesn't need to know you're always free.
Make them MAKE plans with you and not just call you at the last minute or say "do you wanna hang out tonight"? Like, why did you ask me so late, I'm you're last choice?

When you're getting to know someone, let them pursue you, call you and DATE you. Don't call alot and don't drop plans to see them ASAP all the time. Sleeping over at a guy's house 4-5x a week is not letting him pursue you.

I think dude got bored because OP was just too easy (OP I'm sorry) and there was no challenge. Remember men like a challenge. You think he was working on a million dollar deal and didn't love the 'pursuit of the deal'? Think of yourself in that manner. I also advocate dating other men when you're dating someone with no committment. He could see she didn't have other men b/c she was with him all the time. Keep a man on notice and let him know that you're dating and if he wants to take center stage, you need a committment. Men unconciously want something they think is "valuable" so if she didn't slightly show her valuableness then he may not have thought so either.
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uh huh uh huh taking notes

very well said....zaynab

ofcourse when i met my DH i was super geeked over him on the inside..i saw him an instanly was like hmmm i want that!!!...i knew exactly who he was and yeah i was an eager beaver--but he didnt know that and i didnt act like that--:lachen:


shiddd when we first came across each other at a social gathering--i specifically said you think your too cool for school ( cuz he was standing there like yeah i know im fine and fly and successful) and i walked away..he was stunned like..no chick has ever said something so obnoxious to him like that...it was on after that...

our relationship wasnt always disney world and butterflies and ofcourse his mom didnt want just any ole woman coming into the family..and etc etc..we went through out trials and tribulations for a lil bit..but as soon as he knew i could take him or leave him...he realized what he had

im not saying play games or follow a zillion rules--just make sure he understands you are the prize and without you he would be missing something priceless

and zaynab you hit the nail on the head with that one---i always reminded my big head DH that he betta go hard for me like he is going hard for those deals ( private equity background at the time)

he tried to play that working so much..tryna close this big deal and etc etc--i respect ya hustle boo-go hard or go home for me to point blank...

anyway he put a ring on it--and i am happily married..and i still give him a run for his money so to speak in regard to him knowing this deal he closed was priceless..dont go bankrupt on this deal because theres no going back boo lolol

eta-- nyc ladies...summer is almost upon us.. hit Stone Street in the fin district after work...they are all there...lolol..blk..clr...asian...indian...what flavor you like...lol
Good evening Ladies! Again, thanks for your feedback. I'll give a few more details; I think some assumptions were made because of the lack of history. And I am not offended by anyone sharing their true observation and opinion. By posting, I'm giving you free reign to be honest and frank.

Crystalicequeen123, yes I heard from him. He texted me last night about a half hour after I started the thread. The text said, "I'm very sorry. It's been a long day, week and year with the business and I took it out on you. I don't want to lose you. Can we talk?"

Now...the update for everyone: I didn't talk to him last night because I didn't see the text. When I arrived at work, he had left a voicemail at work again, saying he was sorry and could we talk. I texted him back, telling him I was sorry too, focus on his deal and we'll talk later. He called me immediately and said almost verbatim something in you all's posts...that he felt I had "chastised him rather than support him", which made him feel "obligated" to me vs. just being able to care about me. He felt as if I didn't appreciate what he has shared with me and just assumed something bad about him just because he didn't call. He said he never saw that discussion or intended that statement as the end of our "relationship". He also shared a lot about what he's going through with his business right now, it's a rough time for him and his business in this market. I listened, apologized and told him to focus on the deal. He asked when we could talk, I said I don't know. He said he would give me some time, but would it be ok if he checked in with me daily just to see how I was doing and if I needed anything. I had to laugh at the irony! I told him again, focus on your deal.

Now a few more relevant details: Things did go fast for us (perhaps too fast) just out of happenstance. The day after I met him, there was a huge snowstorm here. I live an hour away from my Dad and Granddad and their power went out when it was about 30 degrees outside. He offered to bring them to his house and I said no because I had just met him. The next day he called me and I was distressed because their power was still out and I was concerned. The repairmen couldn't get to them because of the mounds of snow. This guy, who I had just met the day before, but who lives closer to them than me...took the bus to my Dad's house and shoveled out the driveway and sidewalk. Then he called me and told me he could either go in and introduce himself and take them to a warming shelter or I could call 911 and tell them they would be able to get to them now. He moved up a notch in my heart that day...very quickly.

2 days later my Dad had a tumor removed from his chest via a 13 hour surgery, this guy who I had met 5 days before, was there in the morning with coffee, in the afternoon with lunch and that evening at 10:30 p.m. he brought me a home cooked meal. My Dad was in ICU for 7 days, this guy didn't miss a day coming by to sit with me. Again, we developed a bond quickly.

As for the lack of commitment, my choice. It seemed too good to be true, was going fast and I had a lot going on with family so I just didn't move for anything permanent. I wasn't sure yet, wasn't focused and didn't think it was the right time. He asked could we talk about our status and where we stood around end of month 1, I said not yet. He said ok. He asked me to consider moving in about the end of month 2, I said no..he said "I ain't asking you no more." I laughed and kept it moving.

Did I sleep with him? Absolutely! And have no regrets about it (other than the sin consideration). I wanted to share myself with him physically and felt enough passion and emotion to be comfortable doing so. I know this is not everyone's practice or approach, and honestly not my usual practice in terms of the timeline, but I'm just keeping it real. And although I saw him 4 to 5 times a week, I did not sleep at his house every time I saw him, nor did I sleep with him every time I saw him. But it was on a regular basis and I was a voluntary participant and/or the initiator. :yep:

I'm going to take it all in and keep my own lessons learned from this experience in the forefront of my mind in the future. Again...definitely could have done some things differently. I know yall are going to have a field day with the new information, so I'll go get my popcorn.

Am I going to give him another chance? I honestly don't think so. When you say you "can't give me what I deserve", I just believe you. I didn't like what I felt behind that and probably won't give him an opportunity to say it again. On the other hand, in retrospect, the whole thing seems significantly stupid! And I won't pretend I don't feel a twinge of disappointment/regret today...if I could start the day over, I might choose not to call. But I believe things happen for a reason...so we'll see. Thanks again.

Now...on your mark, get set, go!!!