Can finacnes ruin a relationship?

JMO, but no one should be going to a collection agency for rent.

I havent read through all of the replies, so sorry if some of this is repeated.

I think finances can ruin a relationship/marriage -- especially if one person is only thinking of themselves and their money.

What could help is making a list of all of your expenses such as rent, food, things for the baby, car payments, insurance, gas, utilities, etc to help him to see that it takes the two of you to make everything work smoothly. Show it to him so maybe he can see that he shouldnt be spending money on xbox 360's and such. Show him the bills as soon as they come in the mail and write the due date on the calendar. He is responsible for the bills too.

Or maybe he needs to see the consequences of him not paying the bills on time. It took my friends lights getting cut off to understand that bill paying isnt optional. Try to pick him up less from work. Does he have a cell phone? Let it get cut off. He isnt understanding all of this because you are there to catch him when he falls. Your mom is right, do not let him put anything in your name. You see he is careless with his expenses and he could be worse with yours.

My advice may not be good because I havent been in a situation like this. But please talk to him ASAP. You have a child together and he needs to act like a man and handle all of his responsibilities. Keep saving your money in case you have to move on.

I hope I dont sound harsh!
Man Kills Girlfriend, Self In Front of Her Child

An argument escalated into arson and then a murder-suicide, all in front of a small child, in Borough Park early yesterday morning. After setting their apartment on fire, police say that Christopher Flynn shot his girlfriend Christina Scarabaggio and then turned the gun on himself. Scarabaggio's 4-year-old daughter Bianca Perez was found crying over her mother's body outside.

Flynn, who had a history of drug arrests, and Scarabaggio, a nursing student, had been dating for two years and had moved to an apartment on 62nd Street after living with Flynn's parents in Brighton Beach. Last month, Flynn had been arrested for assaulting Scarabaggio (he had also threatened her with a gun), who then got a temporary restraining order against him. Scarabaggio's mother told the Post that her daughter stayed with Flynn because she had no other means of support. Apparently Flynn had also claimed to change his ways.

Early Saturday morning, neighbors heard the couple arguing. Police believe Flynn started two fires, one with a dish towel and another with a teddy bear, causing Scarabaggio to run out of the house with her daughter. The Daily News says that she managed to get to her car, but Flynn had chased after them and shot Scarabaggio multiple times, before shooting himself in the head.

A neighbor who called 911 told reporters, "I saw the little kid crying, 'Mommy! Mommy!' ...I saw the body dead on the [pavement]. The kid was sitting by the feet." When first responders arrived, Bianca was crying over her mother's body. A friend said that little Bianca was confused by the violence, "[Bianca] said that ‘Chris shot mommy. And please don’t put Chris back together. He’s a bad person. And where’s mommy, when is she coming home?'"
Bianca's father Joseph Perez picked her up from Lutheran Medical Center. According to the NY Times, Perez said, "[Flynn]’s a violent guy. That’s what [Scarabaggio] told me. Thank God my daughter’s O.K.” The News noted that Perez mentioned his mother would care for Bianca, and that "Police said it was unlikely Perez would get custody of the girl because he had been arrested last year for selling drugs."
Man Kills Girlfriend, Self In Front of Her Child

An argument escalated into arson and then a murder-suicide, all in front of a small child, in Borough Park early yesterday morning. After setting their apartment on fire, police say that Christopher Flynn shot his girlfriend Christina Scarabaggio and then turned the gun on himself. Scarabaggio's 4-year-old daughter Bianca Perez was found crying over her mother's body outside.

Flynn, who had a history of drug arrests, and Scarabaggio, a nursing student, had been dating for two years and had moved to an apartment on 62nd Street after living with Flynn's parents in Brighton Beach. Last month, Flynn had been arrested for assaulting Scarabaggio (he had also threatened her with a gun), who then got a temporary restraining order against him. Scarabaggio's mother told the Post that her daughter stayed with Flynn because she had no other means of support. Apparently Flynn had also claimed to change his ways.

Early Saturday morning, neighbors heard the couple arguing. Police believe Flynn started two fires, one with a dish towel and another with a teddy bear, causing Scarabaggio to run out of the house with her daughter. The Daily News says that she managed to get to her car, but Flynn had chased after them and shot Scarabaggio multiple times, before shooting himself in the head.

A neighbor who called 911 told reporters, "I saw the little kid crying, 'Mommy! Mommy!' ...I saw the body dead on the [pavement]. The kid was sitting by the feet." When first responders arrived, Bianca was crying over her mother's body. A friend said that little Bianca was confused by the violence, "[Bianca] said that ‘Chris shot mommy. And please don’t put Chris back together. He’s a bad person. And where’s mommy, when is she coming home?'"
Bianca's father Joseph Perez picked her up from Lutheran Medical Center. According to the NY Times, Perez said, "[Flynn]’s a violent guy. That’s what [Scarabaggio] told me. Thank God my daughter’s O.K.” The News noted that Perez mentioned his mother would care for Bianca, and that "Police said it was unlikely Perez would get custody of the girl because he had been arrested last year for selling drugs."

what was the point of posting this?????
what was the point of posting this?????

For the OP to be aware of what could happen in relationships with certain types of men (she mentioned that he was previously involved with drugs). Her focus should be on removing herself from that situation and caring for herself and her child, since he has other priorities.
He is boy stuck in his ways leave him where you found him. Pack his stuff up, put it on the porch, change the locks and do not let his a$$ back in ever!!!