Can This Marriage Work? Long Post!

Is this worth fixing?

  • No, get out while you can!!

    Votes: 23 38.3%
  • Yes, it can still be fixed if proper guidance is followed.

    Votes: 37 61.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
DH is in the military and we have been separated since January 2011 due to his training. He has about 2 months more and we will be reunited and moving to our first base together.

Background: I haven't been the most responsible person with money, mine or anyone elses for that matter. I don't have extreme amounts of credit debt, but in my past money has burned holes in my pocket. To me, money is a tool. There were times when money was scarce in my family, but I was also spoiled as a child too not to mention I have a talent for extracting money from men (ex sugar baby :ohwell:) DH's background was very poor so I can see why he would want to hang on to everything, but he likes to splurge too from time to time. Now, I will say that over the past year I have focused on using my money the right way and would consider myself more responsible with it. DH and I went through a few rough patches when we first dated. I at 24 ended up finding myself in a new city, living in homeless shelters, and waiting for school money to bail me out. With dedication I was able to save up enough money to remove myself, get a place, and find a job.

During this time DH (then DB) would come over from his parents place and give me groceries, and occasional money without me asking for it. Anniversaries, holidays we both spend lavishly on one another. DH actually went from depending on mommy and daddy, to depending on Uncle Sam. In a way I looked at him as a provider, and I possibly created a monster within that. The apartment I stayed at was nice in its exterior but the interior became infested with mice/ants. I had to move. I chose to move to another state with a friend for the summer to save and I would from there unite up with hubby. Eventually that took a turn for the worst because she was stealing from me so I booked a hotel, and continued to work online. I only get paid once a month at one company and they have been coming consecutively for the past 8 months. However, this last big check never showed up. My next plan of action was to tell my husband. DH wasn't too happy about me needing money to pay for a week of hotels but he didn't complain. That is up until last week.

Problem: DH believes that since we are "separated" that we should financially take care of our own responsibilities. As someone who considers herself independent I wouldn't have a problem with that except as of lately, my check hasn't showed up. In a text message DH wrote this and it nearly broke my heart. In fact, we are not even speaking as of right now and we've talked daily ever since we've been together. :nono: Out of nowhere he claims that he should've not paid for my hotel as he was the one who told me not to move in the first place. He said that he should've "taught me a lesson" this is what he wrote via text after I told him I felt he didn't support me (not financially):

"I do support you but I get tired of having to put a couple of hundred dollars on you every couple of weeks. It's BS. Stop depending on me more than you should, you're a grown up now act like one. Carry your own weight. I'm tired of paying for stuff when we aren't even together, you need food, and phone bills, a place to stay. Ok. Damn, money doesn't grow on trees." Are you f****** KIDDING ME??!!:bat::naughty:

Ladies, you know I went off on that ***. I told him that he needs to seriously be taught on what it means to be a true husband. If the tables were turned and he needed to depend on me, I wouldn't think twice about taking care of my boo. His contract ends in a few years and if he can't find work or reenlist guess who will have to support him? MOI. Funny thing is, he hasn't given me jack **** all except for one phone bill he volunteered to pay for, the hotel, and one other time in which I paid him back. He's even wanted to join cell accounts and have his mom pay for it since his whole family is on the plan. IMHO, eventually he's going to learn real quick what it means to depend on me.

Because we've only just been married (a few months) an annulment can be attained and both of us could walk away as it it never happened. :perplexedThis scares me but might be the best way to go. The thing that I'm most upset about is how someone who claims they love you so much, would die for you doesn't feel the need to help support you while he's gone. I'm torn because I certainly should've handled by finances better, made better "grown up" choices but this is a matter of food and shelter, not wants. I love this man with all my heart. I believe that we can make it work with counseling, I can take classes on life skills/choices, we both take classes on family readiness and finances. It just hurts to know that he appears so selfish in this situation. In court finances are 50/50, military 1/3 about. But I can also see in myself that I brought on a lot of this mess. I think we both need to be shown how to love one another unconditionally, what it means to be a wife/husband. I'm willing to fight for "us" but only if some changes can be made. A loose monied wife and a financially selfish husband sounds like a recipe for disaster. What would you do in this situation?
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I think you're a little emotional right now, understandably so because this is a fresh wound. You gotta take some time to figure out how you feel and what you want.

You both need to sit down, talk it out and come up with a financial plan. I agree that he should be willing to come to your rescue, but at the same time you make it harder for him to do that when you are doing what you want to do without honoring his opinion/thoughts on the matter. It would be different if he suggested you live with the friend, but he encouraged you not to and now you want him to be the hero? That's not fair to him or to your marriage.

I think you also could both do some reading on marriage roles so you can better understand & determine what role you will play in each other's lives.

Are ya'll really seperated or just physically seperated because of him being in the military? And, if you're married- why aren't you there with him? Or on a military base or something? Where are the benefits of being a military wife coming into play here?

Lastly, I don't think this is a reason to divorce. Nope.:nono:
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I think you're a little emotional right now, understandbly so because this is a fresh wound. You gotta take some time to figure out how you feel and what you want.

You both need to sit down, talk it out a come up with a financial plan. I agree that he should be willing to come to your rescue, but at the same time you make it harder for him to do that when you are doing what you want to do without honoring his opinion/thoughts on the matter. It would be different if he suggested you live with the friend, but he encouraged you not to and now you want him to be the hero? That's not fair to him or to your marriage.

I think you also could both do some reading on marriage roles so you can better understand & determine what role you will play in each other's lives.

Are ya'll really seperated or just physically seperated because of him being in the military? And, if you're married- why are you there with him? Or on a military base or something? Where are the benefits of being a military wife coming into play here?

Lastly, I don't think this is a reason to divorce. Nope.:nono:

Thanks for your response Ladybelle,

We are just separated physically because of him being in the military. He left in Jan-11 for Boot Camp for 3 months where spouses can't go, and then he was shipped to another 6 month long training camp. At the time we weren't married so we chose to stay separated until we married and also, we didn't know spouses could live on his particular base. Of course when we did, his training was almost finished and there was no point. The benefits have only set in for medical, dental, etc. BAH (housing allowance) hasn't set in yet but should set in when we get moved to our first shared base.
Did you do premarital counseling? To me, there is no distance or place on vows. You're one person- taking care of you is taking care of him.

Does he just not want to help you at all financially because you are far apart or is there another issue here? Am I just reading this wrong?
"I believe that we can make it work with counseling, I can take classes on life skills/choices, we both take classes on family readiness and finances."

Your words above....if you truly want to fight for this I suggest you not just type it but put it in action.

Let DH know you want to fight for this and let him know your suggestion above.

Also if you expect for DH to play his role as a unit then you have to do the same.

It just sound like the two of you needs counseling.....I say fight for your marriage girl!!!!
Thanks for your response Ladybelle,

We are just separated physically because of him being in the military. He left in Jan-11 for Boot Camp for 3 months where spouses can't go, and then he was shipped to another 6 month long training camp. At the time we weren't married so we chose to stay separated until we married and also, we didn't know spouses could live on his particular base. Of course when we did, his training was almost finished and there was no point. The benefits have only set in for medical, dental, etc. BAH (housing allowance) hasn't set in yet but should set in when we get moved to our first shared base.

oh ok. Just hold on until then, it should get better when you all are physically reunited. It's hard being away from your hubby! ((((Hugs))).

Things will get better.
Did you do premarital counseling? To me, there is no distance or place on vows. You're one person- taking care of you is taking care of him.

Does he just not want to help you at all financially because you are far apart or is there another issue here? Am I just reading this wrong?

I wanted to take it but because we were both time restricted with the ceremony we weren't able to, in TX it was 8 hours and he barely had any time to warsh his drawers :lol: However, I did bring it up and he said he would be willing to go to counseling, etc in the future if it would help our marriage. No, you're not reading it wrong, I believe he feels that since we are not in each others faces, and we both work, then we are financially responsible for ourselves. He claims he doesn't make that much and works hard for it so he tries to hang onto it. I'm like babe, ummm you don't have bills to pay, you're good lol. He has mentioned getting a savings account together, and saving up for a car together now. However, when we are together then that's when we would "share". Basically the military would be paying for housing, food, etc.
yeah :( I'm sorry you had to hear such harsh words from DH that can be tough especially since you have been apart.

The first thing I thought of is that you guys need a budget.... meaning a spreadsheet that list EXACTLY everything that is being spent and everything that is coming in.

Since I'm assuming you want to combine incomes I could use combined incomes...

one with both of your salaries together with all the goings in and out...

Next.. I think you guys need SHARED financial goals... if you have shared finances.

Have you guys thought about how much money you want in the bank as savings at all times?

Have you thought of an item or event that you want to spend money on in the near future?

Doing these types of things keep you accountable to each other and so random money won't go 'missing' for what you BOTH have decided is not acceptable.

You guys can work through this but it's going to take work.... remember they say marriage isn't easy right.
yeah :( I'm sorry you had to hear such harsh words from DH that can be tough especially since you have been apart.

The first thing I thought of is that you guys need a budget.... meaning a spreadsheet that list EXACTLY everything that is being spent and everything that is coming in.

Since I'm assuming you want to combine incomes I could use combined incomes...

one with both of your salaries together with all the goings in and out...

Next.. I think you guys need SHARED financial goals... if you have shared finances.

Have you guys thought about how much money you want in the bank as savings at all times?

Have you thought of an item or event that you want to spend money on in the near future?

Doing these types of things keep you accountable to each other and so random money won't go 'missing' for what you BOTH have decided is not acceptable.

You guys can work through this but it's going to take work.... remember they say marriage isn't easy right.

Yes, we've talked how much money we want in the bank (savings) at all times. We haven't discussed items etc that we want to spend on in the future.
This seems very fixable

He is frustrated because you did something he asked you not to do and now he has to foot the bill.

You're frustrated because you did something you had to do, then ask him for help only to be met with resistance.

You all can get counseling, make a sound financial plan, and get it together.

This is fixable :yep:
I just saw your post about him wanting a car and I'm sure there is something that you want instead? (I don't know?) You can probably talk it through. He probably feels the same way about the things you buy but you have the right to buy things (as does he) you guys just need to make a budget imo.

Many times the budget paints the picture and it becomes clear what the real priorities are.
He sounds stressed. He's in a training camp, separated from you and also worried about you. Some good advice already given to you so I won't rehash it. But I don't think is reason enough for an annulment. In your marriage you are going to go through many more issues and hurt. Some of that hurt you will do to each other. Please don't immediately go straight to thinking about ending the marriage. It's a lot of work, but happy marriages do exist and are worth it.

All the best. :bighug:
He sounds stressed. He's in a training camp, separated from you and also worried about you. Some good advice already given to you so I won't rehash it. But I don't think is reason enough for an annulment. In your marriage you are going to go through many more issues and hurt. Some of that hurt you will do to each other. Please don't immediately go straight to thinking about ending the marriage. It's a lot of work, but happy marriages do exist and are worth it.

All the best. :bighug:

I just wanted to emphasize this. Divorce can't be your first thought when you have a disagreement. If anything take some time & be mad and then think "how can we fix this?" Instead of, "should we end this?" Your way of thinking really influences your marriage.
If my husband said something like that to me I would have been heartbroken. I'll just wish you the best. Hopefully he will get counseling with you. I have a bad feeling though about what he said and how he said it. He doesn't sound committed to you or the marriage. I hope I'm wrong. I don't know how you military couples and families do it. My husband used to travel a lot and it was really hard on our marriage. I can't imagine being separated months at a time.
Reiterating . . .you have already gotten really good advice. Marriage is hard work. You two will go through growing pains as does every couple, until you two figure out what works best for you. Even then, disagreements are common as you are two individuals with your own minds. I am not ready to jump to your defense or your husband's because I don't know the entire back story. I will say this though: money leads to the demise of most marriages. It breaks up more households than infidelity alone. If you want to stay married you two must get some counseling and decide and agree on your marriage roles.

The only new thing I want to add is this. You seem to have an expectation for your husband to provide for you. There are some men who feel that if they are providing for you, they are the head of their household and you should listen to what they say. It seems like you want the best of both worlds- independence to do whatever you feel is right AND the husband who takes care of all your needs. I am not saying this is wrong but I advise you to be very clear on what the mindset of your spouse is like. Then you have to think about how you want to live your life. If those things line up, dig in and do what you need to do to build a cohesive family unit. Good luck!
OP I don't know if you know this but if your husband turned in your marriage certificate to the military, he is getting money every month to pay for housing, for where you are at. He is supposed to be paying for you a place to stay. If he is getting that money and not paying then he is wrong. And then for him to tell you to take care of your own expenses when he is getting money to do it, is foul. Ask him what he is doing with his BAH.
Oh and dental medical and BAH sets in once he turns in your marriage certificate and adds you to DEERS. If he has been dragging his feet then you wont get it.
I felt what he wrote in that text was a bit harsh, I know some has said he seems stress etc, but I am always weary of things said in the heat of the moment as it indicates how the person really feels. Perhaps you can use it as a platform to discuss how he really feels, good luck.
This reminds me of another married poster a while back whose husband told her she needed to learn how to take care of herself. :ohwell: It's especially puzzling when, like Noe said, he's getting money for the very purpose of taking care of you, right?
Please don't take this the wrong way, OP, but I don't think you and your DH knew each other very well before you got married. You were mainly long distance before the marriage right?
Well you both need to be patient with each other, and get that marriage counseling when you can before considering throwing in the towel. Like a PP said, you need to be sure you share the same values, that is usually what makes or breaks a marriage, the counselling will help you figure that out.
His text was a bit harsh, and it is his responsibility to take care of you, especially if he is getting an allowance for it.
This reminds me of another married poster a while back whose husband told her she needed to learn how to take care of herself. :ohwell: It's especially puzzling when, like Noe said, he's getting money for the very purpose of taking care of you, right?

That's exactly what this reminds me of. That guy was telling her she needed to learn to fend for herself and they had like three kids. I really hope the OP's situation is different though.
I say this racheljay1985 you need to evaluate if this is what you want.If it is fight but don't drain yourself.If he loves you no matter what he told you he would make sure his boo is covered and moreso that he isn't right there.I know you love him but hopefully he can change.If a man is un-supportive while dating he will be worst while married.Main reason why I cut my FH a few years ago.I know what should happen will and don't stop working out and taking are of you for you.
OP I don't know if you know this but if your husband turned in your marriage certificate to the military, he is getting money every month to pay for housing, for where you are at. He is supposed to be paying for you a place to stay. If he is getting that money and not paying then he is wrong. And then for him to tell you to take care of your own expenses when he is getting money to do it, is foul. Ask him what he is doing with his BAH.

Yup! OP if you are in DEERS, i.e. eligible for medical and dental, he's should also be getting BAS and BAH. AND depending on his MOS he may be getting extra pay for hazardous duty etc. Lookup military payscales online. You can find out how much he's being paid based on his rank.

My DH just retired after 20 yrs in the USMC.

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Several posters have posted information that can be helpful.

As a 20 yr veteran who has seen this very scene played out several times I'm going to ask you to take a deep breath and then try to see this from the husband's perspective:

The money paid for BAH should start on the 1st or 15th of the month following when he turned in his marriage certificate AND rental agreement for housing - you don't have a home to meet that standard. This maybe a hold up to him getting you PART of that money that is due to you. Even if he had everything needed you must remember he's in training and time for these types of administrative activities are scarce.

It is a dangerous thing to count on money that is not truly on hand. Oh and just so you know, the money paid for BAH does not always cover your rent & your food. So saving now while there are very few bills is the right thing to do. If you live on post you will not receive the BAH at all because it pays your housing bills.

He is your husband and does have a responsibility to take care of you but you as a wife have a responsibility to make only bills that you both can afford.

I have witnessed so many Soldiers at their wits ends because their wives have this sense that they are supposed to take care of everything while they continue to make bill after bill.

Soldiers do not make a lot of money until they hit at least 7 yrs of service. Yes, they usually make more than people their age but when you make more you spend more.

Consider your part in why he feels this way and the two of you need to work TOGETHER to get this thing right.
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Several posters have posted information that can be helpful.

As a 20 yr veteran who has seen this very scene played out several times I'm going to ask you to take a deep breath and then try to see this from the husband's perspective:

The money paid for BAH should start as soon as he turns in his marriage certificate AND rental agreement for housing - you don't have a home to meet that standard even if you did you must remember he's in training and time for these types of activities are scarce.

It is a dangerous thing to count on money that is not truly on hand. Oh and just so you know the money paid for BAH does not always cover your rent & your food. So saving now while there are very few bills is the right thing to do.

He is your husband and does have a responsibility to take care of you but you as a wife have a responsibility to make only bills that you both can afford.

I have witnessed so many Soldiers at their wits ends because their wives have this sense that they are supposed to take care of everything while they continue to make bill after bill.

Soldiers do not make a lot of money until they hit at least 7 yrs of service. Yes, they usually make more than people their age but when you make more you spend more.

Consider your part in why he feels this way and the two of you need to work TOGETHER to get this thing right.
I am getting BAH and I am in training, staying at a hotel with no rental agreement anywhere in the states or oconus
^^^^How? What documents did you turn in?
none..and when i moved off base to downtown 2 years ago, all I had to do, was make sure the paperwork for me outprocessing my house on base was turned in and I got BAH the next pay period. They don't care if you have a rental agreement, they just need to make sure you are not living in the dorms or base housing
You are permanent party not living on post. You are automatically entitled to BAH because you are not in the barracks. When it comes to BAH for family members it is very different and requires more paperwork. Married service members have to prove that there are real people w/real residency to establish BAH - it is too easy to comitt fraud otherwise.

You might have just gotten yours immediately on a fluke but BAH is a pay entitlement paid during pay days on the 1st and the 15th and advanced in emergency situations.

But this is not a debate about the BAH the bottom line is yes he does have a responsibility to take care of his spouse but she also has a responsibility to work within their combined means which means they need to set a budget of what they BOTH can afford.
Imagine what its like for him a billion miles away. When he is gone, he is relying on you to hold it down financially. All this advice is great, but number one is trust, honor, and respect. Pride has to be removed first before you guys can work things out and you can only work on yourself alone since he is gone. PLEASE dont let a silly thing like a harsh text destroy a marriage.

The road will be long and hard and fights like these let you practice your forgiving and understanding skills. Dont reply to a text like that immediately, who knows what kind of crap they were putting him through that day. God bless you, babe. Trust me, there will be many more times your husband will act like a doofus, and he'll be there for your screw ups as well. I hope everything works out. Being a MW is hard.

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