Can we discuss "following" in IG?

I would not like this at all and I actually hate the fact that I have guy friends who post so many twerking videos on Facebook or follow and like so many pictures of these women on instagram who only post sexy or half-naked pictures. It seems so immature of them. Maybe if they did it discretely, I wouldn't feel so annoyed, but if it was my husband I would definitely wonder why he needs to see pictures of hypersexed women all the time. It's not about me being insecure either. I don't need to see pictures of oversexed men all the time, so by him doing that, it lets me know that there is an even greater chance that he may step out. (Because I already think that all men will eventually cheat in any long-term relationship).
I wouldn't feel compatible with a man like that. I'm not jealous at all, and with age I've become a lot less insecure, but a man who is utilizing social media for purposes other than business, networking, social commentary, and an occasional laugh just isn't for me. Does he post a lot of selfies like Todd :look:?

Your insecurity is a separate issue. Too often we women worry about who he is looking at and if he might up and leave someday. He needs to be more worried about if he is meeting my needs because these days I'll up and bounce in a second :look:. While he's checking out those other chicks, there's a few men out there checking you out when his head is turned. Is he doing everything he needs to do to keep you coming home every night? Talk to him about it and work on your self esteem.

I love this post!
I wouldn't feel compatible with a man like that. I'm not jealous at all, and with age I've become a lot less insecure, but a man who is utilizing social media for purposes other than business, networking, social commentary, and an occasional laugh just isn't for me. Does he post a lot of selfies like Todd :look:?

Your insecurity is a separate issue. Too often we women worry about who he is looking at and if he might up and leave someday. He needs to be more worried about if he is meeting my needs because these days I'll up and bounce in a second :look:. While he's checking out those other chicks, there's a few men out there checking you out when his head is turned. Is he doing everything he needs to do to keep you coming home every night? Talk to him about it and work on your self esteem.

Love this so darn much.

On the other hand, I am an extremely insecure person. I couldn't deal with that. Lol. Way too insecure to even consider that I guess I could make him worry too. I dated a guy who collected women....everywhere. Work, socially, social media...all kinds of beautiful women and stayed close friends with all the women he dated and slept with....can't deal it won't deal with it. I just felt like part of a harem. That in addition to other offenses made me decide to just walk away. Clearly, I'm not mature enough to be involved with men who follows ridiculously beautiful women online and in real life. Lol

OP, Good Luck. I'll be reading to see what advice you get.
You've gotten some great advice and it sounds like you're thinking along the right track. Just wanted to give you a ((HUG)).

I've been through that and, in the end, what started out as innocent browsing escalated to something much more inappropriate. For years, I allowed him to make me think it was my insecurities but, no... what he was doing was wrong.
GL girl and Happy Holidays! :)

^^^happens all the time :yep: